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Lingbert, Wednesday, 4 February 2009 17:20 (sixteen years ago) link

finally a non-shitty ws thread

harbl, Wednesday, 4 February 2009 17:34 (sixteen years ago) link


harbl, Wednesday, 4 February 2009 17:42 (sixteen years ago) link

gross feet, gross ankles, gross knees, gross face

― moonship journey to baja, Sunday, February 1, 2009 4:11 AM (3 days ago) Bookmark Suggest Ban Permalink

harbl, Wednesday, 4 February 2009 17:47 (sixteen years ago) link


t. silaviver, Wednesday, 4 February 2009 22:54 (sixteen years ago) link


tehresa, Thursday, 5 February 2009 05:13 (sixteen years ago) link

two years pass...

I wish I wasn't so morally opposed to all those "HOTTIES OF OCCUPY WALL STREET" tumblrs or whatever, because I would want to make a thread called "Hot People of Wall Street: Would Smash the State."

edb, Friday, 2 December 2011 10:57 (thirteen years ago) link

Make one called "I hate myself for loving you"

Ou est la showaddywaddy (MarkG oo la showaddywaddy), Friday, 2 December 2011 11:05 (thirteen years ago) link

so I find the chick in my wikipedia page to be pretty attractive

The Love Song of L. Alfred Sotosyn (dayo), Thursday, 8 December 2011 01:06 (thirteen years ago) link

i just wikipediad lemons & saw jimmy wales, tell me things are different where you are

Never translate German (schlump), Thursday, 8 December 2011 01:21 (thirteen years ago) link

son, that girl with the lip stud who edited 18,000 wikipedia articles is so my type

smh mang fusion, Thursday, 8 December 2011 04:10 (thirteen years ago) link

it's this one


The Love Song of L. Alfred Sotosyn (dayo), Thursday, 8 December 2011 11:57 (thirteen years ago) link

That's *your* wikipedia page?

Jilted John and Marsha (MarkG oo la showaddywaddy), Thursday, 8 December 2011 12:59 (thirteen years ago) link

ten years pass...

never realized that dayo and liz bruenig were a thing

mookieproof, Wednesday, 1 June 2022 04:12 (two years ago) link

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