like most comps of this type i find a couple of worthwhile tracks and lots of lesser variations on the theme. i'll up the decent ones.
― jergins, Monday, 28 April 2008 01:08 (sixteen years ago) link
here's that info:
Album: Chants de Mendiants en Italie - HMA 190434 - 1988 Harmonia Mundi S.A. - Mas de Vert - 13200 Arles - France
Artist: Matteo Salvatore
Piece: La storia dei due fannulloni (25 seconds)
Album: Bella Ciao - HMA 190734 - 1975 Harmonia Mundi S.A. - Mas de Vert - 13200 Arles - France
Artist: Coro Padano di Piadena
Piece: Porta romana bella (2 minutes 10 seconds)
Album: Bella Ciao - HMA 190734 - 1975 Harmonia Mundi S.A. - Mas de Vert - 13200 Arles - France
Artist: Coro Padano di Piadena
Piece: Canto della Pasquetta (1 minute 5 seconds)
Album: La Gatta Cenerentola - CDPM 1182162 - 1976 EMI Italiana SpA - Via Montezebio 30 - 00195 Roma - Italy
Artist: Nuova Compagnia di Canto Popolare
Piece: II. Coro delle lavandaie (6 minutes 30 seconds)
Album: Fantanasia - CN 6001
Panarecord SpA - Alzaio Naviglio Grande 72 - 20144 Milano - Italy
Artist: Nuova Compagnia di Canto Popolare
Piece: Fantanasia (6 minutes 30 seconds)
― jergins, Tuesday, 29 April 2008 18:43 (sixteen years ago) link
one month passes...
five months pass...