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Happy 2007 you guysh!

Everyone have a good one?.....

Tev, Tuesday, 2 January 2007 11:22 (seventeen years ago) link

Yeah it was cool! What did you get up to after we left the Vic? (Sorry, just really didn't fancy it in there).

wogan, Tuesday, 2 January 2007 13:19 (seventeen years ago) link


We stayed there for quite a while then evertually went to a party above 'the hair shop'. Left there real late and heard you music still playing, we were gonna come in and say hi but I was feeling like shit and had a real bad head-ache at I think about 5:30.

What did you guys get up to? Did you go to Club 85 in the end?

Tev, Tuesday, 2 January 2007 15:02 (seventeen years ago) link

Yeah, club85 - it was pretty decent actually! Saw the last band, the Otters with Katy, Longman and his bird, Woody, Legend, Marcos, Dave etc. Then they had a DJ playing Thin Lizzy and Prodigy and stuff and everyone was dancing onstage and shit. Then we went back to mine - shame you didn't pop in, but even Satey Watey left at the lightweight hour of 4am.

wogan, Tuesday, 2 January 2007 15:23 (seventeen years ago) link

Cool, sounds like a good time.

You working at the mo' or are you truely workshy?

Tev, Tuesday, 2 January 2007 16:11 (seventeen years ago) link

i'm proper workshy. i need to do something about getting money soon or i'll be in trub.

can a thread be started about what i should od?

wogan, Tuesday, 2 January 2007 16:30 (seventeen years ago) link

...other than sitting around listening to Kanye West and procrastinating about going to the gym that is...

wogan, Tuesday, 2 January 2007 16:33 (seventeen years ago) link

Yep, I don't see why not.

Workshy doesn't really seem to be too popular at the moment does it. Where the plot are Ginners and Allah?!

Teev, Wednesday, 3 January 2007 09:17 (seventeen years ago) link

two weeks pass...
Hi all!

tomsonv, Wednesday, 17 January 2007 15:23 (seventeen years ago) link

two years pass...


spite n ease (harbl), Friday, 1 January 2010 15:01 (fourteen years ago) link

two years pass...

hny, honey

lxy, Sunday, 1 January 2012 02:09 (twelve years ago) link

three years pass...

i was supposed to celebrate a few new years with a sandboxer, but instead i am home sick drinking ginger ale

anyway, hny! i am glad to know u

mookieproof, Thursday, 1 January 2015 01:47 (nine years ago) link

hny mookie! feel better in 2015 and come back to visit the pnw if you can

jaq, Thursday, 1 January 2015 01:51 (nine years ago) link

awsad mookie.

it may offer some small consolation for you to know that jergins and i have both been sick for a week, hacking and sneezing our way through the holidays. it seems a third of the french/spanish/portuguese population are sick. it also seems western europe has some room for improvement in terms of tissue softness.

anyway, felíz año to all of my dear sandboxlers!!

lxy, Thursday, 1 January 2015 09:21 (nine years ago) link

Happy New Year, sandboxers <3

tehresa, Friday, 2 January 2015 06:45 (nine years ago) link

two years pass...

let's hope this next one is better than the last one

mookieproof, Monday, 1 January 2018 07:00 (six years ago) link

yes. 2017 sucked for all of the world. odd numbers maybe.

spite n ease (harbl), Monday, 1 January 2018 20:12 (six years ago) link

encouraging all boxlers to stay strong and hope for/work toward a better 2018. because jfc we may not survive another like the last.

lxy, Tuesday, 2 January 2018 21:03 (six years ago) link

we started off 2018 with canine abdominal surgery. hooray?

toadstool might (tehresa), Wednesday, 3 January 2018 03:47 (six years ago) link

one year passes...

happy new year

spite n ease (harbl), Saturday, 12 January 2019 02:05 (five years ago) link

it wasn't better, was it. nevertheless, happy new year to you, too, harbl.

lxy, Sunday, 13 January 2019 17:54 (five years ago) link

eleven months pass...

i have the widespread trepidation but still, best wisjes for 2020 dearest sandboxlers

estela, Monday, 30 December 2019 21:46 (four years ago) link


mookieproof, Tuesday, 31 December 2019 03:27 (four years ago) link


spite n ease (harbl), Tuesday, 31 December 2019 19:49 (four years ago) link

four years pass...


mookieproof, Monday, 1 January 2024 05:02 (six months ago) link

credit to my haters

esperantzen (p much resigned to deems), Monday, 1 January 2024 21:04 (six months ago) link

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