T/S: Redonkulous vs Recockulous

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Let's ask the Neologisms Database at Rice University!

Recockulous adj.
Utterly ridiculous or absurd. Formed by folk etymology.
[[folk etymology from “ridiculous” from L. rīdiculus, < rīdēre ‘to laugh’; cock: OE cocc, coc, kok]]
"I cannot believe that! It’s utterly recockulous!" -Friend, on Sat Nov 5, 2005
Apparent meaning, etymology, and type of word formation: The speaker means that the situation is ridiculous or absurd. This word was formed by a process only a male college student would dream up. By folk etymology, the coiner interpreted the sound “dic” from “ridiculous” as sounding similar to the more vulgar Modern English word “dick.” The sound combination “dic” in “ridiculous” in actuality has no relation to the word dick. The coiner then substituted another one syllable synonym for dick, cock, into the word. The word ridiculous comes from the Latin form rīdiculus, which came from rīdēre meaning ‘to laugh.’ The word “cock” comes from the Old English cocc, coc, kok. Possible reason used: Most likely in this case the coiner was not wishing to draw any particular attention to the actual meaning behind the word itself, but more likely wanted to draw attention to his use of a somewhat taboo word for shock value. Most likely he also found humor in the insertion.

Recockulous adj.
Something so outrageous that the word part dick, having no meaning by itself, is changed to one of its slang synonyms meaning “penis” to make it something that much more obscene. Formed by an unknown word formation process.
"This is just recockulous, why is dinner so bad." -Friend, on Tue Nov 30, 1999
Replacing a part of a word with a synonym for that segment, though the segment in the word's context has no meaning itself.

Recockulous adj.
Described as being outrageous; not normal. Formed by an unknown word formation process.
"That’s recockulous!!" -A friend referring to the price of a shirt, on Fri Oct 1, 2004
Type of word formation: Made up word: substituting ‘cock’ for ‘dick’ Reason used: describe something that is outrageous.

Redonculous adj.
Ridiculous, or extremely ridiculous. Formed by an unknown word formation process.
[etymology unknown with root word ridiculous]
"The antics at the party last night were redonculous." -A friend, on Wed Sep 1, 2004
I can’t quite figure out the etymology of this word. It is clearly has the root of the existing word “ridiculous.” However, I’m not sure how the word became this variation. The only explanation I can come up with is that adding the “donc” to the word makes it sound even more ridiculous that the word ridiculous. So it is possibly a strange version of sound symbolism. I have heard this word from several different sources, so it is a fairly established neologism. This must prove that even when the etymology of a neologism is not immediately apparent, as it may be in compound neologisms, the word may still easily survive.

Redonkulous adj.
Exaggerated form of rediculous. Formed by blending.
[Latin ridiculous 'laughable + origin unknown donkey: rid(di)culous + donk(ey)]
"The game went good, but the referee made some redonkilous calls." -Friend from Lubbock, on Sat Nov 5, 2005
Note: redonkilous shares the d sound in rediculous and donkey as well as the k sound in ridiculous and donkey, whcih makes the blend.

Redonkulous adj.
Extremely fun, extremely good or extremely bad, depending on the context. Formed by .
"Were you at the party last weekend? It was redonkulous…I’ve never seen so many people in one room." -Rice student, on Fri Oct 1, 2004
Origin: Stemming from the slang usage of the word ridiculous, this word is the superlative form of that slang form. It is spelled with an re- instead of an ri- to stress that the first syllable of redonkulous is slightly longer than that of ridiculous, though both as unstressed syllables. Source: General slang term around Rice, I am not sure exactly where or when it started.

Redunkulous adj.
Extremely deserving of ridicule; extremely ridiculous. Formed by an unknown word formation process.
[redunkulous. Related in some way to ridiculous, appears as though sounds were changed to make the word itself seem more ridiculous; resembles sounds and word parts of ebonic nature]
"This test is redunkulous!!" -Friend, on Sun Nov 13, 2005
This word has been around for a while, it seems. As such, its really hard to understand where it comes from. One thing is for certain- its roots lie in the word ridiculous. Once we get past that, however, it is extremely difficult to understand why this word came about. I have my suspicions that it was in a rap song, or a hip-hop song, as it seems to fit the general patterns of those words. Maybe after coming out of the song, it became popular as a replacement to ridiculous, because it is more interesting to say that ridiculous is. People who use redunkulous seem to also use ridiculous, so they save redunkulous for situations or events that are to the extreme. Maybe the sounds in redunkulous (which have far more gutteral roots) connotate intesity. Perhaps that is why this word reached the popularity amongst young adults that it currently enjoys. It is probably not a good reason for its coining, I have a feeling that was done spur of the moment during a song (maybe they needed something to share sounds like crunk).

Redunkulous adj.
Ridiculousness as a result of intoxication; used to describe ridiculous acts performed while drunk. Formed by blending.
"That game we played last night was redunkulous." -Friend, on Tue Nov 29, 2005
There is legitimate impetus for users to develop a term to describe the outlandish behaviors of an inebriated person. It is interesting to note that the innovators of this term felt that the character of drunken behavior was unique enough to warrant an innovative form (i.e. they felt that such behavior was not adequately characterized by the term ridiculous). The usefulness of this term, as well as its intrinsic ties to alcohol and the alcohol culture, affords it a great degree of covert prestige, such that the term has a good chance of entering mainstream usage. It is interesting to note that, unlike many other blends, the parent words share only a consonant sound similarity (the voiced stop ‘d’). Further, the ‘r’ deletion is not characterized by any of the word formation rules encountered in the course material, and was likely done so that the meaning and connection with ridiculous was conveyed more clearly (the word redrunkulous might be construed to mean a condition of continuous inebriation, where the preservation of the ‘r’ removes the term from its intended meaning).

Redunkulous adj.
The expression of disapproval at an idea or event that is ridiculous in nature. Formed by derivation.
[[Re/dunk/ul/ous] Derives from the term ridiculous]
"That is redunkulous." -Conversation, on Fri Oct 1, 2004
Redunkulous has a concise , humorous tone. It sounds like a phrase a basketball player would use on the court to tease others. ( “dunk” is a technique in basketball in which the ball is dunked into the hoop). It could be used within certain ethnic groups as slang.

Reemed v.
To beat a person or overcome a challenge. Formed by an unknown word formation process.
"I reemed that guy in that game." -A friend, on Tue Nov 30, 1999
It was coined as a shortened version of creamed.


And now you know!

kingfish in absentia (kingfish), Sunday, 17 December 2006 08:16 (seventeen years ago) link

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