Sandbox Pynchon thread

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Anyone want to comment on ATD?
firstly I'd like to thank all of those who recommended Vineland,i love it.
"So the bad Ninjamobile swept along on the great Ventura, among Olympic visitors from everywhere who teemed all over the freeway system in midday densities til far into the night, shined-up, screaming black motorcades that could have carried any of several office seekers, cruisers heading for treed and more gently roaring boulevards, huge double and triple trailer rigs that loved to find Volkswagons laboring up grades and go sashaying around them gracefully, and at gnats's-ass tolerances, plus flirters, deserters, wimps and pimps, speeding like bullets, grinning like chimps, above the heads of tv watchers, lovers under the overpasses, movies at malls letting out, bright gas-station oases in pure fluorescent spill, canopied beneath the palm trees soon wrapped, down the corridors of the surface streets, in nocturnal smog, the adobe air, the smell of distant fireworks, the spilled, the broken world."

great stuff.

AGD is brilliant like this in places, but I find myself having to fight through some of the chapters (most of the Chums of Chance bits)to get to the rewarding stuff.
favorite name (so far) -- Mia Culpepper.
favorite character -- 'mini' Cooper!! (chortle) "...blond, shy, scaled about seven-eighths the size you'd expect...."

Anyone else?

dave pacey, Friday, 15 December 2006 23:19 (seventeen years ago) link

I've stalled on it right now while I churn through coursework books.

Also: for the first time on the sandbox ...
Temporary Pynchon Thread

stet (stet), Friday, 15 December 2006 23:22 (seventeen years ago) link

of course I mean ATD in the last paragraph (stupid stupid fingers).

dave pacey (docpacey), Friday, 15 December 2006 23:22 (seventeen years ago) link

sorry i didn't see the other thread, my bad

dave pacey (docpacey), Friday, 15 December 2006 23:23 (seventeen years ago) link

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