Killfile in the sandbox?

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Is there a trick to getting Andrew's ignoreuser script to work in the sandbox? I've added to the page list and the different usernames to the script, but no luck.

jaq (jaq), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 16:47 (seventeen years ago) link

It works for me! All I did was add* to the site list.

Allyzay heard you got beat up in a club. (Allyzay Eisenschefter), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 18:31 (seventeen years ago) link

link plz

jw (ex machina), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 18:41 (seventeen years ago) link

Thanks Ally, maybe I typoed it.

jaq (jaq), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 19:16 (seventeen years ago) link

hello? hello?

jw (ex machina), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 19:42 (seventeen years ago) link

Jon, I've got the script tile at home, but the only link I had was from ole-ILX :( Maybe Andrew will re-linkify once Aus wakes up.

jaq (jaq), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 20:08 (seventeen years ago) link

Jon, it's a greasemonkey script, I can e-mail you the text of it and you can pretty it up.

Allyzay heard you got beat up in a club. (Allyzay Eisenschefter), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 20:09 (seventeen years ago) link

Maybe Andrew will re-linkify once Aus wakes up.

Andrew's split from ILX completely. Can't blame him.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 20:49 (seventeen years ago) link

Whatever, that dude lurks and ims me to tell me what a jerk I am.

jw (ex machina), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 22:49 (seventeen years ago) link


friday on the porch (lfam), Thursday, 15 February 2007 04:46 (seventeen years ago) link

I couldn't find Andrew's, but Will's earlier version is here:

I think a difference may be that Andrew's version told you who had been killfiled, but here the posts just disappear.

toby (tsg20), Thursday, 15 February 2007 08:38 (seventeen years ago) link

Jaq, did you ever get it to work? I can't get it to work here either.

The PEW Research Center for Panty-Twisting (Rock Hardy), Thursday, 15 February 2007 15:08 (seventeen years ago) link

No :( But I continue to poke at it. I had trouble getting it to recognize a second user (w/ space in name) on ole-ILX, but eventually it took.

jaq (jaq), Thursday, 15 February 2007 15:35 (seventeen years ago) link

If users have spaces in their username, just enter in a plus sign instead of the space, and it should work.

Allyzay heard you got beat up in a club. (Allyzay Eisenschefter), Thursday, 15 February 2007 15:50 (seventeen years ago) link

I can't get Andrew's script to work :-( Anyone know how to modify Will's to say whose post has been removed?

Anyway, the UK Watercooler thread is a lot more readable now.

toby (tsg20), Thursday, 15 February 2007 16:05 (seventeen years ago) link

I've had some trouble with these scripts as well.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Thursday, 15 February 2007 16:18 (seventeen years ago) link

i have no idea how it's even possible to read the w/c thread with ahem whoever you're killfiling killfiled out.

temporary enrique (temporary enrique), Thursday, 15 February 2007 16:20 (seventeen years ago) link

OK, seriously, how would a killfile handle it if you had killfiled the thread starter? Would the thread not display? Or would it just be a blank message?

That's a really interesting question.

(though the mentality of someone who avidly reads the chat thread of someone they dislike enough to killfile is really kinda beyond me, but that's neither here nor there)

masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 15 February 2007 16:40 (seventeen years ago) link

I can't see anyones posts in this thread now:(

Subtractive Synthesis (Subtractive Synthesis), Thursday, 15 February 2007 16:42 (seventeen years ago) link

well, i don't actually want to read the watercooler thread, it was just a good testing ground. i guess a filtered version might suggest some more additions to the killfile, too.

i like how killfiles have gone from something that it seemed that hardly anyone wanted to something that loads of people are using.

toby (tsg20), Thursday, 15 February 2007 16:47 (seventeen years ago) link

It doesn't show up as blank if the thread starter is the person who is being killfiled. It will say "Post by KILLFILED removed" and then go on from there.

Allyzay heard you got beat up in a club. (Allyzay Eisenschefter), Thursday, 15 February 2007 16:59 (seventeen years ago) link

How on earth would you know what the thread is about, then? Would there even be a thread title?

Sorry, this is just fascinating - not something I'd thought of. (And probably something I should think about before trying to install a killfile.)

masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 15 February 2007 17:07 (seventeen years ago) link

I'm pretty sure I actually did encounter this on old ILX and I think there was a thread title, it just removed the actual post.

METAL ROBOTIC HEAD FACE (scarymonster), Thursday, 15 February 2007 17:09 (seventeen years ago) link

Andrew's script works (and I think Will's does too) by checking the username field - if it matches a username in the ignoreuser list (separate calls at the end of Andrew's script and an array of names in Will's script), then the text of the post is removed. So neither script touches the titles of threads, but would remove the initial post if it was made by an ignored user. You do have to have the username field displayed in your settings to get either one to work.

jaq (jaq), Thursday, 15 February 2007 18:44 (seventeen years ago) link

(I started reading up on the scripts last night to try to be more effective in my troubleshooting instead of just poking at it and constantly reloading the page over and over and over again.)

jaq (jaq), Thursday, 15 February 2007 18:47 (seventeen years ago) link

(though the mentality of someone who avidly reads the chat thread of someone they dislike enough to killfile is really kinda beyond me, but that's neither here nor there)

Perhaps because they like catching up with some people and not others? (why are you assuming it's you that's being killfiled on there anyway?)

ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Thursday, 15 February 2007 21:04 (seventeen years ago) link

ha, i'm guessing that's a killfiled quote! awesome! if it's a watercooler ref to me then i never read it, i just thought it would make an amusing test.

toby (tsg20), Thursday, 15 February 2007 23:51 (seventeen years ago) link

It was, from further up this thread. That broken image that's not showing up is the album cover from "Flogging a Dead Horse", btw.

ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Thursday, 15 February 2007 23:57 (seventeen years ago) link


toby (tsg20), Friday, 16 February 2007 09:25 (seventeen years ago) link

When this becomes widespread I'm going to pretend to have one for a different person every day - "What? Who said that? Who are you working for?"

Andrew Farrell (afarrell), Friday, 16 February 2007 18:08 (seventeen years ago) link

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