ROLLING SO HARD IN A SANDBOX (lIVE DJ Sets always rolling)

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so can we talk about the next two months? there's a lot going on.

i am going to cielo to see dandy jack vs. pier bucci next week. what is the deal with PB? i like Stone Age/Amael a lot, and Danielle's Dream has some really great moments (and great panning), but i haven't heard anything about live sets.

also alex under on march 2nd, which i am EXCITED EXCITED for.

the table is the table (trees), Saturday, 17 February 2007 03:36 (seventeen years ago) link

I am not familiar with his records but I happened to see Pier Bucci in Berlin last summer. My memories of that night are obscured by many drinks but my recollection is that he was good but not amazing. In his defense it was early (2am I think, early for Berlin!) so the place wasn't really going off yet, and also it looked like he was playing much if not all of his set off a laptop, which personally tends to turns me off. So your mileage may vary. But he's worth seeing for sure.

Gunderson (Gunderson), Saturday, 17 February 2007 04:08 (seventeen years ago) link

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