Sandbox Careers Advice Thread

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I've been working with SQL Server for 8 years so am pretty proficient with it. I have a job offer to move over to MySQL (some old workmates trying to poach me) - would it be a bad idea in the long term to change technologies at this stage?

I'm weighing up the fact I'm potentially ditching the product that has done quite well for me with the fact that at the moment, I primarily use SQL Server and do a bit of coding in Python, which I probably enjoy more than T-SQL at this point, and there are very few jobs around that use both SQL Server and Python, it's an unusual combination, whereas the prospective job is Linux/Python/MySQL (and a bit of PHP, which I don't know, but apparently is being phased out in favour of Python) which is much more common?

Any of our resident IT geniuses have a perspective on this? I don't really know shit about the industry, I've been at this job for nearly 6 years so I've got complacent (and bored, which is why I'm thinking of taking the offer).

Fake Eyeball, Monday, 5 December 2011 10:47 (twelve years ago) link

I'm no IT genius (in fact I'm not doing a technical job at all any more) but if they're offering you real money I'd go for it.

Linux/Python/MySQL will give you more scope in smaller businesses and creative industries, and if you feel the need to return to SQL Server to work for big corporates in future, banks for e.g. are 5 years behind the curve on technology so your current skills prolly won't be out of date.

Zora DB, Monday, 5 December 2011 11:08 (twelve years ago) link

Linux/Python/MySQL will give you more scope in smaller businesses and creative industries, and if you feel the need to return to SQL Server to work for big corporates in future, banks for e.g. are 5 years behind the curve on technology so your current skills prolly won't be out of date.

Thanks, that's a good point - I don't really fancy working in banking/the City, which is where a lot of the SQL Server jobs are it seems, so that's a plus point in favour of jumping.

When I started here it was a fairly small company, and I much preferred working here back then, so that's a plus point.

My ex-boss possibly new boss just emailed me saying they also have vacancies on their admin team. My wife's been unemployed since August (she was working here too but got laid off) and has been having a really hard time getting even as much as an interview in the current job market so if I can potentially get her a job as well I may not be able to refuse!

Fake Eyeball, Monday, 5 December 2011 11:19 (twelve years ago) link

Got offer letter & contract today, now I have to actually do something about this... I haven't resigned from a job in 10 years, been laid off twice, makes a change to quit for once. Kinda dreading it cos I have a 3 month notice period to serve out. I might time it for Thursday cos it's our company Xmas party that night so I can have a few drinks once it's done!

Fake Eyeball, Tuesday, 6 December 2011 18:28 (twelve years ago) link

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