Ryan Seacrest is this generation's Paul Simon, except that he doesn't sing, write or hang out with Chevy Chase: the Sandbox Idol thread

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First night thoughts:
general: song choices sucked; consequentially, I wasn't very impressed... Simon totally kicked Ryan's ass, too.

Rudy - zzz....
Paul - There's something about his voice that I love. He didn't blow me away, but he was definitely pleasant (enough to put him in my top 6...)
Sundance - Ha! He's annoyed me throughout the competition, but tonight was all worth it. I was actually impressed with how much he sucked. It was simultaneously creepy and crappy. Bravo (and goodbye)!
Nicholas - Awww...He wasn't near as bad as Randy and Paula made him out to be. I thought his vocals were pretty decent. If he makes it through, I'm pretty sure it's just sympathy votes.
Chris Sligh - I think he's decent when I close my eyes. I don't see him progressing too much, though. He has a good chance of making it through.
Brandon - He doesn't seem to have much range, but I really think he should make it.
AJ - I already forget his performance (other than it involved him not sucking as much as I expected). I'd be surprised if he made it.
Blake - I'm pretty sure he's in the top 6. And I think it was great that he didn't beatbox (I had no idea he could sing tha well until tonight). He's the only one who actually picked the right song.
Sanjaya - I keep going back and forth on him; his audition impressed me, but occasionally, he reminds me of a wimpy high school student trying to be cool. Either way, he was pretty bad tonight. I still think he'll make it (he's had so much coverage).
Chris Richardson - This guy annoys me just because he's nowhere near as good as the people he imitates (Justin Timberlake in image, Elliot Yamin in song choice). He's pretty boring, but I still expect him to make it through.
Jared - He was one of tonight's standouts for me. I was more impressed by the audition clips than the Brian McKnight song, but still, he's got a great voice (seemed like he had soul with his "Cupid" clip). I think/hope he'll make it through.
Phil - WTF judges?! This guy was terrible whenever he sang in his lower register. Either way, he'll get in (mainly because he missed his baby's birth).

Tape Store (Tape Store), Wednesday, 21 February 2007 05:19 (seventeen years ago) link

Rudy: I was smoking pot on my porch but I bet he sucked.
Paul: He was very high school talent show.
Sundance: Terrible song choice, and an even more horrible rendition of that bad choice!
Sligh: It's not that he's fat... it's that he makes weird, uncompelling faces when he sings. He has a good voice I guess, but I'm not impressed by him.
Sanjaya: I actually really liked some parts of his performance to night, but other parts were real bad. Probably not ready.
Chris Richardson: He was good enough for this stage, but probably not good enough to win.
Phil: Thought this guy was awful.
Jared: His high points were okay.
Brandon: I agreed with the judges that he was off key, but I think he showed a ton of promise.
Nicholas/AJ: I don't remember them at all.
Blake: It was just aiight for me, dawg.

Hope the girls are better.

Michael (Oakland Mike), Wednesday, 21 February 2007 06:51 (seventeen years ago) link

Rudy - crap.
Paul - I find the whole barefoot thing so off-putting for some reason.
Sundance - So awful tonight! Plus, telling that rejected contestant he could be his bodyguard was so lame. I liked that other guy better.
Nicholas - don't even remember it.
Chris Sligh - The rule of AI is to take Simon's criticism, not dish it back out. The crowd will cheer you, Paula and Randy and Ryan will laugh, and you'll feel like a big man for a bit, but it will bite you in the ass. Plus, it seemed a bit rehearsed..."gee, if I suck tonight, I better some up with a list of crappy acts Simon's produced so I can whip it at him".
Brandon - I really like him too...tonight was a poor performance but I know he can do better. I'm actually voting for him, even though my favorite was Blake. Although that is probably how Temptation beat Blue Monday in the ILM 80s poll, amirite?
AJ - Cheesy dance moves and a crap vocal. Lame!
Blake - Great song choice, nice vocal, has personality without being obnoxious. A+++++++ WOULD WATCH AGAIN
Sanjaya - He'll sail through because he is so adorable, and he did have an amazing audition, but he did not channel Stevie as well as he did before. Anyone else catch that his sister picked the song? SA-BO-TAGE
Chris Richardson - Boring and not attractive enough to make up for it. What bugs me about AI is the fact that our male contestants are really not that attractive. In the UK they had Shayne Ward, who was not only finer than fine but url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skDFA3HmYY0]could actually sing[/url]. We had...Ace? Justin Guarini? wtf??
Jared - I am so, so, so over that Brian McKnight song...isn't every single person in the world tired of it too? His vocals were good, performance was a bit boring and I agree that his audition clips were much better (seems to be a recurring thing tonight).
Phil - Performance in comparison to the others tonight was not all that bad, nothing memorable though.

As usual I have nothing but insight and profound analysis to offer.

musically (musically), Wednesday, 21 February 2007 07:01 (seventeen years ago) link

yay for formatting!

musically (musically), Wednesday, 21 February 2007 07:01 (seventeen years ago) link

yeah, Blake's was pretty much the only performance I enjoyed; Simon 100% OTM about him being the first person who sounded "2007". but really, everything sounds terrible at this stage in the game just because they have to sing over those godawful MIDI arrangements.

Goodtime Slim, Uncle Doobie, and the Great Frisco Freakout (bernard snowy), Wednesday, 21 February 2007 13:40 (seventeen years ago) link

yep, i rooted for sundance after his audition and now i hate him. i hate sligh too...just the sight of him makes me want to pull his hair. i pretty much hated every guy until blake last night. good job.

thebingo (thebingo), Wednesday, 21 February 2007 13:50 (seventeen years ago) link

Sligh reminds me of a toad.

thebingo (thebingo), Wednesday, 21 February 2007 13:54 (seventeen years ago) link

they all sucked. that one dude better not come out barefoot again. disgusting.

Ms Misery (MsMisery), Wednesday, 21 February 2007 14:27 (seventeen years ago) link

yeah last night was a rough beginning. I'm glad there aren't as many 16-and-unders out of their depth in the top 24 as last year, when Chicken Little and that terrible crooner kid stuck around way too long, but I'm already rooting against most of these guys or at least waiting for them to impress me. I missed a lot of the 2nd half because I'd only flip over to it during Veronica Mars' commercial breaks, although I'm pretty sure Blake would still be one of my favorites (along with Chris Sligh and maybe Nicholas Pedro) if I'd seen his performance (what was his song?). I also really liked Brandon, and thought the judges were only picking on him for 'singing like a backup singer' because they know that's what he's been. and singing backup for big big stars = better preparation for AI than what 95% of the other contestants have done (kinda makes me wonder why there haven't been more backup and session singers to do well on AI in the past, although I guess if they've already got a foot in the door in the industry they're less likely to bother). aside from people I just plain don't like (Rudy = the straight Aiken), Chris Richardson pissed me off the most, kinda had talent but did all kinds of annoying embellishments with the melody when singing it straight down the middle would've worked much better. also, as cheesy as most AI 'rocker dudes' are, I'm disappointed that we don't seem to have at least one or two this season.

Al (Alex In Baltimore), Wednesday, 21 February 2007 14:39 (seventeen years ago) link

Blake sang "Somewhere Only We Know", which I know a lot of people hate and I can't really blame them for that but I think it has a great melody and will gladly go to bat for it

Goodtime Slim, Uncle Doobie, and the Great Frisco Freakout (bernard snowy), Wednesday, 21 February 2007 18:19 (seventeen years ago) link

occasionally, he reminds me of a wimpy high school student trying to be cool

More like a middle school student! Dude looks like he's 12.

Blake was the only one I thought was any good, the rest were rub. Disappointing. Well, I was impressed by Phil's resemblance to Willem Dafoe in Shadow of the Vampire (a bit too cheesy to be the real Murnau).

The Many Faces of Gordon Jump (Leon), Wednesday, 21 February 2007 18:31 (seventeen years ago) link

Was I the only one who enjoyed Sligh's table-turning?

Simon H. (Simon H.), Wednesday, 21 February 2007 18:33 (seventeen years ago) link

you mean his rudeness to simon? I thought it was a cheap shot.

Ms Misery (MsMisery), Wednesday, 21 February 2007 18:33 (seventeen years ago) link

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