Reasons for the Moon to actually be made of green cheese

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1. beats boring old rocks
2. a domestic supply of the rare cheese w/in our own solar system
3. low on dairy fat, high on taste

kingfish in absentia (kingfish), Saturday, 14 October 2006 16:13 (eighteen years ago) link

4. validates thousands of years of theory

kingfish in absentia (kingfish), Monday, 16 October 2006 16:45 (eighteen years ago) link

5. drives men wild

Nu-Edward III (edward iii), Monday, 16 October 2006 16:47 (eighteen years ago) link

6. reason enough for a sequel to "A Grand Day Out"

kingfish in absentia (kingfish), Monday, 16 October 2006 17:10 (eighteen years ago) link

When we were 12 or something, we tried to make some 5 year old kids believe that moon is made of cheese, and all of the cheese in the world is exported from there, which is why the moon gradually gets smaller. However, I don't think we came up with a credible explanation for why it gets big again.

Tuomas (Tuomas), Monday, 16 October 2006 17:34 (eighteen years ago) link

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