RIP Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter

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not really ironic, i guess

THE Crocodile Man, Steve Irwin, is dead. He was killed in a freak accident in Cairns, police sources said. It appeared that he was killed by a sting-ray barb that went through his chest, Queensland Police Inspector Russell Rhodes said.

Rest in peace, you crazy-ass biologist and south park character.

kingfish in absentia (kingfish), Monday, 4 September 2006 05:43 (eighteen years ago) link

from that bit:

The Prime Minister John Howard considered Irwin a friend, inviting him to a barbecue at The Lodge for US President George W. Bush in 2003.

Meetin' of the minds, as it were.

kingfish in absentia (kingfish), Monday, 4 September 2006 05:44 (eighteen years ago) link

well, whaddayaknow, already a thread on the other board. oh well, this should serve in its stead when it crashes tomorrow.

kingfish in absentia (kingfish), Monday, 4 September 2006 05:46 (eighteen years ago) link

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