This is the thread for the Fox News "Daily Show for conservatives" thing

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I'm more interested to see if Colbert will acknowledge them as being "legit" or not than in the actual content.
-- jw (jo...), Monday 10:01 PM. (ex machina) (later)

soooooo OTM.

Rick Gibralter (grady), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 21:31 (seventeen years ago) link

like "global warming

Yeah, this is gonna be HILARIOUS.

Dethrone the dictaphone, hit it in it's funny bone (kenan), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 21:33 (seventeen years ago) link

Praeger: So, what's it called?

Surnow: The Half Hour News Hour

Praeger: (Pause) Ah... (Laughs) Even that's great!

Rick Gibralter (grady), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 21:38 (seventeen years ago) link

And so... (pause) "original".

Thermo Thinwall (Thermo Thinwall), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 22:09 (seventeen years ago) link

Yeah I was going to mention that...

Casuistry (casuistry), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 22:40 (seventeen years ago) link

laughter sounded like it was mostly coming from one guy

step hen faps (Curt1s Stephens), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 22:42 (seventeen years ago) link

Then we reply by putting together
a video of a couple of *thousand*
derogarory and slanderous attacks
made on republicans over the years
on every different type of program
coming out of Hollypuke, Buttstank
& the NY and DC News and talk shows...

plz to decode Buttstank?

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver (hoosteen), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 22:57 (seventeen years ago) link

Oh god the delivery of that first Obama joke. Just, no. Stop.

milo (milo), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 23:06 (seventeen years ago) link

I never thought I would see comedians making worse deliveries than on Weekend Update, but here we are

step hen faps (Curt1s Stephens), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 23:08 (seventeen years ago) link

that wilton north article is depressing. i vaguely remember that show (it wasn't funny). conan o'brien was a producer on it! he seems to be the only person involved with that show whose career didn't die as a result.

akm (akmonday), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 23:11 (seventeen years ago) link

hahaha, the show apparently sucks so badly that a few folks are trashing Tina Fey while blaming the writers

The show is basically a bad version of the worst of Tina Fey's Weekend Update writing. I got really annoyed by Fey, who seemed to think Weekend Update was primarily about "informing" the audience (with heavy liberal bias), and only secondarily about joke-writing. Unfunny jokes were her stock in trade, but not for lack of talent, really -- just because she was choosing her material not according to the comedy value, but according to the educational value.

Result? Liberals went ga-ga over her for her relentless didacticism -- like her, they wanted not gags but "teachable moments" -- whereas Jimmy Fallon got all the laughs. You know-- laughs. The thing Weekend Update was supposed to be delivering.

kingfish in absentia (kingfish), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 23:12 (seventeen years ago) link

Note that Greg Daniels was also involved on the Wilton North report, and his career turned out just fine

kingfish in absentia (kingfish), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 23:12 (seventeen years ago) link

i liked tina fey on snl news. she told a lot of jokes, they make it sound like she lectured everybody on iraq or something...wierd.

sir lord baltimore club music (Matt Helgeson), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 23:15 (seventeen years ago) link

and more:

My GOD, does this show blow. The guy doing the newscast shouldn't be allowed on studio property for fear whatever he has might be transmitted to other actors. The writing...well, it's like something you would expect from writers who have never done humor. Which makes me wonder if the second-tier talent from 24 is involved. Earth to Joel Surnow: comedy is a SPECIALTY. It's not enough to be able to fill a page and make a deadline. You have to have a special talent.

kingfish in absentia (kingfish), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 23:15 (seventeen years ago) link

wow that clip is awful.

sterl clover (s_clover), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 23:20 (seventeen years ago) link

Part of the thing about these guys is they don't seem to get how the Daily Show & Weekend Update actually work. I think that they're projecting their own mindsets towards everybody else like usual, where they figure that Jon Stewart & Tina Fey are avowed liberals, so it's just them spreading their dumb liberal jokes to their liberal audiences. I.e. the shows function as some sort political channel or propaganda arm, rather than satire. So they figure all they have to do is make a conservative show that takes swipes at liberals and they're good as gold, right?

While Jon & the TDS crew do have a left-leaning point, is it really that hard to see that the show goes after those in power and pompous politicians doing stupid things? They constantly laughed or grimaced at Kerry's plunders two years ago, much less the Clinton Admin. Altho, that Admin was less stockd with braying jackasses, so the jokes weren't as easy.

kingfish in absentia (kingfish), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 23:21 (seventeen years ago) link

Another review from Radar

WTF: Brian Unger is on this thing?!

kingfish in absentia (kingfish), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 23:23 (seventeen years ago) link

I hope FOX realizes this won't divert negative attention away from their other 23 1/2 hours of fake news.

step hen faps (Curt1s Stephens), Wednesday, 14 February 2007 23:26 (seventeen years ago) link

laughter is totally canned.

Rick Gibralter (grady), Thursday, 15 February 2007 00:51 (seventeen years ago) link

They seem to be trying to portray Obama as black.

Shadowcat (A-Ron Hubbard), Thursday, 15 February 2007 04:46 (seventeen years ago) link

How they do it shall forever remain a mystery.

step hen faps (Curt1s Stephens), Thursday, 15 February 2007 04:55 (seventeen years ago) link

kingfish exactly right, btw. Stewart maintains a sort of "outsider" stance, appearing to have laughs at whatever strikes him as absurd, while these guys obviously sat down and said "Ok, how can we nail Obama?"

Shadowcat (A-Ron Hubbard), Thursday, 15 February 2007 05:01 (seventeen years ago) link

Why do young republicans think they're the majority within their generation?
"I bet this show will do great! Everyone who actually WATCHES TV is A conservative! It's the liberal media that ruins things!"
And somehow old guys who write the cheques believe whatever their old by a guy with a title that should be given to someone who knows what they're doing...Wait, that's what all republicans do.
Not that democrats are much better.

Libertarian here. Not the party, the political philosophy(which ironically borders on a distaste for parties in general).

Geza T iz tha Rainy G. Toronado (The GZeus), Thursday, 15 February 2007 06:00 (seventeen years ago) link

I know a surprising number of young Libertarians. Their parents are probably Republicans.

step hen faps (Curt1s Stephens), Thursday, 15 February 2007 06:02 (seventeen years ago) link

The two young libertarians I knew in college were both brilliant people who nonetheless seemed to not have thought things through very thoroughly.

Shadowcat (A-Ron Hubbard), Thursday, 15 February 2007 06:09 (seventeen years ago) link

Libertarians are just Republicans in denial.

milo (milo), Thursday, 15 February 2007 06:15 (seventeen years ago) link

Libertarians are what republicans used to pretend to be.
members of the libertarian party is probably just angry white men.
Well, that mentality seems to be prevalent among those whom I think would join.

And what do you man by not have thought things through thoroughly" shadowcat?
I find when people say things like that they mean "accept political parties, if you don't you're wasting your time!" or "The government needs to interfere on behalf of (insert X whiney group who has no right to complain) because they're too lazy to get off their ass and do something other than whine!"
I had this LOONG discussion wih a very leftist woman. it was about the smoking bans.
"but what about the people who don't smoke?"
Who's making them go there?
"Where else will they go?"
A non=smoking restaraunt.
"Those didn't exist."
Hahahaa! Yeah they did. they were all over.
"You probably don't remember, but ost places were either smoking all over or the smoking section was poorly divided."
Yeah, I remember, and whle some places were poorly set up, newer restaraunts were very different.
"circular argument!"
"Why should I have do deal with the smoke?"
You don't. Go somewhere else.
"Why should I have to?"
Because the owner of a private establishment has chosen not to abolish a certain legal activity.
"Where else should I go?"
That loop continued for about 10 minutes.
Eventually I suggested the alternative of getting together and starting a business that didn't have smoking.
"Well that's really hard!"(more or less)
Name a business that's easy and guaranteed, and I'll punch you for being stupid(isn't what I said, but it's what I meant).
"But a non smoking restaraunt would fail!"
Well first, that would show a lack of interest by the public for that kind of restaraunt, and second we're sitting in a restaraunt that's been non-smoking from day one and it's doing just fine.
"but what about the health risks for employees?"
at that point I gave up and didn't say "Who forced them to work there? NO ONE likes to work in food service, so they've probably got jack for skills and shouldn't be picky!"
I did however touch on the idea of PRECEDENT.

SO. if you're calling me an idealist, thank you.
If you just think that the government should be like an overprotective christian parent and watch and guide our every move, try making choices for yourself for a whole month. No book can tell you what to do, you cannot ask for advice. You will make every decision for yourself.
I suggest you do this on vacation.
My guess is you'll either be addicted to freedom or be frightened by choice. In case one, I'll congradulate you, in case two, I pity you.

Geza T iz tha Rainy G. Toronado (The GZeus), Thursday, 15 February 2007 06:37 (seventeen years ago) link

ok can someone walk me through this killfile/ignore user thing?

Rick Gibralter (grady), Thursday, 15 February 2007 06:50 (seventeen years ago) link

u do not need cigs, u need herb

step hen faps (Curt1s Stephens), Thursday, 15 February 2007 06:54 (seventeen years ago) link

gzeus's libertarianism has freed him from the restraints of intelligible speech. and proper line breaks.

max (maxreax), Thursday, 15 February 2007 07:02 (seventeen years ago) link

so i'm guessing none of you are regular ILG participants

kingfish in absentia (kingfish), Thursday, 15 February 2007 07:06 (seventeen years ago) link

In ancient rome there was a poem
About a dog who found two bones
He picked at one
He licked the other
He went in circles
He dropped dead

Marmot (marmotwolof), Thursday, 15 February 2007 07:13 (seventeen years ago) link

How well reasoned and thought out you are.
I'm not writing a book and don't feel the need to carefully write out a short story to tell the tale of a 15 minute conversation with a nice jackass. What's the simples way of seperating two different things? Physically. Thus:
Enter Key.

Quickest sign that you have no argument: "lolz your punctuation sucks," which, while not a direct quote is fairly humouous in it's irony.

Oh, and I quit smoking last month, and prefer my brain cells specifically not coated in a waxy, irremovable substance that causes me to be too lazy for the letters Y and O.

and what on earth do you mean by "intelligible speech"?
I'm not DICTATING this so that's utter nonsense. Please take the time to type what you mean, as this is obviously not that.

Geza T iz tha Rainy G. Toronado (The GZeus), Thursday, 15 February 2007 11:08 (seventeen years ago) link

try making choices for yourself for a whole month. No book can tell you what to do, you cannot ask for advice. You will make every decision for yourself.

Because clearly a) no-one here has ever had to make decisions for themselves before; and ii) relying on others for advice is a sign of weakness.

ledge (ledge), Thursday, 15 February 2007 11:30 (seventeen years ago) link

Why do libertarians always sound like such pricks?

Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Thursday, 15 February 2007 12:12 (seventeen years ago) link

now now, attack the post not the poster.

ledge (ledge), Thursday, 15 February 2007 12:14 (seventeen years ago) link

"Why not allow people to work for a dollar a day, if they want? Nobody's forcing them!"

Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Thursday, 15 February 2007 12:17 (seventeen years ago) link

Parts of that clip are really disturbing.

Dan I. (w1nt3rmut3), Thursday, 15 February 2007 12:22 (seventeen years ago) link

"Because clearly a) no-one here has ever had to make decisions for themselves before; and ii) relying on others for advice is a sign of weakness."
Not even close to what I said.
I'm saying that if someone thinks the government should be severely involved in our personal lives and the actions of private parties, then they should take their vacation and make nothing but their own decisions and not even act for advice and just see what it's like. It's an exercise. Most people never do that, or forgot what it's like once they turned 17(as all a healthy 16 year old does is whatever they feel like and also has no long-term memory).
"Why do libertarians always sound like such pricks?"
Because we're sick and tired of the extreme right and left(both the same thing really. fascists and 'communists,' oranges and tangelos) telling us what we can/can't do when it's generally none of their business.
Also, you disagree, and far too many people take offense at that situation.
"You disagree with me and don't want to orally compromise! That's mean!" is something I hear far too often, though it's mostly from college kids.

Geza T iz tha Rainy G. Toronado (The GZeus), Thursday, 15 February 2007 13:10 (seventeen years ago) link

Dude, it's called a PARAGRAPH. Introduce yourself to one before you break your ENTER key.

David RER (Frank Fiore), Thursday, 15 February 2007 13:17 (seventeen years ago) link

I'm not writing a term paper.
Get over yourself.

Geza T iz tha Rainy G. Toronado (The GZeus), Thursday, 15 February 2007 13:24 (seventeen years ago) link

equating writing in paragraphs w/ schoolwork = holy shit

David RER (Frank Fiore), Thursday, 15 February 2007 13:31 (seventeen years ago) link

It's always tough love with the libertarians, isn't it. "Buck up! You wouldn't have lasted a day on the Oregon Trail you buncha softies!"

GZ I'm sick and tired of libertarians telling me that defending and promoting enforcement of labor, health and environmental standards is some kind of delusion we should unshackle ourselves from. Stop telling me what to do. And stop pretending that your standard of living and well-being is somehow unconnected from generations of political and human-rights movements that worked, fought and sacrificed so that you could enjoy the fruits of a society that hasn't yet managed to pollute all its rivers, allow banks and speculators to drive its economy into the ground, and drive all its citizens into an early grave with backbreaking, low-paid work.

Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Thursday, 15 February 2007 13:34 (seventeen years ago) link

And I'm the prick...
"pollute all its rivers, allow banks and speculators to drive its economy into the ground, " um...all these things have already happened.
"drive all its citizens into an early grave with backbreaking, low-paid work."
Well, backbreaking is basically less cost efficient than using a machine, and low-paid being the only hoice now and in the future is in part fault of 'trade' with china. ("We put you in debt, thenbuy that debt with the money we made doing it." That doesn't sound like trade).
I wasn't talking about health standards. I was talking about being banned from smoking in a private establishment.
It doesn't make sense for it to be illegal to smoke in a dive bar.
It sets a bad legal precedent.

"Buck up! You wouldn't have lasted a day on the Oregon Trail you buncha softies!" is not even close to anything I've said.
In fact, I have no idea what it could possibly have to do with liitation of personal freedoms.

I'm not 100% against government involvement in things like pollution(dumping, factory emissions, things that affect large areas) or fair labor practices(minimum wage, required to carry workers comp). I have a problem with the erosion of personal freedom.
Telling a business they can't allow their customers to do certain things is insane.
First it's smoking, next it's swearing, then it's questioning your leaders.
That's a 20 year journey, but it's quite possible.

Geza T iz tha Rainy G. Toronado (The GZeus), Thursday, 15 February 2007 13:51 (seventeen years ago) link

"equating writing in paragraphs w/ schoolwork = holy shit"
At least I used complete sentences most of the time.
Also, look at the post in question.
I'd be writing a shrt story if I was to make that into complete and perfect grammar.
It's a post on a message board. Are you going to critique an occasional run-on sentence in oral conversaion?

Geza T iz tha Rainy G. Toronado (The GZeus), Thursday, 15 February 2007 13:59 (seventeen years ago) link

Is that wal-mart rocks clip actually supposed to be funny?

Norman Phay (Pashmina), Thursday, 15 February 2007 14:05 (seventeen years ago) link

is fairly humouous in it's irony
is fairly humouous in it's irony
is fairly humouous in it's irony
is fairly humouous in it's irony
is fairly humouous in it's irony
is fairly humouous in it's irony
is fairly humouous in it's irony
is fairly humouous in it's irony
is fairly humouous in it's irony
is fairly humouous in it's irony
is fairly humouous in it's irony
is fairly humouous in it's irony

Jaufre Rudel (Jaufre Rudel), Thursday, 15 February 2007 14:12 (seventeen years ago) link

I'm not sure of the intent of that...

Geza T iz tha Rainy G. Toronado (The GZeus), Thursday, 15 February 2007 14:16 (seventeen years ago) link

Arguers also often link the slippery slope fallacy to the straw man fallacy in order to attack the initial position:

1. A has occurred (or will or might occur); therefore
2. B will inevitably happen. (slippery slope)
3. B is wrong; therefore
4. A is wrong. (straw man)

This form of argument often provides evaluative judgments on social change: once an exception is made to some rule, nothing will hold back further, more egregious exceptions to that rule.

Note that these arguments may indeed have validity, but they require some independent justification of the connection between their terms: otherwise the argument (as a logical tool) remains fallacious.

and what (ooo), Thursday, 15 February 2007 14:25 (seventeen years ago) link

It's my fault everyone, I baited the libertarian!

Shadowcat (A-Ron Hubbard), Thursday, 15 February 2007 14:28 (seventeen years ago) link

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