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my grandfather gave me this skull when i was a kid. it's very mysterious and has strange ceremonial markings on it and a small hole at the top.

scott seward (121212), Monday, 4 December 2006 16:08 (seventeen years ago) link

scott seward (121212), Monday, 4 December 2006 16:09 (seventeen years ago) link

scott seward (121212), Monday, 4 December 2006 16:10 (seventeen years ago) link

scott seward (121212), Monday, 4 December 2006 16:10 (seventeen years ago) link

That looks like the start of a Stephen King story or something...

masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 16:11 (seventeen years ago) link

my brother gave me a nice antique skull ashtray once, but it's not real.

scott seward (121212), Monday, 4 December 2006 16:12 (seventeen years ago) link

scott seward (121212), Monday, 4 December 2006 16:12 (seventeen years ago) link

That looks like the start of a Stephen King story or something...

Or that Sherlock Holmes one with the midgets in it.

C J (C J), Monday, 4 December 2006 16:13 (seventeen years ago) link

That skull's pretty fuckin' cool, and yeh, if you recite the bible backwards while holding it then Cthulhu appears.

Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Monday, 4 December 2006 16:14 (seventeen years ago) link

What should I do with Fang, then?

(a) Take him back to the woods where I found him, to reunite his head with the rest of him?

(b) Keep him, and bring him out every year as a Halloween decoration?

(c) Sell him on ebay to a White Witch?

(d) Something else?

C J (C J), Monday, 4 December 2006 16:15 (seventeen years ago) link


Ste (fuzzy), Monday, 4 December 2006 16:20 (seventeen years ago) link

White witch! White witch!

You could hollow out his head and make a candle holder out of it. It would be quite the conversation piece at parties.

accentmonkey (accentmonkey), Monday, 4 December 2006 16:23 (seventeen years ago) link

I could wrap it in cling film and use it as a punch bowl.

C J (C J), Monday, 4 December 2006 16:30 (seventeen years ago) link

I have a human skull (but it's still in my head - I won't be able to take pictures of it until after I'm done with it).

StanM (StanM), Monday, 4 December 2006 16:34 (seventeen years ago) link

Novelty cheese knife.

Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Monday, 4 December 2006 16:35 (seventeen years ago) link

tiny bones from tiny box in my office. I also have a HUGE whale(?) sacrum (?) that I found on the beach, too big to scan and I don't know where the camera is. Maybe I'll scan it anyway.

Beth Parker (Beth Parker), Monday, 4 December 2006 16:50 (seventeen years ago) link

As a kid growing up in Yosemite, I had loads of cool skulls that I found.

C.J., that's definitely not goat dentition. It looks like a dog's skull to me.

Michael White (Miguelito), Monday, 4 December 2006 16:59 (seventeen years ago) link

The breadth between the canines is odd, though. My dog's not here right now, otherwise I'd scan his mouth (just kidding. I wouldn't do that).
Everyone with a dog at hand, examine his/her dentition NOW!

Beth Parker (Beth Parker), Monday, 4 December 2006 17:04 (seventeen years ago) link

I wonder if C.J. found the manidible too.

Michael White (Miguelito), Monday, 4 December 2006 17:06 (seventeen years ago) link

It's quite sad to think of a dog going into the woods, curling up and dying. Too sad actually. Poor pooch. I'd rather it was a dragon.

Rumps (Rumps), Monday, 4 December 2006 17:46 (seventeen years ago) link

It looks badgery to me.

Madchen (Madchen), Monday, 4 December 2006 17:51 (seventeen years ago) link

No, it was quite a bit bigger than a badger.

Badger's skull :

C J (C J), Monday, 4 December 2006 18:19 (seventeen years ago) link

Michael : I think the mandible is probably still there, along with the rest of the skellington. I might go and get it (except not now, because it is dark).

C J (C J), Monday, 4 December 2006 18:20 (seventeen years ago) link

Yes, I think dog is the way to go, here. I missed the profile jpg with the mountainous back teeth, way up there -- dog molars always look like mini-mountain ranges to me.

Laurel (Laurel), Monday, 4 December 2006 18:21 (seventeen years ago) link

Housemate: What are you doing?

Me: I'm looking at Cody's teeth to see if they match up with the ones in a skull my internet friend found.

Housemate: I... see.

accentmonkey (accentmonkey), Monday, 4 December 2006 18:22 (seventeen years ago) link

I'm just reading a website about animal skulls. It says badgers have a wrap-around jaw hinge which means the lower mandible cannot be removed from the rest of the skull.

So, not badger then.

C J (C J), Monday, 4 December 2006 18:36 (seventeen years ago) link

It def looks quite dog like.

My dog is a German Wirehaired Pointer, who looks rather like yhis :

He's quite large - bigger than a Labrador, anyway - but this skull is larger than his head. (I just had a comedy five minutes where I tried to hold the skull next to my dog's head for comparison, and dog thought I had brought him a tasty bony treat so there was some enthusiastic slobbering and headbutting going on as I tried to wrestle it away from him again). (He was doing the slobbering and headbutting, not me, you understand).

C J (C J), Monday, 4 December 2006 18:42 (seventeen years ago) link

The skull's teeth are far more widely-spaced than my dog's, too.

C J (C J), Monday, 4 December 2006 18:43 (seventeen years ago) link

That's what I think, too. My dog's teeth are pretty tight-packed in the front.

Beth Parker (Beth Parker), Monday, 4 December 2006 18:59 (seventeen years ago) link

Big cat? Where do you live?

Beth Parker (Beth Parker), Monday, 4 December 2006 19:00 (seventeen years ago) link

Oxfordshire, UK.

There have been quite a few sightings of animals which are purportedly big cats.

C J (C J), Monday, 4 December 2006 19:02 (seventeen years ago) link

C J (C J), Monday, 4 December 2006 19:05 (seventeen years ago) link

If I am not mistaken there's some kind of institution of higher learning somewhere in your vicinity. The name escapes me, unfortunately, but perhaps you could enquire there as to the species of beast this skull belongs to. Also, quit teasing you dog with crania and give him a proper treat for his part, however small, in helping you unravel what must be one of the most fascinating mysteries in Oxfordshire animal history. I fear for your sanity, however, if it turns out this is the skull of an elusive English Chickenbear.

Michael White (Miguelito), Monday, 4 December 2006 19:31 (seventeen years ago) link

If it turns out to be the elusive Chickenbear, I shall die of happiness.

C J (C J), Monday, 4 December 2006 19:34 (seventeen years ago) link

I dunno about the cat thing, here's a cougar skull and it seems fundamentally different:

Laurel (Laurel), Monday, 4 December 2006 19:34 (seventeen years ago) link

Then where would your dog be?


Michael White (Miguelito), Monday, 4 December 2006 19:35 (seventeen years ago) link

Yes Laurel, I have my doubts about the cat thing. This skull definitely has a snout, and cats down have those.

(My dog would feast on my carcass, then either die of a broken heart that I had left him, or saunter casually around to a neighbour's house and steal their dinner too. I suspect the latter).

C J (C J), Monday, 4 December 2006 19:43 (seventeen years ago) link

cats down? I mean cats don't.

Stupid fingers.

C J (C J), Monday, 4 December 2006 19:44 (seventeen years ago) link

Cats down!? You mean like an exotic duvet filler?

Michael White (Miguelito), Monday, 4 December 2006 19:52 (seventeen years ago) link

That wouldn't work. All that wriggling about and miaowing all night long!

The cats wouldn't get a wink of sleep.

C J (C J), Monday, 4 December 2006 19:59 (seventeen years ago) link

If it's round Oxfordshire, it could be the fabled monkeydog - a half-monkey half-dog creature that roamed the fields around Aston Tirrold when I was young, creating fear in all those who would go out after dark and cause mischief. No-one, of course, ever saw it, but all the kdis knew it was there, and was sure that if it set it's glowing red eyes upon you, you'd be mincemeat before you could say urban legend.

Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Monday, 4 December 2006 20:13 (seventeen years ago) link

Tim Henman lives in Aston Tirrold.

Say. no. more.

C J (C J), Monday, 4 December 2006 20:16 (seventeen years ago) link

I think badger isn't too far off - the one you linked to first wasn't a European/Eurasian badger, I believe. They can get bigger than you'd expect, too (more than a meter in length) :

StanM (StanM), Monday, 4 December 2006 20:35 (seventeen years ago) link


StanM (StanM), Monday, 4 December 2006 20:36 (seventeen years ago) link

I have a badger's sett (of three generations, all living together) in my garden, Stan - I frequently see them lumbering about at night, scooping great divots of turf out of my lawns and eating their way around my vegetable garden. I once found a dead grandad-badger lying near the sett (we had to get the RSPCA to come and remove him, as they are a protected species and you aren't allowed to touch them), and he was really very big indeed.

This skeleton was larger than that though. More than Great Dane size, I guess.

C J (C J), Monday, 4 December 2006 20:39 (seventeen years ago) link

Definitely had longer legs than a badger, too.

C J (C J), Monday, 4 December 2006 20:41 (seventeen years ago) link

I was gonna say, merkin badgers be differing.

Madchen (Madchen), Monday, 4 December 2006 20:41 (seventeen years ago) link

Can dogs and badgers, er, if they like each other very much, well, could they have, you know?

StanM (StanM), Monday, 4 December 2006 20:41 (seventeen years ago) link

Make a bog? or a dadger?

C J (C J), Monday, 4 December 2006 20:43 (seventeen years ago) link

The teeth looked relatively clean.
Was he close enough to a road that he might have gone there after being hit?

Beth Parker (Beth Parker), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 19:38 (seventeen years ago) link

If he/she'd been hit seriously enough to cause death, you'd expect skeletal damage.

Forest Pines (ForestPines), Thursday, 7 December 2006 09:35 (seventeen years ago) link

Nowhere near a road, really (and no obvious signs of skeletal damage from having been hit). He was found near the middle of a small wood which is on private land and with no public right-of-way, on the outskirts of a small village (only about 50 houses in total) surrounded by moorland. The village is not on a thoroughfare to anywhere else, just a sort of dead end. Literally so, in the dog's case.

The next nearest village is a few miles away, so it's possible that he escaped from his own garden and ended up lost in our wood, but it's still strange that nobody was asking around if a dog had been found. I can't think of any poison which he may have found - people round here sometimes put down poisoned rat or mole pellets, but it's rare. It's agricultural land mainly, so maybe it was some kind of paraquat weedkiller used by a farmer. Or he could have eaten and animal which had previously been poisoned.

Other than that, there's pheasant shooting in that wood during November and December so he might have been peppered with shot accidentally, but I would have thought that he'd have made a commotion and the hunt/point/retrieve dogs on the shoot would have found him.

The wood is owned by the family of John Buchan who wrote the 39 Steps. Maybe they could turn this into a mystery novel!

C J (C J), Thursday, 7 December 2006 09:49 (seventeen years ago) link

Front teeth aren't supposed to be that far apart, are they? Does this mean it's either not full grown yet, or very old (worn off) or that it had some kind of calcium deficiency?

StanM (StanM), Thursday, 7 December 2006 10:07 (seventeen years ago) link

I think they look like typical German Shepherd teeth - as I said, I was looking one in the face last weekend. Next time I meet one I'll try to get photos.

Forest Pines (ForestPines), Thursday, 7 December 2006 10:09 (seventeen years ago) link

They don't look worn off, Stan. It's perhaps not too clear in the photos, but looking at the skull itself, the teeth seem remarkably clean and unworn. It might have been a very young dog, but it was still big for a German Shepherd, given the size of the skeleton - so definitely fully grown, and not a puppy.

C J (C J), Thursday, 7 December 2006 10:14 (seventeen years ago) link

The front teeth between the huge canines are very short like that. My dog (the German pointer) has very similar teeth, although they are more closely spaced.

My only explanation for this is that the skull belongs to Goofy.

C J (C J), Thursday, 7 December 2006 10:16 (seventeen years ago) link

Oh, I guess I've been looking at the smaller types on that skull page. Next time I see a large canine, I'll have a closer l.. er... I'll ask its owner.

StanM (StanM), Thursday, 7 December 2006 10:26 (seventeen years ago) link

i would have guessed a very tooth-y sleestak... poor dog!

Mike McG (yetimike), Thursday, 7 December 2006 10:36 (seventeen years ago) link

I know when cats are very ill they go off to a private place to die - do dogs do the same? Even a 2-year-old could die of natural causes, and if it's one with the run of the neighbourhood then that makes sense I think.

Maaarghk C (Maaarghk C), Thursday, 7 December 2006 11:32 (seventeen years ago) link

So, what was it? Did any experts report back?

StanM (StanM), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 13:04 (seventeen years ago) link

Cause of death remains a mystery.

I was talking to the gamekeeper who looks after that area of land the other day and he said it was strange that he'd not noticed the skeleton there before, since he spends a lot of time in those woods. Odd.

C J (C J), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 13:11 (seventeen years ago) link

CJ any chance you could email me the pic? The address here works. It's just that the only pic that isn't displaying on my pooter is, somewhat annoyingly, the one that yr thread is all about!

MarkH (MarkH), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 13:39 (seventeen years ago) link

Okie dokie .... I'll send it to you now :)

C J (C J), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 13:41 (seventeen years ago) link

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