I LOVE GAMES -- displaced persons center

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Is Cooking Mama out?

I'm trying to decide between a Yoshi game and the new Castlevania.

JordanC (JordanC), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:16 (seventeen years ago) link

I've seen in it shops in the UK - actually WEEKS before my copy from play-asia arrived, but I guess it's out in the US as well as my copy is NoA.

Sarah (Science of Unforunate Events), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:30 (seventeen years ago) link

FF3 apparently only lets you save while out & about on the world map. no dungeon or town saving, for a game on a protable system = I'm going to Amazon and deleting this from my wishlist right now

TOM. BOT. (trm), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:41 (seventeen years ago) link

The last GBA FF game I played didn't let you save in dungeons, I don't think, but you could "suspend" or something (basically worked like a temp save).

JordanC (JordanC), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:46 (seventeen years ago) link

Has anybody tried out BLUE RESCUE TEAM?

TOM. BOT. (trm), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:47 (seventeen years ago) link


jw (ex machina), Friday, 1 December 2006 18:37 (seventeen years ago) link

Well I got me some lego star wars action. And call me a grumpy old bastard, but I have so many issues with this game. Unskippable cut scenes, infuriating control system (I cannot do the flying missions for shit), frustrating camera angles, ridiculous puzzles (you want me to use the force to grow some flowers? Which then explode? And then I have to smash them with my lightsabre? And make a bridge with the planks underneath?!?) The Dagobah mission near killed me. Yeah it's a cute concept, there's a few roffles in the cutscenes, but the gameplay is currently providing me with negative fun.

ledge (ledge), Friday, 1 December 2006 20:45 (seventeen years ago) link

Those aren't puzzles, those are part of "fucking around with everything you see".

You're OTM on unskippable cut scenes, especially when you're revisiting bits you've already done to collect minikits or whatever.

Using the flip thing in flying is invaluable but I agree the control is a bit clunky.

nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Friday, 1 December 2006 21:33 (seventeen years ago) link

FF3 apparently only lets you save while out & about on the world map. no dungeon or town saving, for a game on a protable system = I'm going to Amazon and deleting this from my wishlist right now

-- TOM. BOT. (tombo...), Today 4:41 PM. (trm) (later) (link)

The last GBA FF game I played didn't let you save in dungeons, I don't think, but you could "suspend" or something (basically worked like a temp save).

-- JordanC (jordan...), Today 4:46 PM. (JordanC) (later) (link)

FFIII lets you quicksave at any time.

Marmot (marmotwolof), Friday, 1 December 2006 21:41 (seventeen years ago) link

This hamster is stuck in a video game

a.b. (abanana), Friday, 1 December 2006 22:28 (seventeen years ago) link

I so want to see the hamster fight against a level-end boss! And then he can do a little victory dance or something! Also, very impressive level design

jibe (jibe), Saturday, 2 December 2006 01:11 (seventeen years ago) link

Well I got me some lego star wars action. And call me a grumpy old bastard, but I have so many issues with this game. Unskippable cut scenes, infuriating control system (I cannot do the flying missions for shit), frustrating camera angles, ridiculous puzzles (you want me to use the force to grow some flowers? Which then explode? And then I have to smash them with my lightsabre? And make a bridge with the planks underneath?!?) The Dagobah mission near killed me. Yeah it's a cute concept, there's a few roffles in the cutscenes, but the gameplay is currently providing me with negative fun.

You're wrong. So wrong.

Today I bought:

GTA: Vice City - Disk so scratched it keeps skipping :(
The Warriors - Savage. Can anyone give me a clue how to spot the police? They are currently really pissing me off!

kv_nol (kv_nol), Saturday, 2 December 2006 02:46 (seventeen years ago) link

Football Manager 2007 because I am

A) Canadian
B) affected, it seems


If your GTA game is skipping, it might be the PS2. That game is nostril-rape on a PS2's systems (also GTASA, if I remember correctly, and to a lesser degree, Bully)

Will M. (Will M.), Saturday, 2 December 2006 02:48 (seventeen years ago) link

Yeah, when my San Andreas disc started skipping and refusing to load it was the first sign of my PS2 dying. WIsh I'd known that before buying another copy, try it on someone else's first.

Cressida Breem (neruokruokruokne?), Saturday, 2 December 2006 07:00 (seventeen years ago) link

Nostril rape.

PPlains (PPlains), Saturday, 2 December 2006 07:06 (seventeen years ago) link

Ok,hamster video game is the beast thing I have seen on YouTube since "Guinea Pigs on a Bed."

Abbott (Abbott), Saturday, 2 December 2006 07:23 (seventeen years ago) link

You MAC lovers might dig this^
Mac OS on a Genesis/32x.

Geza T (The GZeus), Sunday, 3 December 2006 03:48 (seventeen years ago) link

Penny Arcade talked me into trying the Bookworm Adventures from Popcap and now I wannit.

forksclovetofu (forksclovetofu), Sunday, 3 December 2006 05:07 (seventeen years ago) link

i have bought ps2 games for my boy! I will buy the machine this weekend! I am excited! How hard should I try and hide that this is also a gift for myself?

Ah heh heh. You totally have to watch this clip, Aus comedy troupe Tripod... singing about their woman... and, well, you'll see the relevance to this thread:


Trayce (trayce), Sunday, 3 December 2006 05:16 (seventeen years ago) link


I just realized that the Guardia Castle music from Chrono Trigger lifts its melody in that one section from "Theme from A Summer Place"! Who knew that the Yas wz a Percy Faith fan?

step hen faps (Curt1s Stephens), Monday, 4 December 2006 02:20 (seventeen years ago) link

Could be a coincidence. Japanese music hes a tendency to re-use chord progressions alot(in different keys and scales) and inevitably you'll overlap with something that has the same progression.
it is possible though, and interesting.

Geza T (The GZeus), Monday, 4 December 2006 05:42 (seventeen years ago) link

Wii Need for Speed is really hard to get used to after playing so much Excite Truck.

cousin larry bundgee (bundgee), Monday, 4 December 2006 05:47 (seventeen years ago) link

Okay, I finally found a good WWII flight sim, that'll let you fly most of the Allied fighters(RAF/Red Army/USAAF) and Axis, too.

kingfish in absentia (kingfish), Monday, 4 December 2006 06:31 (seventeen years ago) link

I'm afraid to open up my DS for Animal Xing; it's been months and months so everyone will have moved out and there'll be nothing but desert and tumbleweeds and algae choking the river :( Also, it is in Seattle and I am not.

To kill time today, I downloaded Kyodai and have been playing Clicks all day long. click click click click click click click click

jaq (jaq), Monday, 4 December 2006 06:38 (seventeen years ago) link

The Warriors is king! PS2 will be bought in Jan sales. It was second hand so never had much faith. I bought it to play Katamari thanks to bloody ILG :)

kv_nol (kv_nol), Monday, 4 December 2006 09:18 (seventeen years ago) link

The Warriors is king! PS2 will be bought in Jan sales. It was second hand so never had much faith. I bought it to play Katamari thanks to bloody ILG!

kv_nol (kv_nol), Monday, 4 December 2006 09:19 (seventeen years ago) link

My mind has lost its mind. If that mind had a mind and that mind ever existed...


I cannot stop my brain/mind from designing a NEWER BETTER FASTER Genesis/Mega Drive and CD unit.

I didn't know jack shit about digital ANYTHING, really until about a month and a half ago.
How can I sleep without knowing what version of the 68k family I should be using in Enhanced mode?(68040 looks good...just looked now)
How much memory can each chip address in each mode?
What should the chips do in each mode?
What changes should be made on the CD end?
What VDP should be used? An existing design? Which one?
If a new design, what features should be added?
What about the sound unit? A new one is needed, but what needs to be done? Can an existing design be used? What patents are still held on X chip?

That's just the beginning. The easy part's the hard part(MIND??!!?!?):
I need to re-design these chips myself/with help.
FPGA. What chip/memory will be doing the re-programming of the gate array(s) to change modes?

Teaching english to people of two different ages, cultures, and native tongues, learning Chinese, and now designing computer actitechture.

This is one step beyond masocism. This is the brink of martyrdom...

Geza T (The GZeus), Monday, 4 December 2006 10:20 (seventeen years ago) link

You're not a martyr if no-one gives a shit.

Andrew Farrell (afarrell), Monday, 4 December 2006 10:24 (seventeen years ago) link

I am playing Grid Wars 2. It is insane.


caek (caek), Monday, 4 December 2006 12:52 (seventeen years ago) link

Wow wtf. That looks flashback-inducing.

Logged a shit ton of Wii hours this weekend with the boy. Nu-Zelda is amazing, the little surprises really make it (horse-back battle sequence that climaxes in duel on bridge over chasm, very Conor Smedley-esque melodic elements [HOOOWWWLLLL], walking on ceilings, etc). Also BOMB ARROWS. Hooray for fun!

drunk Friendster massage (nklshs), Monday, 4 December 2006 13:59 (seventeen years ago) link



Jesus Dan (dan perry), Monday, 4 December 2006 15:42 (seventeen years ago) link

Don't fret, Dan... 4 years of playing NWN1 has ruined the control scheme for me and every other NWN player. OH WAIT, MAYBE OBSIDIAN SHOULDN'T HAVE CHANGED THE WHOLE FUCKING THING.

"If it ain't b0rk3d, don't fix it" is obviously not their motto.

Still a great game, though.

teh_kit (g-kit), Monday, 4 December 2006 15:49 (seventeen years ago) link

"You're not a martyr if no-one gives a shit."
See, that attitude's gonna get you killed whether I have to do it or not, so it doesn't matter that I don't know where you live.

Geza T (The GZeus), Monday, 4 December 2006 18:04 (seventeen years ago) link

oh bloody hell, here we go again

kingfish in absentia (kingfish), Monday, 4 December 2006 18:31 (seventeen years ago) link

very Conor Smedley-esque melodic elements

'licious, I think you just sold me on the Wii.

Donkey Kong New York (Lee), Monday, 4 December 2006 18:45 (seventeen years ago) link

Andrew that was very funny, if perhaps a little bit intellectually lazy (but this is ILG so the zings are expected to fall on that end of the curve) BUT I THOUGHT YOU KNEW BETTER.


TOM. BOT. (trm), Monday, 4 December 2006 19:58 (seventeen years ago) link

Besically, don't fuck with me, and it's all good.

I have no idea why someone would attack me for posting something ABOUT GAMES.
Don't care....THEN IGNORE IT.

Or go play baseball with a brick up your ass, I don't care.

In any case it's no cause to insult me.

Geza T (The GZeus), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 04:19 (seventeen years ago) link

I'd like to have editied rather than post again, but here it is.

basically, I've decided than people in this 'forum'(thread now) are by and large self-centered mongoloids who think sarcasm is the greatest form of humour, fail to understand what the proper use of an in-joke is, and still lack anything close to a true sense of irony.
As such, I could give a fuck about you, but it's too much of an effort.
I'll just spit back the attitude spit at OR handed to me. I just don't feel the need to stand on ceremony.

Geza T (The GZeus), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 04:31 (seventeen years ago) link


kingfish in absentia (kingfish), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 05:15 (seventeen years ago) link

I just read the entire feature on Grid Wars 2 linked to above, got EXTREMELY PUMPED UP, and then I downloaded the OSX version, and it won't even open without crashing.


Zachary Scott (Zachary S), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 05:52 (seventeen years ago) link

Weird. I went to the website of the guy who did Grid Wars, and it said:

"Sorry folks... I've had to remove the link to the download.
Email from BizarreCreations:
"We're beginning to feel the effects of the Geometry Wars clones on our sales via Microsoft now and are beginning a process to begin to more robustly protect our copyright and intellectual property.
Therefore, I'd like to ask you in an amicable fashion to stop infringing our IP and pull the game 'Grid Wars' from the internet for download.
I hope you understand and are able to do this without us having to take further steps."


Zachary Scott (Zachary S), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 05:54 (seventeen years ago) link

ok yeah i made grid wars work on my mac -- go into config.txt and set the Screen Height and Width to yr. screen's settings and then it should boot fine -- it crashes coz it tries to set the height and width to proportions not available on yr. screen.

sterl clover (s_clover), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 07:21 (seventeen years ago) link

basically, I've decided than people in this 'forum'(thread now) are by and large self-centered mongoloids who think sarcasm is the greatest form of humour, fail to understand what the proper use of an in-joke is, and still lack anything close to a true sense of irony.
As such, I could give a fuck about you, but it's too much of an effort.
I'll just spit back the attitude spit at OR handed to me. I just don't feel the need to stand on ceremony.

Puts the 'ass' into aspergers...

kv_nol (kv_nol), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 09:53 (seventeen years ago) link

mmmmmm.. ass burgers

Ste (fuzzy), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 09:54 (seventeen years ago) link

Oh no Ste, why? Thank god Dan P can't revive that "Burger thread". There is good in this world occasionally.

kv_nol (kv_nol), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 09:57 (seventeen years ago) link

I want to get a DS to take with me on the plane ride back east. we'll see if i can actually afford it before Christmas.

kingfish in absentia (kingfish), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 17:50 (seventeen years ago) link

OK, this Final Fantasy shit has gone too far:

Marmot (marmotwolof), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 22:53 (seventeen years ago) link

ok yeah i made grid wars work on my mac -- go into config.txt and set the Screen Height and Width to yr. screen's settings and then it should boot fine -- it crashes coz it tries to set the height and width to proportions not available on yr. screen.

Yup. I had to do that (on OS X too). The defaults were a rather eccentric resolution that my 12" iBook didn't support, and perhaps because of the hacky way its distributed/bundled you don't get an error message or anything. Just a crash.

My high score is about 250,000 (need to check this). I hate the red car things with the shields that follow you around. I love this game.

caek (caek), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 02:35 (seventeen years ago) link

First paragraph of that should be italicized. I cuss ILX for not understanding the <em> tag.

caek (caek), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 02:42 (seventeen years ago) link

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