― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 14:09 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 14:09 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 14:10 (eighteen years ago) link
Im not giving up on it. I'm posting there too.
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 14:16 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 14:17 (eighteen years ago) link
Though I kinda miss my avatar... Sigh.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 14:18 (eighteen years ago) link
Phew, that's better.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 14:19 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 14:20 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 14:23 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 14:23 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 14:50 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 14:51 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 14:59 (eighteen years ago) link
― gooblar, Tuesday, 15 August 2006 15:03 (eighteen years ago) link
Never offer unsolicited advice. You'll only end up pissing both advisee and advisor off.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 15:16 (eighteen years ago) link
― William Crump (Rock Hardy), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 15:22 (eighteen years ago) link
― M White, Tuesday, 15 August 2006 15:24 (eighteen years ago) link
But whatever. Some people have to discover things for themselves - and if they never discover it, they're just going to carry on being frustrated and miserable.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 15:25 (eighteen years ago) link
I suppose it's just because the subject being discussed was something so close to mine own heart. It's impossible for me to be objective.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 15:28 (eighteen years ago) link
― M White, Tuesday, 15 August 2006 15:29 (eighteen years ago) link
I find that often when I do this, the other person will reply: "No, but it's like this (minor circumstantial difference) for me, not like that," not willing to take any wisdom from my offering.
― g00blar, Tuesday, 15 August 2006 15:31 (eighteen years ago) link
She thinks "K is like this, I'm not like this, I'm like that." When what I'm trying to say is "I used to be like that, and it did me great damage and caused me great angst until I learned how to be this"
Maybe it just comes down to reasons why people make music, and create in the first place... which I guess is something pretty personal and not really open for debate anyway.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 15:35 (eighteen years ago) link
*Why* do you make music? For personal fulfillment, for acclaim from others, to attract a specific audience?
When you write, do you have an audience (potential or actual) in mind, or do you just write what comes to you?
If you could look into the future, and find out for certain, that you will never actually "make it" in the music biz, that you will never actually get any further than whatever (small or otherwise) standing/success/lack thereof you have now, would you continue to do it? Would you do it differently? Would you just quit?
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 15:56 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 16:11 (eighteen years ago) link
I mean, maybe that sounds harsh, but you know, thinking about what kind of *audience* you want, and then backtracking to what kind of music you want to make... to me, that just seems ass backwards, and wrongheaded.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 16:13 (eighteen years ago) link
― g00blar, Tuesday, 15 August 2006 16:16 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 16:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― Momus, Tuesday, 15 August 2006 16:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 16:18 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 16:19 (eighteen years ago) link
― g00blar, Tuesday, 15 August 2006 16:20 (eighteen years ago) link
(xpost = hullo watercooler people. I'm looking at last.fm and thinking about it)
― ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 16:21 (eighteen years ago) link
― g00blar, Tuesday, 15 August 2006 16:22 (eighteen years ago) link
― g00blar, Tuesday, 15 August 2006 16:24 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 16:25 (eighteen years ago) link
And every now and then, I have a bit of a wobbly, but I have to kind of remind myself why I do make music. Because I go stark raving mad(der) if I don't. It's nice when more people listen to it, yes, I'll admit that (and it's probably really frustrating when you see you audience slipping away, or failing to form) - but the funny thing is, I think that people (music fans, whatever) are more attracted to your music when it *is* coming from your own Happy Buttons, that it's somehow just fresher, more energetic, more open, more honest, more... interesting.
And the funny thing is, the guys who invented the Crazy Frog were just f*cking about, trying to make the most annoying sound ever, for the sheer joy of it. Hence why its original name was "the annoying thing". Maybe that's not necessarily *musical* creativity, but it certainly fulfils the "push your own happy buttons first" criteria.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 16:26 (eighteen years ago) link
Most exciting thing today = we bought a new fridge. Our old fridge has been kind of failing doing what it's meant to, so quick trip to Comet and, hurrah, cold food and drinks again.
I'm going to Edinburgh tomorrow to drink booze.
― ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 16:28 (eighteen years ago) link
Onimo joined!
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 16:44 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 16:49 (eighteen years ago) link
― Andrew Farrell (afarrell), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 16:59 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 17:01 (eighteen years ago) link
He told me. I've told him about here. I'm sure he'll be along at some point to share your enthusiasm :-)
― ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 17:12 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 17:19 (eighteen years ago) link
― I Am Curious (George) (Slight Return) (Rock Hardy), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 17:24 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 17:30 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 17:30 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 17:34 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 17:35 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 17:44 (eighteen years ago) link
No, it's another last.fm group - it's called "UK Watercooler".
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 17:59 (eighteen years ago) link
Oh heavens no. I just ripped the stuff I didn't listen to anymore. (Which was about, oh, a thousand CDs to start with.)
― Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 18:12 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 18:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 18:24 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 18:25 (eighteen years ago) link
― nklshs (nklshs), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 18:26 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 18:27 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 18:28 (eighteen years ago) link
― C J (C J), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 18:30 (eighteen years ago) link
Pfunk -- the latter.
― Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 18:35 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 18:41 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 18:48 (eighteen years ago) link
― Gerry Watt (nu_onimo), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 18:51 (eighteen years ago) link
― C J (C J), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 18:55 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 15 August 2006 18:55 (eighteen years ago) link
I am listening to Can today, because I finally got my staff copy of Plan B and FMM had a big article about them.
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 16 August 2006 09:56 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Wednesday, 16 August 2006 10:02 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 18 August 2006 15:18 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 23 August 2006 13:51 (eighteen years ago) link
Tomorrow I am going to play with my new camera.
― much_aldo_about_nothing (much_aldo_about_nothing), Wednesday, 23 August 2006 14:08 (eighteen years ago) link
I've just got in trouble because my colleagues made me sing the American national anthem, out loud, because none of them could remember how it went (one of them thought it was Land Of Hope And Glory, ha ha). Oh, what hilarity.
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 23 August 2006 14:18 (eighteen years ago) link
And the garage have just phoned to say I need to pick up my new car tomorrow.
― much_aldo_about_nothing (much_aldo_about_nothing), Wednesday, 23 August 2006 14:20 (eighteen years ago) link
I've got a new... errr... skirt.
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 23 August 2006 14:25 (eighteen years ago) link
Old car literally falling to bits, ex-wife sells house and gives me the money I've been waiting on for SEVEN FUCKING YEARS, script writes itself.
― much_aldo_about_nothing (much_aldo_about_nothing), Wednesday, 23 August 2006 14:27 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Wednesday, 23 August 2006 14:51 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 23 August 2006 14:52 (eighteen years ago) link
― ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Wednesday, 23 August 2006 15:07 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Wednesday, 23 August 2006 15:11 (eighteen years ago) link
― ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Wednesday, 23 August 2006 15:18 (eighteen years ago) link
Mini Petra
Mini Water Palace at the Red Fort in Jaipur
Mini Indians in a mini Jaipur street
A mini giant Buddha in Sri Lanka
Mini West Indies vs Mini South Africa
― much_aldo_about_nothing (much_aldo_about_nothing), Wednesday, 23 August 2006 15:23 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Wednesday, 23 August 2006 15:26 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Wednesday, 23 August 2006 15:28 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 23 August 2006 15:30 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Wednesday, 23 August 2006 15:34 (eighteen years ago) link
I've had no sleep last night. Up at 5am with stress dreams and even hot milk couldn't get me back to sleep. I'm exhausted from lugging heavy bags of equipment across London at inappropriate hours, fighting commuter traffic.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 08:44 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Thursday, 31 August 2006 09:00 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 09:01 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 31 August 2006 09:02 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 09:06 (eighteen years ago) link
Ooh, it'd better be good! :)
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Thursday, 31 August 2006 09:20 (eighteen years ago) link
Like, "wow, we made that!"
So if you don't like it... get a better stereo! hah! :-P
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 09:22 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Thursday, 31 August 2006 09:28 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Thursday, 31 August 2006 09:31 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 09:32 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 31 August 2006 09:32 (eighteen years ago) link
I have so much I have to buy now and no money.
-hard drive-recording mic-vaccuum cleaner-Moogerfooger low pass filter-Lovetone Meatball-Prunes and Custard Harmonic Generator (or maybe I will get an Electroharmonix HOG or POG)
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 09:38 (eighteen years ago) link
I'd been hoping to visit York on Monday night anyway, so after we'd done the bedroom-clearing I went off there, and ended up spending a couple of nights in York too. Eventually, I got home, having had a great weekend, and still with a grin on my face. Hopefully going back to York again tomorrow though, to help A Certain Someone with moving house.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Thursday, 31 August 2006 09:44 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Thursday, 31 August 2006 09:47 (eighteen years ago) link
I should buy a stereo, though. This is absurd that I'm still listening to CDs on my 'puter and studio monitors.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 09:52 (eighteen years ago) link
Sorry , I couldn't resist. I know you don't like it when we don't stereotype you ..
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 31 August 2006 09:58 (eighteen years ago) link
A lot of people seem to have a metal period in their earlier teens, I on the other hand seem to have started to like it more again as I got older (apart from a few years when I 1st got into music at 18/19)So what did you all listen to in your teenage years? Did you have a metal period?
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 31 August 2006 10:09 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 10:11 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Thursday, 31 August 2006 10:23 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Thursday, 31 August 2006 10:26 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Thursday, 31 August 2006 10:27 (eighteen years ago) link
When i was 15 or 16 I got a cd player (I had a few lps but wasnt really INTO music, just listened to charts radio like most people but preferred the rock or synthpop end i suppose) So I got into U2 and then after a few years I got into Rolling Stones, Beatles, Who, Sex Pistols and then Nirvana came along. Talk about perfect timing. When I got into Nirvana my new mates(i only moved to hamilton about 6 months before Nevermind came out) were in two camps. Ones i knew from Accies games and they tended to like indie like Stone Roses, Primal Scream,The Smiths, Pixies etc and the non footy ones liked Metallica, Guns n roses etc. I never liked glam metal at all(had a mate at school who did) so Grunge was a great way to bridge the gap between the two. Was great finding out there was good bands existed but weren't in the charts. Nirvana really was life changing for me since I didn't have any older brothers or sisters to get me into music like so many do. So I had to find it all by myself(with help from Nirvana of course). melody maker, Raw, Kerrang and even NME were good back then helping me discover stuff.And of course Napster and co helped me find new bands when I just wasn't liking what the magazines were covering 5-6 years ago, as I was buying mainly old music like Krautrock,funk, jazz and erm the classics obviously. The internet helped my tastes get even broader.
I do wonder what age I will be when I finally give up on new bands, or even music.
x-posts as I took so long typing that out.
Hanoi Rocks are a great band! One of the classic bands i got into in the late 90s. My mate saw them with Johnny Thunders opening for them in 1985 I think it was. Since he's 40 he's seen loads of great bands. His elder brother saw Sabbath with ozzy. My mate saw them with Dio. Those 2 and their friends have seen some amazing gigs.
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 31 August 2006 10:31 (eighteen years ago) link
I am feeling rub because of nerves mainly, for tonight. Which I guess is a good thing, as I haven't had nerves about a gig in... well, about as long as I haven't been enjoying them. So maybe nerves are an integral part of the process.
Oh, and other crap, but I'm not going to get into that here.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 10:31 (eighteen years ago) link
Norman> Any news on whats up with ILX?
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 31 August 2006 10:38 (eighteen years ago) link
Slaves to authenticity: Someone noted to the guideperson that the ticket inspector on the GWR train coudn't be from the 1940's as they always had a buttonhole (flower). So they dug up the regulations, and apparently all customer-facing staff had to provide of themselves a buttonhole flower. So they shut it down overnight, opened the top of the train, and put a little white dot on the lapel.
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Thursday, 31 August 2006 10:40 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Thursday, 31 August 2006 10:43 (eighteen years ago) link
Never did. Only in passing, i.e. bought the first Nirvana album.
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Thursday, 31 August 2006 10:44 (eighteen years ago) link
OTOH, I really am sick of working. I got loads of music done in my week off, now I'm back to sneaking up into the attic at 10pm and getting a couple of hours done b/c I have to go to bed at 12
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Thursday, 31 August 2006 10:44 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Thursday, 31 August 2006 10:54 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 31 August 2006 10:56 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Thursday, 31 August 2006 10:57 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 31 August 2006 10:59 (eighteen years ago) link
Lookit what I just saw advertised:
ED!!! Someone nicked our prog and psych night idea!
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 10:59 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Thursday, 31 August 2006 11:00 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 11:02 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Thursday, 31 August 2006 11:03 (eighteen years ago) link
xpost didn't J.Lydon say much the same thing recently?
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Thursday, 31 August 2006 11:05 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Thursday, 31 August 2006 11:05 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Thursday, 31 August 2006 11:06 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 11:08 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Thursday, 31 August 2006 11:10 (eighteen years ago) link
I know you don't like it when we don't stereotype you ..
Hey, for all you know, they might *not* have been pervs!
Ok, they were.
There wasn't anything interesting and salvagable in the crap they were throwing out and/or sending to charity, though - they offered me a pair of cheap wrist cuffs whose D-rings had snapped off, but I've given up on rescuing other people's broken crap for the moment. I always take things in thinking "ooh, I can do something with that", and it just sits around gathering dust. I did rescue a length of lightweight chain they didn't want - it's not great, because its links are a bit weird in style, but I need more. In fact, I really should go out some time, talk to a locksmith, and get a set of maybe 10 small same-keyed padlocks. I can't imagine ever needing to use that many at once, but the largest same-keyed sets I've seen in DIY stores have 3 in, which isn't enough for non-immobilising positions.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Thursday, 31 August 2006 11:11 (eighteen years ago) link
FP how much do people spend on kitting out a serviceable dungeon with all modern conveniences?
― beanz-ii (beanz), Thursday, 31 August 2006 11:15 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 31 August 2006 11:22 (eighteen years ago) link
It does look very good. Though I'm never quite sure with 60s psych clubs. I can't stand purism. The thing that's great about Sonic Cathedrals is, even though it's a "Shoegazer Club" is that it will play music of all ages, if it's kinda psychedelic and textural - they'll happily play Chapterhouse and then play The Pink Floyd then Jonathan Richman then Neu! then dub reggae.
While 60s clubs tend to be very IF IT WAS RECORDED AFTER 1969 WE'RE NOT HAVING IT!!! even though a lot of what I would think of as total 60s psych wasn't recorded until 1972 or whenever.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 11:22 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 31 August 2006 11:27 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 31 August 2006 11:29 (eighteen years ago) link
I'd love to go to that Heads gig, but I just swing it.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 11:32 (eighteen years ago) link
If you start buying furniture and everything, you can spend thousands. The average perv who's been around for a few years will have a few hundred quid's worth of toys and clothes, more if they're into a particular clothing fetish.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Thursday, 31 August 2006 11:52 (eighteen years ago) link
::kicks something::
And I can't even rant about it here because I'll get shouted at. Grrrrrrrrr.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 12:00 (eighteen years ago) link
― C J (C J), Thursday, 31 August 2006 12:05 (eighteen years ago) link
So just never mind.
I've got to try and finish this bloody report before the end of the week.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 12:09 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 13:17 (eighteen years ago) link
Listening to the tracks on your own myspace page @ the moment.
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Thursday, 31 August 2006 13:21 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 13:22 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Thursday, 31 August 2006 13:27 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 13:31 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Thursday, 31 August 2006 13:35 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 13:38 (eighteen years ago) link
Cos the timezone thing on faux-ilx isn't live, seemingly
― beanz-ii (beanz), Thursday, 31 August 2006 13:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Thursday, 31 August 2006 13:44 (eighteen years ago) link
― beanz-ii (beanz), Thursday, 31 August 2006 13:45 (eighteen years ago) link
I usually decline random requests on my personal account unless I actually know them (or if they have people I know listed in their top eight), or unless their space looks particularly cool. i.e. hott dirty dronerock boys I will always accept friendships from.
Not that I get many of those, mind you. :-(
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 13:48 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Thursday, 31 August 2006 13:50 (eighteen years ago) link
I don't think being shallow is necessarily a bad thing anyway.
I ain't got no last fm friends - should ask around really.
― beanz-ii (beanz), Thursday, 31 August 2006 13:53 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 13:55 (eighteen years ago) link
I've been working on this payaway report all day, trying to get the rolling cumulative totals to add up right. And this conslutant keeps PESTERING me to make this minor change on his case. Less than half an hour before he sent the second request.
Like... DUDE!!! I am the head of MI for a large company of several hundred people. I clearly have NOTHING better to do with my time than change your errors.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 14:21 (eighteen years ago) link
.....Nah i can't do that to FP twice in one day.
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 31 August 2006 14:32 (eighteen years ago) link
― beanz-ii (beanz), Thursday, 31 August 2006 14:44 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Thursday, 31 August 2006 14:52 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 31 August 2006 14:54 (eighteen years ago) link
I'll be your last fm friend!
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Thursday, 31 August 2006 14:56 (eighteen years ago) link
::sticks fingers in ears and thinks of Benjamin::
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 14:57 (eighteen years ago) link
― beanz-ii (beanz), Thursday, 31 August 2006 14:58 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:09 (eighteen years ago) link
― andypandy (Mark Grout), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:10 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:15 (eighteen years ago) link
― beanz-ii (beanz), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:20 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:23 (eighteen years ago) link
― beanz-ii (beanz), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:24 (eighteen years ago) link
Awww, it's just so cute to see floppy teenaged Ben. Because he still had that huge lopsided grin, but the rest of him hadn't quite grown into it yet. :-)
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:29 (eighteen years ago) link
Then one day he finds ILX Watercooler on google...
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:29 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:30 (eighteen years ago) link
There's a whole thread dedicated to nothing but me and Brandon's number one nutter going "pedals! ASS!!! pedals!!! ASS!!! ORGAN!!! ass!!! PEDALS!!!!!"
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:32 (eighteen years ago) link
Once upon a time, when I was hott and skinny and attractive and my band used to tour, I used to get approached by groupie boys. And if the groupie boy was all "uuuhhh... breasts...." I'd get turned off. But if a groupie boy was all "Omigod, I love your pedals..." and then went "Aw, you're so cute!" as well, I'd be much more likely to respond. Or, like, sign his chest or whatever. (This is actually a true story, a boy did ask me to sign his chest after talking to me gooily about pedals for half an hour.)
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:34 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:36 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:37 (eighteen years ago) link
(This has actually happened with a different former groupie. Heh.)
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:38 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:40 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:40 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:43 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:46 (eighteen years ago) link
Sorry, I'm lost in a reverie here.
Maybe this is why being in a band is no fun any more. I don't get groupies any more. I can't remember the last time a cute red-headed boy asked me to sign his chest.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:48 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:49 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:51 (eighteen years ago) link
― vom, Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:52 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:52 (eighteen years ago) link
17 Year Old Groupie (let's call him Benjamin): What kind of distortion pedal are you using? It sounds so cool...Kate: Oh, would you like to come backstage and play with my Big Muff?Benjamin: Ooh, sure. Would you care to adjust the knob of my Meatball?Kate: Just be careful of the Electric Mistress...Benjamin: Ooh, err, missus, etc.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:53 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:54 (eighteen years ago) link
Shit, I should set up some new users before I leave.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 15:55 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 31 August 2006 16:18 (eighteen years ago) link
― mitya (mitya), Thursday, 31 August 2006 19:31 (eighteen years ago) link
I spent last night with a camera in my AREA. I've always wondered why they film the guitarist's picking hand, which does almost nothing and not the fretting hand.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 September 2006 08:20 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 September 2006 08:47 (eighteen years ago) link
"Grr, go away! Don't wanna listen to yr crummy band!"
(That's via myspace links, so present company excepted naturally. I only got it to stop all those other MarkGrout's from nabbing it!)
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Friday, 1 September 2006 08:53 (eighteen years ago) link
I have no clue. I think might be a TARDIS control. I'm utterly and completely in love. I wanna marry that pedal.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 September 2006 09:01 (eighteen years ago) link
― ken c, Friday, 1 September 2006 09:42 (eighteen years ago) link
Kerr, what the heck is this Joanna Newsom thing you've sent me? A bit twee, but odd enough to intrigue.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 September 2006 09:44 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Friday, 1 September 2006 09:45 (eighteen years ago) link
― much_aldo_about_nothing (much_aldo_about_nothing), Friday, 1 September 2006 09:51 (eighteen years ago) link
So kate, tell us more about the tv thing!
― Archel, Friday, 1 September 2006 09:53 (eighteen years ago) link
My Warmer Milks lp came today. Woohoo!
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 1 September 2006 09:56 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 September 2006 09:57 (eighteen years ago) link
Weird, she looks a bit like my friend Frances.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 September 2006 10:00 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 1 September 2006 10:03 (eighteen years ago) link
I don't know. That's maybe a horribly sexist thing to say. (I mean no one ever calls the Animal Collective twee for the same kind of routine.) But that's what I mean by "twee" I guess.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 September 2006 10:08 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 1 September 2006 10:31 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Friday, 1 September 2006 10:35 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 September 2006 10:35 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 September 2006 10:36 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Friday, 1 September 2006 11:27 (eighteen years ago) link
(I don't think even Benjamin really knows what it does, exactly.)
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 September 2006 11:29 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 September 2006 11:40 (eighteen years ago) link
I must admit, I've got my fill of fuzz/distortion boxes (turbo rat/rising sun/zakk wylde pedal) Phasers, now, on the other hand...
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Friday, 1 September 2006 11:47 (eighteen years ago) link
I've got two distortion pedals and that's pretty much all I need. I need to get into the envelope filters and the harmonic generators now.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 September 2006 12:01 (eighteen years ago) link
For my modular synth, though most likely I'll run other stuff through it. I have a real love for a nice clean guitar sound, Usually I just like to add leslie simulator or phaser, sometimes a little bit of chorus. All the more radical effects I have usually wind up getting drum machines or monosynths put through them.
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Friday, 1 September 2006 12:10 (eighteen years ago) link
Discontinued, unfortunately. Well, maybe not that unfortunately.
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Friday, 1 September 2006 12:14 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 September 2006 12:17 (eighteen years ago) link
I've just blogged about the BBC filming thing and don't really feel like typing it all out again. Read about it here:
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 September 2006 12:21 (eighteen years ago) link
Just out of curiosity, how were people supposed to know about this nu-ilx we are building here?
― mitya (mitya), Friday, 1 September 2006 12:32 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 September 2006 12:34 (eighteen years ago) link
― beanz-ii (beanz), Friday, 1 September 2006 12:43 (eighteen years ago) link
― Archel, Friday, 1 September 2006 13:05 (eighteen years ago) link
now I'm going to waste the rest of the afternoon on this minipops quiz. I thought I was doing terribly with 62 out of 95, but apparently no one in my office has got over 20!
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 September 2006 13:08 (eighteen years ago) link
I thought it was Talk Talk or Howard Jones but I was walking around the office singing it, and one of my colleagues is all "why are you singing Nik Kershaw?" God, it's almost exact.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 September 2006 15:02 (eighteen years ago) link
This is the pedal I fancy most at the moment.
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Friday, 1 September 2006 15:24 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 September 2006 15:43 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 1 September 2006 16:14 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 September 2006 16:16 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 1 September 2006 16:23 (eighteen years ago) link
give me a shout closer to the actual date (ie in a week) and i'll set the video...
― k to the oogy, Friday, 1 September 2006 16:32 (eighteen years ago) link
I am slightly hungover this morning. I cannot BELIEVE we really drank all that brandy on the walk yesterday. But I feel good. Yeah.
Apart from that, spent the weekend getting ready and doing preparation, writing sequencer tracks and the like for my SOLO SHOW!!! I am quite scared excited.
Also, I want a pig. Piglets are the cutest thing on earth ever. Next time someone calls me a pig, I am going to be hugely complimented.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 16 October 2006 08:27 (eighteen years ago) link
I can not wake up this morning. I would ordinarily be excited to teach Twelfth Night, but as it is, I'll be happy if I can string a couple of sentences together.
― g000blar, Monday, 16 October 2006 08:31 (eighteen years ago) link
Bah, proper rehearsal as well tonight. In a studio. Which I don't feel particularly ready for. :-(
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 16 October 2006 08:33 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar, Monday, 16 October 2006 08:39 (eighteen years ago) link
You sound a bit happier today, Kate. :)
― C J (C J), Monday, 16 October 2006 08:42 (eighteen years ago) link
I didn't go to sunno))) in the end on Friday night, I sold my ticket (took me forever, which was not fun with a bad back) and went home and did some stretching from the yoga book and just chilled out and relaxed, which was really what I needed.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 16 October 2006 08:46 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 16 October 2006 08:47 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar, Monday, 16 October 2006 08:48 (eighteen years ago) link
― C J (C J), Monday, 16 October 2006 08:50 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 16 October 2006 08:51 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 16 October 2006 08:52 (eighteen years ago) link
I awoke at exactly the time i was supposed to get up, which means i had no lazy-lie-in-clock-gazing time. drat.
― Ste the Wee, Monday, 16 October 2006 08:57 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 16 October 2006 09:29 (eighteen years ago) link
I've just realised that my legs are sore. I didn't feel the walk yesterday, but today I'm a bit, err, strained.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 16 October 2006 09:31 (eighteen years ago) link
Good weekend for you then I gather, FP?? :))) Repost it! I need a smile today.
― C J (C J), Monday, 16 October 2006 09:31 (eighteen years ago) link
It's weird how, you can chat to someone for a couple of weeks; you can meet them; and within a few hours of meeting them, you both feel that you're so right together, it feels as if you've always been with each other.
We're both a bit scared how quickly it just feels "right"
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 16 October 2006 09:36 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 16 October 2006 09:39 (eighteen years ago) link
Yes we did drink 3 half bottles of brandy and 4 pints of Ale (OK 3 pints of Ale and 1 half litre of lager in my case) a piece and walk about 10 miles up a hill.
― Ed (dali), Monday, 16 October 2006 09:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Monday, 16 October 2006 09:47 (eighteen years ago) link
I only had two pints of ale and a little bottle of wine, tho. But way too much brandy. Way too much.
Heh heh, oh dear...
http://images.quizfarm.com/1148547929artist_930[1].jpg You scored as Ethereal Goth. You are an ethereal goth... you favor Projekt and Dead Can Dance and have very refined tastes. You like the fine arts and probably prefer red wine to snake bite. Click on my name to take my other tests if you liked this one.
Ethereal Goth
Romantic Goth
Old-school Goth
Understanding Outsider
Fantasy Goth
Anything-Goes Goth
Death Rocker
Perky Goff
Confused Outsider
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 16 October 2006 09:50 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Monday, 16 October 2006 09:51 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 16 October 2006 09:53 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Monday, 16 October 2006 09:59 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 16 October 2006 10:38 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 16 October 2006 10:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 16 October 2006 10:46 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 16 October 2006 10:49 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 16 October 2006 12:45 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Monday, 16 October 2006 12:52 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 16 October 2006 12:54 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 16 October 2006 13:02 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar, Monday, 16 October 2006 13:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 16 October 2006 13:20 (eighteen years ago) link
― your kisses are wasted on mitya, Monday, 16 October 2006 13:55 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 16 October 2006 14:33 (eighteen years ago) link
Why am I *doing* this anyway? I'm only getting my hopes up for nothing. I guess I'm just so *bored* without ILX.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 16 October 2006 14:33 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ned Raggett (Ned), Monday, 16 October 2006 15:08 (eighteen years ago) link
I am now throwing soup at my hangover.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 16 October 2006 15:24 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ned Raggett (Ned), Monday, 16 October 2006 15:41 (eighteen years ago) link
I am also wondering if it was such a good idea putting on such a saucy picture. But I wanted to use a photo where I was actually smiling, and the really eye-catching cleavage one is the only one I have where I'm smiling.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 16 October 2006 15:47 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 16 October 2006 16:30 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 14:18 (eighteen years ago) link
Here, have a Curtis brother. He looks as pissed off as I feel.
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 14:34 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 25 October 2006 14:37 (eighteen years ago) link
We wish you a happy new month.
(and I hope it gets better quickly. I'm fed up with crap at the moment)
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 08:09 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 10:56 (eighteen years ago) link
― Pregarchel, Wednesday, 1 November 2006 11:50 (eighteen years ago) link
God, those Curtis Brothers are hottt. I had forgotten those photos. I think I shall listen to Now Here Is Nowhere first thing today, while I start the month end malarchy.
I am starting to feel much brighter. Though I lost the beautiful Edwardian chest of drawers at CB Antiques through acting too slow - someone bought it yesterday. :-(
I finished my Big Book Of Nothing today, which was very very good. And it ended with the most beautiful quote...
"We are the music makersWe are the dreamers of dreamsWandering by lone sea-breakersAnd sitting by desolate streamsWorld-losers and world-forsakersOn whom the pale moon gleamsYet we are the movers and shakersOf the world, forever, it seems"
That nearly made me cry on the train this morning, it is so beautiful.
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 12:53 (eighteen years ago) link
With wonderful deathless ditties We build up the world's great cities, And out of a fabulous story We fashion an empire's glory: One man with a dream, at pleasure, Shall go forth and conquer a crown; And three with a new song's measure Can trample an empire down. We, in the ages lying In the buried past of the earth, Built Nineveh with our sighing, And Babel itself with our mirth; And o'erthrew them with prophesying To the old of the new world's worth; For each age is a dream that is dying, Or one that is coming to birth.
― Pregarchel, Wednesday, 1 November 2006 13:13 (eighteen years ago) link
If you do not understand a contraction, then ASK. Do not guess.
"Mog-speed" meaning "a cross between Mogwai and Godspeed You Black Emperor" has been changed to "Mogadon-speed" which means nothing at all. WTF?
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 15:19 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 16:20 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 16:24 (eighteen years ago) link
― ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 16:26 (eighteen years ago) link
― much_aldo_about_nothing (much_aldo_about_nothing), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 16:27 (eighteen years ago) link
*If you are not a Plan B reader, you are not expected to know this.
Anyway, the point being, if it's unclear, fucking ask me, don't just make something up. Who the fuck are Mogadon anyway?
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 16:27 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 16:30 (eighteen years ago) link
― ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 16:33 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 16:36 (eighteen years ago) link
― stet (stet), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 16:37 (eighteen years ago) link
― ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 16:39 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 16:44 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 16:45 (eighteen years ago) link
It's kind of worse than not having any ILX at all. :-(
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 16:46 (eighteen years ago) link
You said it's OK not to get what you meant by Mog-Speed if you aren't a Plan B reader as you wouldn't be expected to know who Mogwai and GYBE are and that people who read Plan B who know who they are would get what you were talking about; I suggested that I know who they both are but still would have no clue what you're on about, therefore I now believe myself to be stupider than yr average Plan B reader.
There's a real sub on here now. We can ask him!
― ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 16:52 (eighteen years ago) link
Or moog-speed.
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 17:00 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 17:01 (eighteen years ago) link
― ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 17:02 (eighteen years ago) link
― stet (stet), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 17:06 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 17:10 (eighteen years ago) link
Mini Pocket Bike Online sells pocket bike, electric scooter, mini choppers, gas scooters, super bikes, 49cc pocketbike, mini pocket bikes, motor scooters, ... Mini Pocket Bike catalog of Mini Pocket Bike (BB-MF600A),Mini Pocket Bike (BB-MF605A),Mini Pocket Bike (BB-MF609). Mini Pocket Bike catalog, ... Mini Pocket Bikes - 4 results like the Razor Pocket Rocket Miniature Electric Motorcycle, Mirror Set, Pocket Bike Foot Pegs, Brake Caliper-104.
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― dirt bike, Thursday, 9 November 2006 06:24 (eighteen years ago) link
― your kisses are wasted on mitya, Friday, 24 November 2006 09:48 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar, Friday, 24 November 2006 09:51 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Friday, 24 November 2006 10:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Friday, 24 November 2006 10:23 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Friday, 24 November 2006 10:24 (eighteen years ago) link
I am happy today, though. It is Friday. It is payday and I HAVE BOUGHT NEW BOOTS!!! They are not quite as exciting as the Boots of Sex - these are more like every day office boots. Brown chelsea boots with buckles on. Oh yes.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 10:52 (eighteen years ago) link
― g0000blar, Friday, 24 November 2006 11:01 (eighteen years ago) link
However, I have to have my employment contract meeting today. And I'm going to cross all sorts of things out and make sure I get my flexitime put in.
And Gardening Leave. I want to know what I have to do to get that, it's awesome.
Finally! I got to a good part in The Mill On The Floss. Only took 2/3 of the novel.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 11:03 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Friday, 24 November 2006 11:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Friday, 24 November 2006 11:23 (eighteen years ago) link
They may not be able to back date my pension, though. Bah.
Ah, I have finally figured out a way to properly eliminate bad B's and P's in Cubase, hurrah. (I should really make a pop screen.) T's though, are a problem, especially if you're dealing with sibillant Home Counties girls.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 11:26 (eighteen years ago) link
― your kisses are wasted on mitya, Friday, 24 November 2006 11:56 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 11:59 (eighteen years ago) link
I am wanting to paint again. But when on earth would I find the time?
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 12:30 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 12:32 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 12:33 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 12:37 (eighteen years ago) link
― C J (C J), Friday, 24 November 2006 12:45 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 24 November 2006 12:47 (eighteen years ago) link
Doesn't have to be naked, either. I like the challenging folds of soft clothing.
God, I'm turning into the female equivalent of one of those old pervs who take photos of young girls they can never hope to pull. Sigh.
Clark's boot sale, CJ! OK, not Ugg, but I was happily surprised.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 12:50 (eighteen years ago) link
― C J (C J), Friday, 24 November 2006 12:52 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Friday, 24 November 2006 13:05 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 24 November 2006 13:14 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 24 November 2006 13:20 (eighteen years ago) link
I suppose I tend to mean it a wider sense, of just sort of.. well, Victorian and full-on, lucious darkness. Reclining on a velvet divan with hand to one's head going "oh woe is me, alas..." while smoking clove cigarettes and reading French poetry. I'm an ex goth, so of course I think lugubrious is a total compliment.
Hrmm, my email's been being funny, Kerr, I'll check if it went into the bulk box or something.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 13:24 (eighteen years ago) link
I doubt the other watercoolers would be interested though.
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 24 November 2006 13:47 (eighteen years ago) link
AND I HAVE CARROT CAKE. I should probably get offline before the hypoglycaemic fit commences. Wah-hey.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 13:49 (eighteen years ago) link
That lugubrious word again!
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 24 November 2006 13:51 (eighteen years ago) link
-Gothic and neo-gothic architecture-Victorian interiors-Beethoven Symphonies-Pre-Raphaelite paintings-Consumptive young maidens-The novels of Sir Walter Scott (and possibly Dickens)-Bauhaus albums
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 13:57 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 24 November 2006 13:59 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 13:59 (eighteen years ago) link
Maybe that's where your name is derived from, Gooblar!
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 14:02 (eighteen years ago) link
I think I've realised - it's not actually the carrot cake that makes me go all ADHD, it's the *icing*. I felt fine until I ate the icing and now I feel like I'm drunk.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 14:03 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 24 November 2006 14:06 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 14:08 (eighteen years ago) link
Then I'm going to make faces at my colleagues who are still stuck in their debtors meeting. I just heard that 91% of our debtors are new! Hurrah!
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 14:10 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 24 November 2006 14:17 (eighteen years ago) link
No, you cannot just take one of my songs, rewrite it and then have my band perform it your way. In fact, I'm mildly insulted by that proposition.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 14:19 (eighteen years ago) link
is that the same ...?
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 24 November 2006 14:22 (eighteen years ago) link
Just found another place where he's been slagging me off. Just fuck off and die, OK, f*ckwit? And take your comment box and stick it up your woo-woo.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 14:24 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 14:27 (eighteen years ago) link
(n.b. he and my sister in law are actually at a Halloween party, he does not actually have Boris Johnson style emperor aspirations. I don't think. Well, if he does, he doesn't actually dress like that all the time.)
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 14:33 (eighteen years ago) link
that brainl0ve guy has been slagging you off?
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 24 November 2006 14:41 (eighteen years ago) link
― teh_kit, Friday, 24 November 2006 14:48 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Friday, 24 November 2006 14:50 (eighteen years ago) link
And do not slag off my brother. >:-(
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 14:51 (eighteen years ago) link
― teh_kit, Friday, 24 November 2006 14:54 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Friday, 24 November 2006 14:55 (eighteen years ago) link
Back in the '90's we used to rofl at the prospect of someone inventing a genre called "moggie-house", slowed down, drowsy/sicky sounding beats. I guess moggie house sort of came to be when some FIEND invented trip hop.
[filthy paragraph about B&Q & improv bondage excised in the name of taste, har]
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Friday, 24 November 2006 14:56 (eighteen years ago) link
Pointy nosed dude in that photo looks exactly like my brother looked at about 14. But I cannot for the life of me find an old photo, even though I know I've scanned many.
I'm sure this says something terribly sick and horrible about me.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 14:58 (eighteen years ago) link
(Frater's ears don't stick out that much, though.)
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:08 (eighteen years ago) link
― LuGOOOOblar, Friday, 24 November 2006 15:11 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:12 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:12 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:13 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:14 (eighteen years ago) link
Lenny was OK. As he's a local person thesedays, it was weird him ironically referring to Woodley's black ghetto, almost with accuracy.
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:14 (eighteen years ago) link
― teh_kit, Friday, 24 November 2006 15:14 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:15 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:15 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:15 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sawyer, Friday, 24 November 2006 15:16 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:16 (eighteen years ago) link
Why Turkey Makes You Sleepy
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:18 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:18 (eighteen years ago) link
Oh, never mind. I'll go google.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:21 (eighteen years ago) link
― much_aldo_about_nothing (much_aldo_about_nothing), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:22 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:22 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:23 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:26 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:26 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:32 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:33 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:34 (eighteen years ago) link
I heard that we were in the new issue of MusicMart. But I went to the shop and they only had the old issue. Bah!
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:39 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:46 (eighteen years ago) link
Bah! Go on, you know you want to etc etc.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:50 (eighteen years ago) link
ha ha, I haven't had a chance to read it yet because my colleagues are handing it around. But it's got the naughty picture.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:53 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:58 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 15:59 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Friday, 24 November 2006 16:00 (eighteen years ago) link
Ha, I thought of you, I must admit.
they had one of those devices for wrapping christmas trees - a large metal funnel-shaped object where you push the christmas tree though it, pointy bit first, and it tightly wraps it in this meshy fabric stuff? Kind of like a sausage=making machine, but bigger, now I think about it. I looked at it and it occured to me that it looked just about big enough to put a person through, & they'd come out of the other side all wrapped up and, er, you know.
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Friday, 24 November 2006 16:02 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 16:02 (eighteen years ago) link
Related news: I just volunteered to model for a photoshoot and got a reply back straight away: "ooh, you'd be ideal". My ego is feeling all puffed-up right now.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Friday, 24 November 2006 16:18 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Friday, 24 November 2006 16:27 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Friday, 24 November 2006 16:32 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 16:37 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 16:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 16:43 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 16:44 (eighteen years ago) link
Pointy-nosed anime slash graphix?
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Friday, 24 November 2006 16:45 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 16:47 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 16:49 (eighteen years ago) link
I've just realised that PBW *did* friend me. I thought he denied me. And I've posted stupid surveys with questions about "who are you crushing on?" and crap like that. ARGH! ARGH! red face of shame, argh, embarrassment, I am teh stupid.
I'm going to go and die now.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 16:56 (eighteen years ago) link
Oh god, my face is burning with shame.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 24 November 2006 16:57 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000000blar (g00blar), Friday, 24 November 2006 18:26 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Sunday, 26 November 2006 23:46 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 27 November 2006 00:20 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Monday, 27 November 2006 00:24 (eighteen years ago) link
― mitya can't be bothered with remembering all these passwords, Monday, 27 November 2006 08:27 (eighteen years ago) link
― g0000000blar, Monday, 27 November 2006 08:46 (eighteen years ago) link
― C J (C J), Monday, 27 November 2006 08:53 (eighteen years ago) link
Best insight: One student, writing about Shakespeare's Sonnet 20 (the one in which the speaker bemoans the fact that his beloved--a man--is, in fact a man. The speaker suggests that nature fell in love with this creature, and so wanting the beloved for herself, makes him a man by adding "one thing".), noticed that, unlike the majority of the sonnets, this one has 11 syllables a line (instead of the usual 10). She theorized that the extra syllable at the end of each line represented that "one thing added". Brilliant!
― g0000blar, Monday, 27 November 2006 08:58 (eighteen years ago) link
I remember looking around the hall at my fellow uni students on graduation day, and wondering who amongst us would go on to greatness of any sort in the future (answer = none, really!)
― C J (C J), Monday, 27 November 2006 09:31 (eighteen years ago) link
Just a thought: if this thread breasts 1000 posts before ILX3 goes live, will it be replaced with Watercooler Thread -1?
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 27 November 2006 10:26 (eighteen years ago) link
Ah, that sounds great, Gooblar - though reminds me of something Ian linked to on my blog, ha ha.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 10:27 (eighteen years ago) link
you couldn't have said "reaches", could you?
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Monday, 27 November 2006 10:32 (eighteen years ago) link
― I Believe the Children are the Future, Monday, 27 November 2006 10:34 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Monday, 27 November 2006 10:34 (eighteen years ago) link
― I Believe the Children are the Suture, Monday, 27 November 2006 10:39 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Monday, 27 November 2006 10:41 (eighteen years ago) link
I retry.
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Monday, 27 November 2006 10:43 (eighteen years ago) link
― C J (C J), Monday, 27 November 2006 10:43 (eighteen years ago) link
I want a boat.
And who on earth left a message on the band MySpace saying I was "dreamy"? Come on, fess up. No one in their right mind would say that unless they were taking the piss.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 10:46 (eighteen years ago) link
From Jersey, apparently, but no idea.
― Teach Them Well, and They Will Lead the Way, Monday, 27 November 2006 10:50 (eighteen years ago) link
My school physics techer said this was rubbish and it was better to just shout ROY-G-BIV! He would come into class in the morning and shout "YOUNG ROY-G-BIV RULES!" - it sounded stupid at the time but it obviously worked as I remember it some 20-odd years later.
Why do we bother with this "indigo-violet" nonsense anyway? Look at the rainbow - it's quite clearly red-orange-yellow-green-blue-purple-more purple. "indigo-violet" is just poncey pretentious rubbish, the kind of colours you only get in clothing catalogues where they think "blue" sounds too common so they sell you "azure" jeans.
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Monday, 27 November 2006 10:57 (eighteen years ago) link
The "indigo" was added by Newton I think because it was the thing at the time that all natural things should come in 7 - like the known planets at the time. It was just one of those "magic numbers".
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 10:58 (eighteen years ago) link
― Show Them All the Beauty They Possess Inside, Monday, 27 November 2006 10:58 (eighteen years ago) link
Some day I will meet someone with Azure Eyes, that would be the coolest thing ever.
(It's almost my favourite colour, as well. Except that is actually Cobalt, which is close, but darker.)
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 11:04 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 27 November 2006 11:06 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Monday, 27 November 2006 11:07 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 27 November 2006 11:08 (eighteen years ago) link
How does sugar arrive at the Docklands? Like, in what form? It obviously needs to be refined, but is it solid, liquid, super saturated sludge? Or big hunks of sugar cane and/or beets?
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 11:12 (eighteen years ago) link
― The Greatest Love of All, Monday, 27 November 2006 11:13 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 11:13 (eighteen years ago) link
Once harvested, the cut canes must be processed as quickly as possible to conserve the sugar and to prevent microbial degradation.This first stage of processing is carried out in factories close to the growing area. The canes are cleaned, crushed and shredded, then sprayed with hot water to extract the juice. The juice is filtered, concentrated by evaporation under vacuum, and crystallised, before being removed from the remaining mother liquor by centrifuge.
Once the economic limit of extraction of sugar from sugar syrups is reached, we are left with the remaining mother liquid, known as 'molasses'. This is a useful by-product which may be used for fermentation processes or animal feed. Bagasse, the residual fibre from the cane, is mainly used as boiler fuel at the factory.
At this point, the sugar is partly purified and in a concentrated, crystallised, microbiologically stable form suitable for bulk handling, storage and transport to refineries around the world.
The raw cane sugar is despatched by bulk carriers to refining plants usually located close to deep water terminals such as at Tate & Lyle Europe's refinery in London. The storage shed at our Thames refinery can hold up to 70,000 tonnes – sufficient to supply the refinery for about 20 days of normal production.
Mmmm, molasses.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 11:16 (eighteen years ago) link
"Western Brass" (what I did last night)
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Monday, 27 November 2006 11:20 (eighteen years ago) link
I think it's coffeetime.
Either that or I'm going to run away and join the Gypsies like Maggie in the Mill on the Floss.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 11:30 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Monday, 27 November 2006 11:33 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 27 November 2006 11:35 (eighteen years ago) link
Let me tell you what isn't fun - manouvering a flight case on a crowded rush hour train. Bah.
It makes me mad, what with cnutish idiots rambling on complete gobshite about how there aren't actually any shoegazer guitars in Shimura Curves and I only say there are because I'm "rockist". Like, WTF do you think is in this case? An Uzi? I wish it were coz I'd gun your sorry ass down like a tarrantino.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 11:37 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Monday, 27 November 2006 11:40 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Monday, 27 November 2006 11:41 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Monday, 27 November 2006 11:41 (eighteen years ago) link
Pot, kettle, etc?
God, he's *SUCH* an idiot.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 11:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Monday, 27 November 2006 11:43 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 11:43 (eighteen years ago) link
Even my mum thinks that he looks like my brother. She said "PLEASE don't go out with him, Kate - think what the children would be like!"
As if. Hah ha hah.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 11:46 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Monday, 27 November 2006 11:48 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Monday, 27 November 2006 11:49 (eighteen years ago) link
Rockism is an ideology of popular music criticism, originating in the British music press in the late 1970s or early 1980s. The fundamental tenet of rockism is that some forms of popular music, and some musical artists, are more authentic than others. More specifically, authentic popular music fits the rock and roll paradigm; it is made using the basic rock instrumentation of guitars, bass guitars and drums, and fits the structures of a rock and roll song.
...a fine insult from someone dismissing Britney Spears for being inauthentic.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 11:50 (eighteen years ago) link
The term is sort of malleable though, isn't it? As in, it can be used to run down any music you don't like by criticising the process behind its creation (or something).
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Monday, 27 November 2006 11:51 (eighteen years ago) link
I think the important paragraph is:
This is as opposed to the notion of manufactured "pop" music, created in assembly line fashion by teams of hired record producers and technicians and performed by pop stars who have little input into the creative process, designed to appeal to a mass market and make profits rather than express authentic sentiments
Because this is, word for word, the kind of crap that Bumlove routinely comes out with about the music that I love.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 11:53 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Monday, 27 November 2006 11:57 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Monday, 27 November 2006 12:09 (eighteen years ago) link
OK, yeah, I'm making snide comments on messageboards in response but you know what? I *wrote* and recorded Stronger, I know what instruments are used on it. The only thing he's ever written are snide comments on message boards.
Anyway, I'm sick of this twat. I want pointy nosed boys.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 12:13 (eighteen years ago) link
Look at the point on that nose:
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 12:32 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 12:33 (eighteen years ago) link
Don't pay any attention to record company twit. I guess it's tiresome having to put up with that shit, but the music speaks for itself, I think.
Is your guitar bag a special Jazzmaster size? I'm gonna get a hard case for mine I think. (Only 4 weeks till I actually **get my hands on** my Jazzy!).
― Dr.C, Monday, 27 November 2006 12:42 (eighteen years ago) link
No, actually I was using an old bass guitarbag for my Jazzmaster - they're longer than most guitars so don't fit in the flight case I already had. Bah. I might go out at lunch and get a new bag if I can. Depends on how much they are. Also I need to get a new strap.
The peg that holds the strap on the Danny has gone, and I replaced it with a giant-headed screw, so I need to get a longer strap - and am probably going to have to tape it to the body so it doesn't pop out mid-performance. Which would be embarrassing.
I honestly believe music *should* speak for itself. And it does. But you're always going to get some twat who doesn't "get it" sticking his oar in and telling people What To Think like he's Alaistair Cooke (when really he's just the poor man's Tony Wilson). I don't think music fans need that - or if they do, go and read the sodding NME.
Whatever. Anything he does is going to irritate me, it's just worse when he gets things totally factually WRONG and then sticks my name in it.
What kind of a strap should I get?
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 12:50 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 12:51 (eighteen years ago) link
::looks at pointy nose::
::calms down::
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 12:52 (eighteen years ago) link
this is up for sale less than 2 miles from our house. I wish I was better off! It's perfect.
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Monday, 27 November 2006 12:54 (eighteen years ago) link
yeah, DiS, which is like... I don't actually care, I don't expect anyone there to "get it". It's just like... freaking Leave Off, already, you know? He left a snarky comment on the band's MySpace a few weeks ago, which I deleted. Now he feels he has to step it up again?
And my bandmates are all "oh, well, you bitched about him on your blog, you don't have a leg to stand on" - but it's like. I *STOPPED* because everyone was giving me such shit about it. And now he's starting back up again.
If it's wrong for me to do it, it's wrong for *him* to do it, but he just seems to get a free pass to do and say what he likes, and no one calls *him* on it. I've dealt with his sort before. I know that the thing to do is just to ignore him, because even slagging him off is giving him the attention that he craves.
It just winds me up and I wish it wouldn't.
God, how can a boy have such *amazingly* thick eyelashes? It just isn't fair. He's got those slighly cat-like Rimbaud eyes, all heavy-lidded and smutty.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 13:00 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 13:02 (eighteen years ago) link
― mitya in st. louis - not!, Monday, 27 November 2006 13:03 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 13:04 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Monday, 27 November 2006 13:08 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 13:11 (eighteen years ago) link
― ken c, Monday, 27 November 2006 13:12 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 13:13 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Monday, 27 November 2006 13:19 (eighteen years ago) link
(And maybe if I ask enough, all the boys of ILX will post pictures of their eyelashes.)
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 13:20 (eighteen years ago) link
The NME cool list this year!!!
OK, I have never cared about the cool list in my life, and I haven't even bought the NME in abou 5 years, but...
Did anyone notice something REALLY UNUSUAL about the Top 10 this year?
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 13:31 (eighteen years ago) link
Don't read NME.
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Monday, 27 November 2006 13:31 (eighteen years ago) link
1 Beth Ditto (The Gossip) 2 Faris Rotter (The Horrors) 3 Lily Allen 4 Jarvis Cocker 5 Karen O (Yeah Yeah Yeahs) 6 Kieren Webster (The View) 7 Kate Jackson (The Long Blondes) 8 Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance) 9 Thom Yorke (Radiohead) 10 Lovefoxxx (CSS)
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 13:35 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Monday, 27 November 2006 13:36 (eighteen years ago) link
― End-of-Termistan, Monday, 27 November 2006 13:37 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Monday, 27 November 2006 13:37 (eighteen years ago) link
― Eye Police, Monday, 27 November 2006 13:38 (eighteen years ago) link
Yes, Gooblar, hole in one! NME is noticing that the world is actually half female shockah!
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 13:39 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 13:40 (eighteen years ago) link
― Porridge Central, Monday, 27 November 2006 13:41 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Monday, 27 November 2006 13:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 13:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― Winging It On Home, Monday, 27 November 2006 13:43 (eighteen years ago) link
Get them to make up their own fake societies of imaginary lands, based on satire of the predominating cultural trends of today. I think that would make them realise the snide wit in Swift.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 13:44 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 27 November 2006 13:44 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 13:45 (eighteen years ago) link
― Worst. Teacher. Ever., Monday, 27 November 2006 13:46 (eighteen years ago) link
Aye, then the editor made an arse of it by spouting some crap about "you can still rock a crowd wearing stilletos" and dropped the cover that was supposed to feature the 5 women in the top ten in favour of Muse.
Lily Allen has a wee go at NME
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Monday, 27 November 2006 14:00 (eighteen years ago) link
And garg, is that true, Onimo? Oh god, that is just so depressing. I bought the thing because of the tiny picture of the three women made me open up and see if the list was any good. And then they go and blow it all, with that kind of crap?
I wish I hadn't bought the thing now.
I sentence Conor to spend the next five years trying to even walk wearing stilettoes. And getting about a dozen of them jacked up his sexist arse.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 14:29 (eighteen years ago) link
First one I went in, the gang of about three lads hanging around the door (some of whom worked there) didn't even move to let me in the shop. OK, you're not getting my money.
Second shop, the bloke on the desk is helping someone else, so I kinda hang around looking at guitar straps and stuff until he's nearly done. I go and stand by the desk, very obviously waiting to be served - oh, except for the fact I'm female. Another customer comes up, pushes by me (not even an excuse me) - I let him go as I'm assuming he's heading out the door, but no. He pushes ahead of me and starts asking the bloke on the desk about harmonicas. Like I'm not even there. I felt like cracking him in the head with a guitar going EXCUSE ME BUT I WAS HERE FIRST!!!
He goes to look at the harmonicas, but dude on the desk is just staring off into space - despite the fact I'm standing there waiting to be served. I had to go and ask someone else to help me. I should really have walked out of the shop and kept going to different shops and only paid my money at a shop that acknowledged females, but you know, it was lunchtime and I did need to get back to my office before the hour was up.
This shit is just so depressing. :-(
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 14:34 (eighteen years ago) link
It was discussed on the ILM "Worst NME cover" thread just before ILM died (here's a cached copy of the thread)
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Monday, 27 November 2006 14:34 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 14:36 (eighteen years ago) link
― last minute mitya, Monday, 27 November 2006 14:38 (eighteen years ago) link
Ugh, I feel just... unclean any time I read an ILM thread like that.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 14:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Monday, 27 November 2006 14:42 (eighteen years ago) link
In 1993 Riot Grrrrls did a glass ceiling chart emphasising this point and one of us (me) was ticked off by the person who was the NME features editor (male) of the time because "what about RACISM?" Oh FFS. I think I told him if he was so bothered about racism he should find a way to give more work to a certain writer in their office about music other than hip-hop.
There is an irony in there somewhere, considering who the features ed was...
― temporary suzy, Monday, 27 November 2006 14:44 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 14:49 (eighteen years ago) link
See also the running Plan B letters column of people going "blah blah, what's with all the women on the cover, are you just trying to prove a point?" or something like that to Frances or ET, and Frances put them down quite succinctly, saying "no, we put these bands on the cover because WE LIKE THEM"
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 14:54 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 27 November 2006 14:59 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 27 November 2006 17:29 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Monday, 27 November 2006 17:32 (eighteen years ago) link
― Youth Corrupter, Tuesday, 28 November 2006 09:04 (eighteen years ago) link
I've often thought that we'll only know we've got over sexism when people stop making any sort of fuss about overcompensating. The Plan B editorial management presumably have reached that phase - clearly the letter-writers haven't. And the same goes for other -isms too, of course.
Anyway, my sore throat is still sore, and (for other reasons) I'm feeling a bit emo. I need to pull my finger out of my arse,* talk to the woman who wants me as just a body to play with (whilst dating other men as potential boyfriend material) and say: "look, you know, this just isn't what I'm looking for". If I can, I should do it *before* my forthcoming date (with someone who knows all about the situation and how I feel about it, but, even so, you know)
* not literally. Both my hands are on the keyboard right now.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 09:29 (eighteen years ago) link
xxp to me
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 09:54 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 10:08 (eighteen years ago) link
― Mark C, Tuesday, 28 November 2006 11:06 (eighteen years ago) link
I've slid back into depression over the past few days, which is teh suck. Sometimes it's like slipping back into a lukewarm bath, long after it's stopped being comfortable, just because it's familiar.
And even more suck because I feel like I'm not even allowed to talk about the things that are the triggers, I'll just be shouted at and told I'm not allowed to feel the things I feel.
Ah well. There was a boy on the bus this morning with a nose as pointed as the prow of a ship, pale strawberry blond hair and eyelashes that were almost white, though half an inch long. Beauty. Beauty is really the only thing that ever makes me feel any better.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 11:32 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 11:56 (eighteen years ago) link
Streatham (no barrier) to City Thameslink (no barrier) then a bendy bus from there to Holborn.
OK, I'm going to go to Farringdon on my way home, and will have to buy a ticket home there, but honestly. I could retrace my steps and get a whole day's free travel.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 12:32 (eighteen years ago) link
― mitya feels like he is always needing to register, Tuesday, 28 November 2006 13:05 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 13:07 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 13:08 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 13:12 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 13:24 (eighteen years ago) link
And New Order on the headphones, trying to get psyched up. Bleurgh.
I'm just in one of those "nobody loves me, everybody hates me, I'm gonna eat some worms" moods.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 13:28 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 13:40 (eighteen years ago) link
Hi there. First class of the last day was strangely shitty. Students (as I might have expected) didn't want to talk about A Modest Proposal, or their favorite texts from the term, or how much they love me. They just wanted to get it over with and back to their LIVES. Can't blame 'em, I suppose.
I'm hoping (and guessing) that the other class (which, is, it must be said, usually the 'good' class) will be a lot better.
― And Then the Let Down, Tuesday, 28 November 2006 13:41 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 13:47 (eighteen years ago) link
No one in the class said a fcking thing.
― Mmmm....Babies, Tuesday, 28 November 2006 13:51 (eighteen years ago) link
(though man, what a stiff bunch they are if they can't even be wound up by such a wind-up.)
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 14:00 (eighteen years ago) link
No, I knew which thread I was posting on. Isn't this for random work-related venting (yes yes and DDBs and pointy-nosed boys).
― very soon mitya will be so annoyed that he will have to log in, Tuesday, 28 November 2006 14:01 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 14:03 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 14:05 (eighteen years ago) link
― Like I'd Know, Tuesday, 28 November 2006 14:10 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 14:15 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 14:18 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 14:19 (eighteen years ago) link
I have just got back from raiding Borders for my grandmother's Christmas present, a rather oversize book of maps of the world from the Middle Ages. And it's now a month until I fly away to America for the New Year...these happy thoughts are fighting away the ickyness of being covered from head to foot in water from a passing lorry earlier this morning. At least I'm dry now!
― carson dial, Tuesday, 28 November 2006 14:19 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 14:20 (eighteen years ago) link
Is that why it's traditional at baby showers in China to give bottles and soy sauce or mustard?
― mitya again, Tuesday, 28 November 2006 14:27 (eighteen years ago) link
― emsk, Tuesday, 28 November 2006 14:30 (eighteen years ago) link
Haha, she's still quite spry! And if she takes a swing at you with it, well, I'm thinking a light concussion at the least! I do like a book that can be used as an effective weapon if needs require...
― carson dial, Tuesday, 28 November 2006 14:31 (eighteen years ago) link
workcrush makes the day go speedy
ogle ogle rowr
― emsk, Tuesday, 28 November 2006 14:43 (eighteen years ago) link
Worms, worms, worms...
Are you telling me I couldn't nick a book from a grannie? Next you'll be telling me I couldn't take candy from a baby. OK, I probably couldn't, but there's no reason to rub it in.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 14:47 (eighteen years ago) link
(see i told you i'd register)
― mitya (mitya), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 15:00 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 15:01 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 15:12 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 15:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― Who, Me?, Tuesday, 28 November 2006 15:18 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 15:20 (eighteen years ago) link
And it's one of those sounds I couldn't tell if it was guitar or piano or what, which I kinda like. Those instrument hybrids you can make in sequencers.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 15:20 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 16:30 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sandbox Scourage, Tuesday, 28 November 2006 16:31 (eighteen years ago) link
man, I'm jealous. I want chocolate biscuits.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 16:33 (eighteen years ago) link
Further 'coolers here shoul incrent in i.
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 16:59 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 17:00 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 17:59 (eighteen years ago) link
But anything that goes in coffee, I'm perfectly happy to dip in tea.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 18:08 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 28 November 2006 18:19 (eighteen years ago) link
― mitya (mitya), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 06:48 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 09:01 (eighteen years ago) link
After Pride and Prejudice, you should read Thackeray's Vanity Fair, Ed. It is the dark, evil, hillarious Julie Burchill side of Austen's world.
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 10:16 (eighteen years ago) link
In the past few months, I've seen a few people. And all those relationships have involved me travelling off long distances to meet people.
I've got a date, of sorts, tonight. And for the first time ever, someone is willing to travel a fair way to meet *me*.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 10:23 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 10:26 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 10:58 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 10:59 (eighteen years ago) link
― Domino Man (Modal Fugue), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 11:00 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 11:00 (eighteen years ago) link
You're not the only one!
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 11:08 (eighteen years ago) link
Mmmm, strawberry beer.
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 11:24 (eighteen years ago) link
(ie, that trip to London at the end of June)
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 11:25 (eighteen years ago) link
― g0000blar (g00blar), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 11:25 (eighteen years ago) link
― Domino Man (Modal Fugue), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 11:30 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 11:31 (eighteen years ago) link
Morning everybodypeeps! Is the person coming to see you the person you went to visit recently, FP? If so, I hope that all continues to work out well for you both :)
I am looking forward to the weekend too - my husband is taking me off to Bath for a dirty weekend to do some Christmas shopping on Friday and Saturday. Two whole days without kids!
― C J (C J), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 11:32 (eighteen years ago) link
But I'd rather choose pictures of my cute bandmates.
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 11:33 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 11:33 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 11:35 (eighteen years ago) link
Ah. No.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 11:47 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 11:50 (eighteen years ago) link
We've been married for yonks, so a 'dirty weekend' for us usually just means one where we get very muddy taking the dog for a walk across the fields. Hopefully, it won't be like that this weekend (we are not taking the dog with us).
― C J (C J), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 11:57 (eighteen years ago) link
Including me, I think sometimes.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 12:00 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 12:15 (eighteen years ago) link
― C J (C J), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 12:29 (eighteen years ago) link
La la la, the list of books I've read before I die took up some time. Kinda crap list, though. (And quite, quite male, but that's to be expected.)
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 12:44 (eighteen years ago) link
― mitya (mitya), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 14:26 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 14:29 (eighteen years ago) link
that I should actually TALK to him.
Utterly absurd! I could never do that!
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 14:48 (eighteen years ago) link
― sandbox suzy, Wednesday, 29 November 2006 15:07 (eighteen years ago) link
no, i just meant the specific women-authored books on that list (a fair number of which now seem reasonably obscure to me).
― mitya (mitya), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 15:08 (eighteen years ago) link
― g0000blar (g00blar), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 15:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 15:18 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 15:20 (eighteen years ago) link
Besides, whenever I try to talk to a cute boy, my brain totally malfunctions, and I either start going "ugh, me like you, want give you thing, ugh" like a cavewoman who has no concept of speech or else I start immediately tearing off about 4 dimensional modular forms or something completely indecipherable.
No, it's all a very bad idea.
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 15:22 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 15:24 (eighteen years ago) link
This sometimes works.
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 15:25 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 15:27 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 15:29 (eighteen years ago) link
Because I'm painfully useless with men?
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 15:35 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 15:40 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 15:41 (eighteen years ago) link
I'll do a sad.
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 15:42 (eighteen years ago) link
stet divvying out mod privs. Pash + whoever Pash added.
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 15:43 (eighteen years ago) link
I'd be good. I promise!
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 15:45 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 16:03 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 16:16 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 16:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 16:21 (eighteen years ago) link
How am I supposed to keep the NERVOUS EXCITEMENT under control for the next hour?
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 16:28 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 16:35 (eighteen years ago) link
(although the one in the mirror isn't!)
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 16:38 (eighteen years ago) link
Boycrush Pusher
Totally crushed out, infatuated beyond a doubtPrettiest boy I ever saw, every time I see him wanna be around him moreGosh, I catch him smiling every time I lookWanna scribble his name in my notebook
Catch myself spinning reams of awful teenage poetryA thousand different rhymes for how lovely he looks recentlyTousled blond hair blue eyes beneathEvery time he looks at me I forget how to breathe
Chorus:Peter make me feel 15 years youngPeter make me feel there's still silly love songs to be sungPrettiest boy I ever sawEvery time I see him wanna be around him moreInfatuated beyond a doubtTotally crushed out
Stutter mutter mumble cough if I try to talk I embarrass myselfOpen my mouth, there's no sound I'm finding lame excuses just to hang aroundWhy won't my brain behave like it ought?He robs my mind of intelligent thought
Don't dare to dream or think what comes nextWouldn't wanna ruin this with sexNever get old, never get bored, never have to worry about being disloyalUnrequited love never has to spoil
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 16:40 (eighteen years ago) link
Dammit, I'm trying to download an MP3 of Boycrush Pusher but everywhere wants me to register. DUDE, I AM NOT GOING TO PAY *YOU* TO DOWNLOAD A SONG THAT *I* NEVER GAVE YOU THE RIGHTS FOR!
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 17:00 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Wednesday, 29 November 2006 17:02 (eighteen years ago) link
― substitute, mitya for him (mitya), Thursday, 30 November 2006 08:58 (eighteen years ago) link
Statistic of the day: about 8% of the Lollies tracks played by Last.FM users were played by me since I signed up for it - 32 plays out of 440 total.
Last night was fun.
It was all a bit awkward, of course, as it always is when it's not only a first date, but a first meet too. But then, we were standing on the station platform saying our goodbyes. The train was starting from here, so it had been standing there a while. There hadn't been any shouts or whistles or anything, when we both suddenly noticed: the door lights had gone out. And as we were both saying "Oh - shit...", the engines revved up and it pulled out of the station.
It was only half-eight, but that was very definitely the last train of the evening that went anywhere near the right direction. And it was, frankly, by far the biggest ice-breaker we could have had. Never mind the awkward conversations about how we feel and what sort of relationship we're looking for; that was all out of the window, and things were suddenly all relaxed.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Thursday, 30 November 2006 09:16 (eighteen years ago) link
I've just started the whole dating thing in earnest (thanks to the previously mentioned msf - http://www.mysinglefriend.com/detail.php?|=zefqrefghcd ) and meeting people is terrible. I can never do the ice breaking thing very well - I never really know what to talk about. I've never been good at small-talk, and big-talk can't be just launched into on a 1st date - so what's going on? EEEK! The last date I went on was lovely in a "met new cool person" kind of way, but still no fancying going on. Hurumph. Who's got advice on the whole "meeting people is easy" thing? What do I talk about on dates? This is REALLY hard!
Who went to Kate's shindig last night? Need people to report back on and tell me what I missed :(
― John Barlow (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 30 November 2006 10:01 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Thursday, 30 November 2006 10:25 (eighteen years ago) link
Yes, we got Dave and PBW to dance onstage with us. Suzy has pictures, I think.
Dumped my guitars back at the office and drank until 3 in a funny handshake bar. Talked to PBW some. He's more fucked up than I ever imagined. He went home with another girl. I should feel devastated, but all I feel is... well... I'm in love with the world again, for having boys like him in it.
I'm just utterly and completely smitten, in a "god, I just want to write songs about you" way. Which is the best way of all.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 10:48 (eighteen years ago) link
I think so :-)
JB, we had already been talking on the phone a lot over the past week or so, so we knew enough about each other already to have a fair amount to talk about. But that only works with a few people, I think.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Thursday, 30 November 2006 10:55 (eighteen years ago) link
That's the thing I forogt abotu dating - the pressure to have fun and be likeable/witty/etc. I'm an easy going guy, I don't need pressure!
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 30 November 2006 11:02 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 30 November 2006 11:06 (eighteen years ago) link
Pretty much shot the rest of the evening for me - burned in shame for about 30 minutes and then left.
― substitute, mitya for him (mitya), Thursday, 30 November 2006 11:07 (eighteen years ago) link
which all seems far too clinical for me, but I guess I'm after a clinical solution, so maybe I do need to go down the NLP route.
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 30 November 2006 11:14 (eighteen years ago) link
She had threatened to bring a crib sheet of conversational topics for me!
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Thursday, 30 November 2006 11:15 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 30 November 2006 11:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Thursday, 30 November 2006 11:18 (eighteen years ago) link
But it's like... the only feeling in the world that actually means anything to me, is that sense of getting onstage and putting in a performance where you *REALLY FEEL IT*. That's better than sex, it's better than love, it's better than drugs, it's better than anything.
I have been phoning it in with this band for so long, going through the motions, wondering why I do it. And suddenly, last night, as I looked out in the audience and saw his face, it's like every stupid, trite cliche in the songs suddenly meant something again. I think that's what made the gig so good, and yeah, it was something special last night.
I don't get to have relationships or any of that crap, but this is what I *do* get - the ability to write songs and perform them. This is the only thing that has ever meant anything to me.
And it's like, he gave me that back last night.
How do you say that to someone, without sounding like a complete mentalist? I think I was talking drunken bollocks about him being my muse or something. But it's like... "I look at you, and I hear music!" How can you put something like that into words? Just hope a fellow musician understands?
It's not sexual, it's not like wanting to get with him or anything like that. I feel kinda like an emotional vampire, because I just want him to tell me stories about his life and put them to music.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 11:21 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 30 November 2006 11:26 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 30 November 2006 11:30 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 11:30 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 11:35 (eighteen years ago) link
In other news, tonight, I am going on a photoshoot. As one of the models.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Thursday, 30 November 2006 11:36 (eighteen years ago) link
Having ones photo taken is awful. I hope it's not too terrible. ;-)
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 11:37 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Thursday, 30 November 2006 11:39 (eighteen years ago) link
You're going modelling? Do report back with stories about prima donnas. I wouldn't mind trying that kind of thing, but I don't think my ego would be able to take it. And besides, my eyes invariably turn out like the eyes of a killer (see my MSF photo).
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 30 November 2006 11:40 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Thursday, 30 November 2006 11:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 11:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Thursday, 30 November 2006 11:48 (eighteen years ago) link
Fuck that. I'm happy for once, and I'm going to enjoy it. I'm in the best band in the world.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 11:53 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Thursday, 30 November 2006 11:56 (eighteen years ago) link
Even pain can make you feel like you're alive, sometimes.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 11:57 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Thursday, 30 November 2006 11:59 (eighteen years ago) link
(the other thing with both self-harming and masochism is that the normal response to physical pain gives you a kind of natural high - but also in some people a very bad comedown a day or two later)
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Thursday, 30 November 2006 12:01 (eighteen years ago) link
― Matt DC (Matt DC), Thursday, 30 November 2006 12:02 (eighteen years ago) link
I suppose it's terrible, but the best thing about this is the sense of... *rightness*. I'm in love with a boy I barely know and can never have, and that's the way it should be.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 12:05 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Thursday, 30 November 2006 12:06 (eighteen years ago) link
I wouldn't mind having my photo taken all day if I was just having my photo snapped to capture my day-to-day going ons, but I would imagine modelling being more hard work than that.
ha ha reminds me of that Black Books episode with the Greek photographer when Manny runs away. If there are any Japanese businessmen hanging round, run away quickly.
I'm not sure the photos will be suitable for posting here, though."
Oh, those kind of photos! Well, just pixilate anything unsavoury, I'm still intrigued!
I'm with you about the familiarity of being in love with someone you can't have being comforting. It's liek you were saying with depression being a cosy safety blanket you can wrap round yourself - endless crushes like that are exactly the same. And quite cool, in a way.
What KIND of funny handshake? Or would the bar stop being cool if you told the likes of ME?
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 30 November 2006 12:08 (eighteen years ago) link
Was that you, Gooblar? (Are you awake yet?)
I don't know. I'm still trying to work out whether I believe it or not. I'm not sure I was even talking about my plainness vs. the prettiness of the girl PBW went home with - or if I was talking about mine own shallowness (visual motivation? aesthetic motivation?)
PBW is totally right to be suspicious of my motivations - like he said, I don't know him, not at all. I've based my entire views of him on the observation that he *looks* like a bruised angel. It's all projection. But what things look like (sound like, the prettiness, aesthetically, of them) is really all that matters to me. As an artist, at least.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 12:14 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 12:16 (eighteen years ago) link
It was truly a great gig last night, everything sounded (after the first song) all sparkly and right-on and together and world-conquering.
Not feeling too rough today, due to lots of water imbibement.
― g0000blar (g00blar), Thursday, 30 November 2006 12:18 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Thursday, 30 November 2006 12:21 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 30 November 2006 12:23 (eighteen years ago) link
But continuing on from the discussion last night, it is important, because it's about getting A Look and Working It. Which is sometimes more important than actually having the right bone structure.
I get upset because I cannot make my Self a work of art the way I've made everything else in my life (my flat, my songs) a work of art.
Oh, I don't know. I'll stop thinking about this, and go back to muddling along with my effects patches and Victorian novels.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 12:25 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Thursday, 30 November 2006 12:27 (eighteen years ago) link
Who'd get more excited, NME, Hello or Both the same?
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Thursday, 30 November 2006 12:29 (eighteen years ago) link
Ah, but you have! OK, so it may not be a work of art you're happy with at the moment, but that just means it's not finished yet, which is fine of course (whose is finished?).
(All of this is meant to be complimentary, but I'm worried it might not come off like that. My brane is broken.)
― g0000blar (g00blar), Thursday, 30 November 2006 12:31 (eighteen years ago) link
See, JB, that is the problem. I kinda want to hang onto that precious image of him, because I suspect *that* is my muse.
Problem is, the more you get to know someone, the harder it is to keep the mental image of them. Maybe he'd become someone to talk with down the pub about guitar pedals and why Country is good and Rock is good but Country Rock is BAD. But it's like... do I really *want* that, or do I want the Bruised Angel Muse?
This is why I don't want a relationship with him, or to sleep with him - or maybe even to hang out with him after gigs - because that kind of mental image doesn't survive such commonplace wear and tear.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 12:31 (eighteen years ago) link
Getting a Look is VERY important. Our self-esteem is based upon people thinking we're looking good, so making sure that box is ticked has to be a major plus. Unless your self-esteem is based on something not reliant on other people, in which case it's less of a priority.
(and since you know what you want out of the fella [just to be the container for a muse and nothing else] then I REALLY don't see the problem. Esp. if you don't want to rip his clothes off/ chat over a handshake/ talk about country rock pedals. When it gets to this stage it's like crushing on a celeb, which is certainly no bad thing.)
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 30 November 2006 12:36 (eighteen years ago) link
I know that what I want is unrealistic and unattainable. But that doesn't stop me from wanting it.
I fucked up the Great Lost Love Of My Life over this bullshit. That my idea of Being In Love doesn't survive the daily mundane bullshit.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 12:40 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 12:42 (eighteen years ago) link
And then turn it into something pretty, and call that justification.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 12:46 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Thursday, 30 November 2006 12:48 (eighteen years ago) link
Eh, speak for yourself there, man.
― Andrew Farrell (afarrell), Thursday, 30 November 2006 12:49 (eighteen years ago) link
― Andrew Farrell (afarrell), Thursday, 30 November 2006 12:50 (eighteen years ago) link
But I'm not gonna get that. I'm gonna get snatched awkward conversations in the pub when there's no one more interesting for him to get in his urgent drunken conversations with, and watch him chatting up girls that are doing the same things I was doing 10, 15 years ago.
So I'd rather have nothing except an empty vessel, to fill up with my dreams and inspirations. Because that's what I get, oh-oh-oh, that's what I get.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 12:56 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Thursday, 30 November 2006 12:58 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 13:02 (eighteen years ago) link
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Thursday, 30 November 2006 13:04 (eighteen years ago) link
I am *not* - repeat *not* - posing for any sort of pornographic photoshoot. None of my wibbly bits will be on display at all. Well, except maybe my arse. I don't really know yet. And it may well be NSFW for a lot of people. But it's not porn!
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Thursday, 30 November 2006 13:19 (eighteen years ago) link
I'm sorry I'm not interested in games or 80s movies, and I'm sorry you're not interested in discussions about the dichotomy between appearance and substance in relationships and creative inspiration, but honestly, what do you want me to do about it?
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 13:21 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 13:22 (eighteen years ago) link
I still don't believe most people who tell me I look good. I start wondering why they've said it, and what their ulterior motives are. It takes a *lot* of trust with someone before I can take compliments on my appearance at face value.
Photos: They're for advertising a particular night at a club I go to - photos for posters and flyers.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Thursday, 30 November 2006 13:24 (eighteen years ago) link
plz 2 ban.
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Thursday, 30 November 2006 13:29 (eighteen years ago) link
― Dom Passantino (DomPassantino), Thursday, 30 November 2006 13:31 (eighteen years ago) link
I WAS kinda making the point that having a Look is only important if you don't base your self-esteem on what other people think. I am somewhere between being a paradigm of vanity and a rock of ego isolation - which is maybe why my Look is only half-hearted at the best of times.
Speaking of which, my new look may be suits, and my new Look will be dandy man-about-town. I've just found a great vintage suit shop (it's probably been there for a billion years, but I've never seen it before) and I would imagine they'll do very well out of me in the next few months. I've already bought one suit from teh place, and I might wear it to work tomorrow, just because.
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 30 November 2006 13:31 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 30 November 2006 13:34 (eighteen years ago) link
For whatever reason, WOMEN tend to LOVE:-Drama-Conflict-Romance-Famous people and their lives
So... it's really quite easy to enjoy a conversation with a woman about these topics.
Errrr... women love shopping! Talk about shoes! WTF? Yes, I guess I'm interested in some if not all of those things, but not on a date. That's girlfriend chat, not date chat.
Here are a few ideas:1. Play amateur psychologist to the stars. Talk about how someone famous is doing something really stupid, then psycho-analyze them.For instance... right now, Michael Jackson is something like two hundred million dollars in debt. Even though he makes about twenty million dollars a year, he somehow manages to blow it all and then some. He has spent an unimaginable amount of time and money on plastic surgery and skin bleaching... and he reportedly just spent around seven hundred grand digitally darkening his skin tone in a recent video.This situation is all kinds of BEGGING to be picked apart with a fine-toothed critical mind.It's also PREGNANT with humor opportunities.
2. Find an interesting-looking group of people and guess what's going on.Look around you, and find a couple sitting at a table that looks like they're on their first date. Then start making fun of how the guy is acting, how he's dressed, his posture, or whatever. Talk about how the woman is thinking that he's a dork and how he's not getting any, no matter how many compliments he gives her.Analyzing what's going on with a close group of others is big fun, and women love it.
3. Make fun of someone famous. Talk about how a super model is too skinny, or how Ozzy has killed all his brain cells and what a shame it is that he's on TV broadcasting it to millions of viewers. Make fun of Mariah Carey for gaining weight, being put in the loony bin, and putting out a sucky movie. All you have to do is read a few gossip magazines to get all kinds of great stuff to make fun of. It's fun, it's funny, and it's a great way to talk like you're all that.
4. Talk about other people's love lives. Talk about the problems that others are going through when it comes to love and romance, then volunteer completely ridiculous theories about what's going on. Mention a friend you had who broke up with his girlfriend because she gained weight, then after you've told the story, make up a random theory about how women who gain weight are actually lesbians.
Uuuuhhhhhh... is this for real, or is this a parody site? If any guy I was on a date with started talking about any of these topics, I'd think he had NO BRAIN WHATSOEVER and the date would be over pretty quickly.
For real? What to talk about on a first date?
Try to find out what her interests are - ask her what kind of books she has enjoyed recently, what film/tv programmes she watches, what music she likes. Offer to share your own interests after you've asked hers - especially if you have any that overlap. Even if you don't find any overlaps, ask her what it is she likes about them.
Examples:"Oh, you like Author X, too! Which is your favourite novel of hers? Ooh, I like Novel Z"or"Oh, I'm not familiar with Author X - what would you reccomend? What's the best to start with? What do you like about it? I kinda prefer books that are more like Novel A"
If none of these hit a response that starts a topic of conversation, try to find out about her hobbies. Ask her what she does for fun, what she does on her days off. Ask her what her favourite meal is. Ask her where she grew up, and what kind of a place she lived in.
Just talk like you're interested in finding out more about her. It doesn't have to be about the minutia of her life, you're really just looking for anything that makes her *her*. And if you find something in common - Bonus! You've got something to have a proper conversation about.
I may not be a relationship expert, but my god, I feel like I've been on a million first dates.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 13:34 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 13:36 (eighteen years ago) link
The quickest way to feel like you look good is to have someone else tell you this.
Obviously, there are other ways to feel good. And there are other things to prop your self esteem up on (if my self esteem came solely from my looks, I'd have killed myself years ago. My self esteem comes from people telling me my songs are good).
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 13:40 (eighteen years ago) link
I think I look good today, but I probably don't.
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Thursday, 30 November 2006 13:42 (eighteen years ago) link
haha there's a first time for everything on this thread.
― ken c (ken c), Thursday, 30 November 2006 13:44 (eighteen years ago) link
"I know you're gonna break my heartCoz that's what hearts are there forI know you're gonna tear me apartCoz lord knows I'm not careful"
Great for creativity, hell for sanity, but aren't the best things always?
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 13:47 (eighteen years ago) link
xpost This is what I need, some first-hand first date experience. I'll remember that, this is good stuff.
The amusing advice is, I fear, a real life advice site. I reacted the same way that you did - the kind of girl who would find that sort of conversation stimulating isn't really the kind of girl I'd like converse with.
make up a random theory about how women who gain weight are actually lesbians.
ha ha ha beyond parody.
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 30 November 2006 13:48 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Thursday, 30 November 2006 13:48 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 30 November 2006 13:49 (eighteen years ago) link
― ken c (ken c), Thursday, 30 November 2006 13:52 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 30 November 2006 13:54 (eighteen years ago) link
― Maaarghk C (Maaarghk C), Thursday, 30 November 2006 13:54 (eighteen years ago) link
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Thursday, 30 November 2006 13:59 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:01 (eighteen years ago) link
yeah, man, if you're having crush problems i feel bad for you son but i've got 99 problems but my crush ain't one HIT ME
― ken c (ken c), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:03 (eighteen years ago) link
― Andrew Farrell (afarrell), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:07 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:10 (eighteen years ago) link
Sorry, Andrew, but in the world of dating, I kinda *do* have a bit more experience than you. I haven't always been a celibate misanthrope.
Dating *is* about getting to know someone, and the quickest and easiest way to get to know someone is to get them to talk about themselves. And from that you can proceed to the stuff you have in common. That's how it *works*.
x-post - Johnny OTM, it's a way of finding something to talk about.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:12 (eighteen years ago) link
― ken c (ken c), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:13 (eighteen years ago) link
Keep this up and you'll make us mere trolls look bad
― Mr. Comnenus (Mr Comnenus), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:15 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:16 (eighteen years ago) link
D-must try harder
the D is for Darramouss.sorry to interrupt, Watercoolants. do continue.
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:20 (eighteen years ago) link
I resemble that remark.
Dating *is* about getting to know someone, and the quickest and easiest way to get to know someone is to get them to talk about themselves.
Oh yes, absolutely. So why not get them to talk about themselves?
And from that you can proceed to the stuff you have in common. That's how it *works*.
Sure, but that seems to me directly opposed to your previous post. Am I missing something?
But the thing you're trying to get them to talk about is them?
― Andrew Farrell (afarrell), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:20 (eighteen years ago) link
No, i'm not Darramouss. I think you're grossly underestimating your ability to inspire the hatred of complete strangers.
― Mr. Comnenus (Mr Comnenus), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:24 (eighteen years ago) link
D- = You are worse than Darramouss. But don't take it to heart.
I am perfectly aware of my unrivaled ability to inspire hatred in strangers.
― Sir Gregory of St.Kitts (g-kit), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:27 (eighteen years ago) link
i much prefer to just try and have a good time than seeing a date as some kind of data mining exercise with speed and efficiency being an issue! see in my ideal date either person will just start talking about anything, interest or not, and the other will listen and respond accordingly, with no agenda like "i'm going to find out this this this and this about you by 9:15 and then i'll tell you how much i like the same thing" because i find that that usually hinders a genuine conversation.
but of course it is not always so straightforward becasue often people go into a date WITH an agenda usually being "I AM GOING TO HAVE TURKED YOU TWICE BY 11:30" but i dunno. i can't really give good advice because i not often go on blind dates and so when i do go on dates and stuff it's usually people who i know want me to turk them by 11:30 anyway.. so it's probably differnet.
maybe the advice is to never go on blind dates unless you're not really that bothered about being turked.
― ken c (ken c), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:28 (eighteen years ago) link
― ken c (ken c), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:30 (eighteen years ago) link
And it's a fuck of a lot better than what was suggested on the site linked to.
We now return you to my crush, already in progress.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:32 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:33 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:34 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:35 (eighteen years ago) link
But Andrew (Farrell) - good to see you last Friday, sir! Hope you got home safely with yr parcel. Did you see any of teh gig? We started off like Motorhead for the first 5 or 6 songs (according to one of our regular fanz), but ran out of steam a bit for the last few.
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:35 (eighteen years ago) link
God, I need sleep. What should I have for lunch? I've got £1.62.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:36 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:37 (eighteen years ago) link
― ken c (ken c), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:39 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:40 (eighteen years ago) link
― Andrew Farrell (afarrell), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:42 (eighteen years ago) link
Is it like eating toast and spaghetti in bed?It is if you're doing it wrong.
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:46 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:47 (eighteen years ago) link
― Alexander Portnoy (g00blar), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:48 (eighteen years ago) link
― ken c (ken c), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:48 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:53 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 30 November 2006 14:54 (eighteen years ago) link
Literature has all the answers, doesn't it?
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 15:02 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Thursday, 30 November 2006 15:04 (eighteen years ago) link
― g0000blar (g00blar), Thursday, 30 November 2006 15:12 (eighteen years ago) link
Oh why did I drink so much last night? I knew I should have gone home after the gig. Gooblar, I curse you and the PBW and your hangover inducing ways.
Will this hangover ever go away?
Next time after a gig, I'm not going drinking afterwards. Not for all the pretty boys in Canada.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 16:18 (eighteen years ago) link
HURRAH though, i am back at the lovely job from tues :) and then i have another one the week after that. lovely lady at temping agency told me lovely things about people saying lovely stuff.
― emsk ( emsk ), Thursday, 30 November 2006 16:24 (eighteen years ago) link
I've got a feeling I'm gonna be here a million years, but I ain't leaving until I've cracked this tricky problem with the Data Profile Co-efficients.
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 30 November 2006 16:35 (eighteen years ago) link
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Thursday, 30 November 2006 17:22 (eighteen years ago) link
Oh, the crapulent abyss, the chasm of the aftereffects. I think I may still have been drunk this morning when I woke up.
Why do I have to be such a freak? Why can't I just be normal for once in my life? It's not fair. :-(
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 17:29 (eighteen years ago) link
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Thursday, 30 November 2006 17:31 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 17:38 (eighteen years ago) link
Pop star boys - GOOD
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 18:04 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 18:34 (eighteen years ago) link
I haven't dated anyone for, ooh, years and years and years, but I think if you are struggling to talk to someone and need the pointers of interweb mentalists also not in relationships as a guide for how to hold a conversation, then that's a sign right there that this isn't perhaps the person for you. You will KNOW when you click with someone, when conversation comes easily. Do you struggle this much to become friends with people? The process is pretty much the same.
I am appalling at picking team names in pub quizzes, sorry. I also tend to be quite drunk and laugh heartily at everyone else's amusing efforts before forgetting all about them by the end of the night. Sorry. Anyway, the pubs round our way just have smutty innuendo-laden names, not clever witticisms. (and no, I can't remember any of them)
― ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Thursday, 30 November 2006 18:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 18:44 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 18:50 (eighteen years ago) link
Actually, Ken sort of said this already, didn't he? This:
Seriously, it's not that hard to talk to people! And if you have issues with talking to and dealing with people in general, perhaps you might want to address that before expecting to snare the love of your life over the course of an agenda-laden evening?
― ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Thursday, 30 November 2006 18:51 (eighteen years ago) link
But yeah, you're right, I'm a psycho and a mentalist and have no business even speaking to people in the first place, as I've proved over and over again.
God, I need sleep.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 30 November 2006 18:53 (eighteen years ago) link
Yes, I'm married. There's a reason I got that way too. But, yeah, as someone who successfully dated someone to the point that we realised that we got on well enough to continue doing this for the rest of my life, I thought I may be in a position to offer advice (and, FYI, not that it's any of your business, I went through a fuckload of disastrous soul-destroying relationships built on desperation, nothing, sex, all manner of doomed-to-failure reasons before this one turned up).
But I guess I'm just a "smug married" in your eyes, rather than someone who learned a bit about how to do this relationship stuff successfully. Sorry for thinking my experience was relevant.
(btw, if people in relationships piss you off so much, why do you want to be in one so much?)
― ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Thursday, 30 November 2006 19:01 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Thursday, 30 November 2006 19:03 (eighteen years ago) link
(Morning! Happy December! White rabbits!)
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Friday, 1 December 2006 09:47 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Friday, 1 December 2006 09:49 (eighteen years ago) link
― g0000blar (g00blar), Friday, 1 December 2006 10:06 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Friday, 1 December 2006 10:20 (eighteen years ago) link
But yeh, I do need to take the pressure of myself - I really do feel that I HAVE to at least have an opinion of someone after a few hours, otherwise what's the point? Although maybe this is where I'm going wrong . . .
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Friday, 1 December 2006 10:26 (eighteen years ago) link
"Get away from my family," 4-year-old Stevie Long shouted, punctuating his screams with swipes of his plastic sword and hearty "yah, yahs."
The robber and his accomplice, who was waiting outside the apartment Friday night, fled with credit cards, jewelry, cash and other items that Stevie's mother, Jennifer Long, dumped from her purse.
"I scared the bad guys away," Stevie said Tuesday evening at the apartment at 901 Chalk Level Road in north Durham.
Two men had approached Jennifer Long's boyfriend and his son Friday night as they stood outside the apartments she helps manage, according to a police report. The strangers asked for pot, and then a cigarette, and as the son went to get one, both men pulled guns, police said.
One stayed with the boyfriend as the other forced the son back into the apartment, police said. Inside were Jennifer Long, a cousin, Stevie, Mary and two other children, police said.
They were forced on the floor. The robber pointed the gun at Mary and a 1-year-old girl named Sierra, said Stevie's uncle, Bernie Evans, 33, who lives above the Longs.
Enter Stevie.
"During the robbery, a ... boy snuck into his bedroom, dressed himself in a Power Ranger costume and armed himself with a plastic sword," police said. "The child then exited his room and approached the armed suspect, in an attempt to protect his family."
Relatives said the robber abandoned plans to take Stevie's mother to an ATM to withdraw cash when he saw Stevie.
"It tripped him out, and that's when they moved on," said Evans, who did not witness the incident. Jennifer Long declined to comment, saying her employers at the apartment complex would not allow it.
Stevie likes to think he cuts an intimidating figure in his red-and-black mask and foam suit that replicates the rippling muscles of the kiddie adventure show heroes. But Evans said the robber was more startled that Stevie was able to retreat to his bedroom and morph.
Fantasy, reality
Though the robbers wore no masks, victims could only give vague descriptions of them. Police have no suspects in this or the other 10 armed robberies reported in Durham in the past six days, said Kammie Michael, a spokeswoman.
Evans said family members are struggling to help their children understand their ordeal. A counselor said Stevie needs to improve his distinction between fantasy and reality, said Heather Evans, Stevie's aunt.
"He fully believed he morphed," she said.
Mary grasps her danger better. She stayed home from school Monday and Tuesday.
"My doctor said I get a day off," she said.
"My mommy said I was crying in my sleep because I had bad dreams."
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 1 December 2006 10:32 (eighteen years ago) link
― jel -- (jel), Friday, 1 December 2006 10:33 (eighteen years ago) link
― ken c (ken c), Friday, 1 December 2006 10:36 (eighteen years ago) link
but if there are, then it's CASH IN.
― ken c (ken c), Friday, 1 December 2006 10:41 (eighteen years ago) link
― ken c (ken c), Friday, 1 December 2006 10:44 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Friday, 1 December 2006 10:48 (eighteen years ago) link
― emsk ( emsk ), Friday, 1 December 2006 10:51 (eighteen years ago) link
― teh_kit (g-kit), Friday, 1 December 2006 10:53 (eighteen years ago) link
They obviously explained to the kid that he under no circumstances was to accurately describe any of the bad guys to the police, right?
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Friday, 1 December 2006 10:54 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Friday, 1 December 2006 10:57 (eighteen years ago) link
That's great, Ken! We are the defending champs, so we ought to have a folk enchance, BUT....I like it.
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Friday, 1 December 2006 10:58 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Friday, 1 December 2006 11:13 (eighteen years ago) link
― teh_kit (g-kit), Friday, 1 December 2006 11:16 (eighteen years ago) link
― emsk ( emsk ), Friday, 1 December 2006 11:34 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 11:51 (eighteen years ago) link
Or not like that at all?
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Friday, 1 December 2006 11:53 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Friday, 1 December 2006 11:54 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Friday, 1 December 2006 11:54 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Friday, 1 December 2006 11:55 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 11:55 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Friday, 1 December 2006 11:56 (eighteen years ago) link
I think
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 11:57 (eighteen years ago) link
eheh no not really! i left it at the shimura sisters' house the other night bc it got a puncture which i fixed but then when i tried to leave it had another one and it was 1am and i couldn't be arsed, just wanted to get moving, plus they had to go to sleep. i am bloody sick of it taking twice as long to get everywhere. and i had to miss the end of the monade gig last night to get the last train. and monade were ACE.
― emsk ( emsk ), Friday, 1 December 2006 11:59 (eighteen years ago) link
God, I was tired and emotional yesterday. I'm back on top of the world today, and everything is wonderful. Hurrah! It's Friday, let the flirting commence. Except, bah, I'm on Month End today, boo hiss, etc.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 12:16 (eighteen years ago) link
― g0000blar (g00blar), Friday, 1 December 2006 12:25 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Friday, 1 December 2006 12:29 (eighteen years ago) link
"A drunken kiss and a drunken nightHungover morning and a sobering cry"
...with multitudes of girly harmonies and magnificent violins going everywhere. I wonder if I can get Frances to do some violining for us - she said she was perfectly happy to record with us.
also, I'm at the LAST CHAPTER of Julie Burchill. She actually made me LAUGH OUT LOUD SO HARD that people moved away from me on the train this morning. Like, crying, I was laughing so hard. She is wicked and evil and terrible, but she is just SO VERY FUNNY. I'd forgive her anything.
Also, Gooblar, what was that you quoted up there? Is that Portnoy's Complaint? Who's it by? I'm going book shopping this weekend, maybe I should get it.
I'm not going to get out of work until 10 or so, but if you're still drinking, I'm there, Ed.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 12:31 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 12:34 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 12:36 (eighteen years ago) link
(perhaps we can have a live satellite link up)
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 12:41 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 12:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 12:43 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 12:44 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 12:46 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 12:46 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 12:47 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 12:48 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 12:49 (eighteen years ago) link
― emsk ( emsk ), Friday, 1 December 2006 12:54 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 12:58 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:04 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:07 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:10 (eighteen years ago) link
I do so need hands to drink! How else am I going to hold the booze? And I refuse to drink booze through a straw. (Especially magic straws like Suzy tried the other night.)
But no. Hott boys shall never lead me into the Chasm of the Delayed Aftereffects again.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:11 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:13 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:15 (eighteen years ago) link
― emsk ( emsk ), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:18 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:20 (eighteen years ago) link
― teh_kit (g-kit), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:21 (eighteen years ago) link
However, Clerkenwell is also far for me... this week (wiggles eyebrows suggestively)!
― substitute, mitya for him (mitya), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:23 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:25 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:27 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:28 (eighteen years ago) link
(since i woz robbed)
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:30 (eighteen years ago) link
― teh_kit (g-kit), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:30 (eighteen years ago) link
You can get an egg mayo sammich at Sainsburys for 95p, I think.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:35 (eighteen years ago) link
― emsk ( emsk ), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:37 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:37 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:39 (eighteen years ago) link
Happens, though, when one of the doctors is off sick, and the others end up having to take up their patients as well as their own. That's what happened last time I went to the Dr.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:41 (eighteen years ago) link
but but there is no ILG to take it to :(
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:41 (eighteen years ago) link
― teh_kit (g-kit), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:42 (eighteen years ago) link
Get well, Pash. Sounds like Toker's cough.
― teh_kit (g-kit), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:43 (eighteen years ago) link
This one is for flirting and bitching and pointy nosed boys and Victorian novels.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:44 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:46 (eighteen years ago) link
I asked he why the appt was so late and her answer was (sing-song voice) "oh it's just friday"
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:47 (eighteen years ago) link
x-post ask Emsk about the CITRICIDAL for getting rid of the sinus thing.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:48 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:49 (eighteen years ago) link
Or am I missing a trick?
― teh_kit (g-kit), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:49 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:50 (eighteen years ago) link
It made my face go all puckered up and icky even as I was drinking fresh water from a glass someone else had had some in!
Maybe it's secretly made from earwax, I don't know.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:51 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:52 (eighteen years ago) link
You wouldn't like it at all, would you? So keep it off here.
Don't like it? Make your own thread.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:53 (eighteen years ago) link
I think it must be a misnomer.Why not just call the next one "This is the thread where kate and kate's friends talk about kate."?At least people won't come by under the impression that they're free to talk about whatever subject interests them.
― teh_kit (g-kit), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:54 (eighteen years ago) link
xpost kit otm
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:56 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:57 (eighteen years ago) link
― teh_kit (g-kit), Friday, 1 December 2006 13:58 (eighteen years ago) link
Why do I find myself explaining the same thing to you, thread after thread?
I am having the last of the curry for lunch. With chocaccino.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:04 (eighteen years ago) link
On a completely different topic - did I ask this already a few months ago? - does anyone know whether I, as a non-UK resident, can (easily) open up a UK bank account?
― substitute, mitya for him (mitya), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:07 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:09 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:10 (eighteen years ago) link
― teh_kit (g-kit), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:11 (eighteen years ago) link
- a passport- a letter confirming their UK address (or bill or something like that)- a letter from their employer saying "Yep, this person isn't a bum"- their visa
but I guess all banks aren't the same.
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:14 (eighteen years ago) link
But it's very difficult. Even if you are a student with a visa and all.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:18 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:22 (eighteen years ago) link
If anybody can be bothered to ban me from this thread, please do so.Kate, maybe one day, you'll drive everyone away, and get your wish: a thread all to yourself. Wow.
― teh_kit (g-kit), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:22 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:23 (eighteen years ago) link
(Sorry to go all lex, but who's Joanne Newsom?)
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:27 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:28 (eighteen years ago) link
Is the right answer.
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:28 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:29 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:33 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:33 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:35 (eighteen years ago) link
Ha ha, it's hilarious when I know my friends' "type" as well as mine own. I could spot Ed going all gooey over a bassist on Wednesday as easily as he could spot me going all gooey over Gooblar's band.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:35 (eighteen years ago) link
― emsk ( emsk ), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:36 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:37 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:38 (eighteen years ago) link
She wasn't placed.
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:39 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:40 (eighteen years ago) link
Why, hello Johnney B! Will you save me from these wolves?
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:40 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:41 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:44 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:48 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:52 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:53 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:55 (eighteen years ago) link
awwww, poor Travis. Their bassist is HOTT.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:55 (eighteen years ago) link
OH MY GOD. I hope that's true now, because I tried to do this when I arrived in London five years ago. I had all of the above, PLUS I had a letter from my HSBC branch in Australia saying how fabulous I was. The bastards STILL refused to give me a bank account. As did every other bank.
― marianna longmire (marianna lcl), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:56 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 14:57 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:02 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:04 (eighteen years ago) link
I have no idea who that is.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:04 (eighteen years ago) link
xpost, naturally.
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:07 (eighteen years ago) link
Lollies bass-mistress looks like all 4 of my sisters sort of made into one. But a bit younger.
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:08 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:11 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:11 (eighteen years ago) link
I hope Johnny likes Joanna, because Beth is MINE. (Or whoever's - has she had the baby yet?)
Thanks for the bank info. What a nightmare. I need to find a non-US, non-Russian bank. (And no, I am not money laundering. Much.)
― substitute, mitya for him (mitya), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:14 (eighteen years ago) link
Me :
Tonight - Quiz + BoozeTomorrow - Christmas shoppin' (a.m), Rugby if knee recovers, it should do(p.m), cinema maybe (evening)Sunday - helping kids with homework, cooking, playing guitar if time.
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:15 (eighteen years ago) link
What am I doing this weekend?
Tonight - working.Tomorrow - Shimura Curves rehearsal! In a STUDIO! (if the ceiling doesn't leak and Dave Q doesn't forget)Sunday - MULLING party! Hurrah!
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:19 (eighteen years ago) link
Tomorrow I should really try pricing a synth as I think that is what I will get myself from Xmas and I would like to be certain it's cheaper in London than here.
Sunday I am meeting a real estate agent.
None of these days am I working. (Yay!)
― substitute, mitya for him (mitya), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:19 (eighteen years ago) link
― teh_kit (g-kit), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:20 (eighteen years ago) link
― emsk ( emsk ), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:20 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:20 (eighteen years ago) link
Tell me which gig, emsk
― Ed (dali), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:21 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:22 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ste (fuzzy), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:23 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:25 (eighteen years ago) link
Marianne (and mitya), apparently HSBC have changed a lot in the last 5 years, so you should be fine. The account you'll get is rather basic (No overdraft, basic ATM card, that kinda thing) but it'll be there.
I worse a 3-pc suit into work today for no reason other than I wanted tom, and even if I say so myself, I look pretty damn good. This waistcoat is getting quite hot now, but I'm too psyched by my own suaveness to take it off.
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:29 (eighteen years ago) link
3-piece suits *are* hott. And hot.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:31 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:33 (eighteen years ago) link
Tonight: a quiet night in cos I'm knackered, not getting home from the photoshoot until 1am last night.Tomorrow: off to Donna Nook to look at the newborn seal pupsTomorrow night: a cosy night in with DVDsSunday: Sheffield munch
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:36 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:37 (eighteen years ago) link
x-post, keep your nose out of my blog!
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:38 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:39 (eighteen years ago) link
But maybe that's the difference. I *know* that TISSP! has a girlfriend, and that she's lovely and I heartily approve of and like her. So I know that it's So Not Gonna Happen.
PBW is kinda like a loose cannon WRT his Situation, and perhaps that would make the same sort of thing completely dangerous in a way in a way that it just isn't with TISSP!, as lovely and pointy-nosed as he is.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:43 (eighteen years ago) link
Well, I say "very good". I'm biased because I wrote it. In length-to-crapness-of-punchline ratio, it's very good, I reckon.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:45 (eighteen years ago) link
how cool is tissp for playing with a mellotron over the weekend!
i am off, ladies and gents. have a one-der-ful one!
― substitute, mitya for him (mitya), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:45 (eighteen years ago) link
(Unless you have done so in the hour or so since I read your blog this morning.)
...or maybe that's the point.
I've decided to keep my PBW navelgazing on my blog and out of this thread, so I apologise for that above post.
x-post bye Mitya! Have a good one!
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:46 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:49 (eighteen years ago) link
I wouldn't put stuff on my blog if I minded people reading it. I just wanted to keep it there, not here. Cause I'm sure everyone is quite bored of my pathetic (lack of) lovelife by now.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:52 (eighteen years ago) link
The punchline is the very last sentence of part three.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:55 (eighteen years ago) link
I would've commented on yr blog but I have no blogger account so thought it easier to post here!
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:56 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:56 (eighteen years ago) link
I still don't get it, FP. (As I said on your blog, my browser must have displayed the cached version when I looked at it this morning. It's always doing that.)
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:58 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Friday, 1 December 2006 15:59 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:02 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:04 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:05 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:07 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:08 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:08 (eighteen years ago) link
I tend to buy all my wine at Sainsburys - or Waitrose if I can get to one! - anyway.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:10 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:10 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:12 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:13 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:13 (eighteen years ago) link
And google image search is rubbish:
Your search - pointy-nosed girls - did not match any documents.
* Make sure all words are spelled correctly. * Try different keywords. * Try more general keywords. * Try fewer keywords.
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:14 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:14 (eighteen years ago) link
I'm glad I'm not alone in my champagne disliking ways. I can just about drink Moet about once a year on New Years, but that's as far as it gets.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:14 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:15 (eighteen years ago) link
On Feburary 20, 2007, Jesu will release their second full-length, Conqueror, through Hydra Head. As the immediate successor to industro-pioneers Godflesh, the trio, which consists of Justin K. Broadrick, sometime Swans drummer Ted Parsons and ex-Cable Regime bassist Diarmuid Dalton, has created their most beautifully epic album yet, full of catchy hooks, clean vocals and a bunch of other sounds not typically associated with Broadrick or Jesu. In a recent interview with CMJ, Broadrick said, "It’s really pop. It’s way more pop than, say, the first actual Jesu album, which is actually like a black hole of depression. But it’s still very emotional and very depressing."
Jesu worked hard to make this album more of a "band" outing, and ended up with eight songs that total about 60 minutes. "It’s not like the first album, [which] by my own admission, drags intentionally," says Broadrick. "The first album was pushed to the max at 75 minutes and, intentionally, I wanted it to be use it as you wish. But for those who listen from start to finish that’s fine, but I wouldn’t[laughs]. But this album you can take in one session, I think, and it’s very melodramatic."
Broadrick is also quite proud that "there’s some quite short songs on there as well"—At least two or three songs at five and a half minutes. "I think there’s only one song that’s around 10," he says.
In other Jesu news, Broadrick has said that a US tour is possibly—finally!—in the works on his blog saying, "Jesu WILL hopefully be touring the U.S.A. beginning late Feb ending early April 2007 in support of the Conqueror album release in mid Feb 2007. More info soon... " Also coming soon are a slew of other Jesu releases, inclulding a Hydra Head/Temporary Residence limited-edition split release between Jesu (Broadrick only) and Eluvium, a Jesu and Battle Of Mice split for Robotic Empire and a limited Jesu 12-inch EP with two songs, "Sun Down" and "Sun Rise" for Aurora Borealis. Broadrick has also started a group called Grey Machine with former Head Of David collaborator Dave Cochrane.
Tracklist For Conqueror:
1. Conqueror2. Old Year3. Transfigure4. Weightless & Horizontal5. Medicine6. Brighteyes7. Mother Earth8. Stanlow
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:16 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:16 (eighteen years ago) link
TISSP, bourbon is onsale at Sainsburys, 2 for £25 - should I stock up?
I should really do some work. I haven't even started Giant Johnny yet.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:18 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:19 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:21 (eighteen years ago) link
Ah man, speaking of which, I just got an invitation to go upstairs and have champagne for our company's birthday party.
And yeah, that Silver EP, funnily enough, was just like the Ride song Silver... ;-)
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:22 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:23 (eighteen years ago) link
I can't drink bourbon, it makes me punch people.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:24 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:25 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:27 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:29 (eighteen years ago) link
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:30 (eighteen years ago) link
― Matt DC (Matt DC), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:32 (eighteen years ago) link
― emsk ( emsk ), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:39 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:51 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:53 (eighteen years ago) link
Yaaaayyyy!!! The Graham Method of Database Administration totally works!!!
When I was upstairs, I noted that all the conslutants had chocolate Xmas calendars. I threatened to turn all the reports off, one by one unless I got chocolate.
So my boss just came downstairs with a chocolate calendar for me! Hurrah!
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:56 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 16:57 (eighteen years ago) link
― ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Friday, 1 December 2006 17:00 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Friday, 1 December 2006 17:02 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 17:05 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 17:07 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 17:08 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 17:15 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 17:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 17:21 (eighteen years ago) link
I love how serious Jon looks in this.
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 17:22 (eighteen years ago) link
Jon totally looks all "OK, I take the business of trading cute boys in shopping carts out back of the shop after midnight VERY seriously. How much will you bid for my fine wares? Make me an offer. Oh you've got to be JOKING. Why I paid TWICE that for that one."
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 17:25 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 17:26 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Friday, 1 December 2006 17:27 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 17:28 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 17:28 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 17:37 (eighteen years ago) link
Better go to practice, then, I guess!
― tissp! (tissp!), Friday, 1 December 2006 17:39 (eighteen years ago) link
Serves you right for going to visit FP!
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 1 December 2006 18:54 (eighteen years ago) link
Who is this creature?!??!
And why can't I find anything about his pointy nosed goodness that isn't in Italian or French or something?
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 1 December 2006 22:29 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 1 December 2006 22:41 (eighteen years ago) link
(although, yeah, candle-wax does feel gorgeous)
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Saturday, 2 December 2006 08:55 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Saturday, 2 December 2006 11:48 (eighteen years ago) link
Yes, they must mark up the wine a fair bit, but I buy all my wine from my local Thresher and I have discovered at least 3 types which are fantastic* - at least as good as any other £6 or less bottle I've found - and I get them for £4.66 a bottle. Sounds good to me.
Tissp - I think you get about 4 week's grace on your tax disc - obviously they don't make a big deal of this, but last year I got a fine exactly a month after I should have had a new one, and this year I renewed three weeks late (online, btw, which is so much easier) and didn't get into trouble.
*Zenato Valpolicella, Sandy Lane Zinfandel and Casillero de Diablo Cabernet Sauvignon, in case you're interested
― Maaarghk C (Maaarghk C), Saturday, 2 December 2006 12:15 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Saturday, 2 December 2006 20:00 (eighteen years ago) link
Didn't they do that "Let's Make Love and Listen To Death From Above" song?
― tissp! (tissp!), Saturday, 2 December 2006 20:01 (eighteen years ago) link
― ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Saturday, 2 December 2006 20:07 (eighteen years ago) link
― substitute, mitya for him (mitya), Monday, 4 December 2006 05:59 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 4 December 2006 07:27 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Monday, 4 December 2006 08:51 (eighteen years ago) link
I had a nice time in Bath over the weekend (the town in Avon; I did not spend a whole weekend in the bath, that would be silly). The Christmas Market was a bit rubbish (lots of stalls, but they were all much the same, and also the stuff was v over-priced), and everyone seemed very rude and bad tempered, with lots of elbowing and barging going on. It was just really nice to have a weekend away though :)
Excitement yesterday = taking the dog for a walk through nearby woods yesterday lunchtime, I found a SKELKLINGTON! It's the size of a very large dog - Great Dane sort of size - and it was in a curled up/sleeping position under a tree. My husband insisted on bringing the skull back home with us to look at more closely (because he was convinced it was that of a Big Cat). There have been several reported sightings of a panther across the moors where I live, and so he was all excited that we might have stumbled across something exciting.
I've checked loads of animal skull pictures on the web, and I'm fairly certain it's actually a very large dog - the skull is probably about 15" long, and the canine teeth are simply huge. Since the teeth are in almost perfect condition, I'm inclined to think that it's a domestic pet, and not an animal which has been living wild. Which is kind of sad, really - someone's Very Large Dog must have gone missing, and died alone in the woods (probably about a year ago, based on how clean the carcass is).
― C J (C J), Monday, 4 December 2006 09:06 (eighteen years ago) link
I've got that feeling too. Partly because I had a lovely weekend and now I'm back at work, and partly because my mother decided to start shredding her old credit card bills at 7am this morning. Having the house filled with a loud GRRAAARRRRRRR noise when I'm still only on my first cup of coffee is not going to set me up right for the day.
That's a sad thought, CJ.
I remember going something along the lines of "Argh fuck fuck fuck that really hurts"....
That's because you're doing it wrong ;-)
(candle-wax tips: drip it on from a height. If it hurts, drip it from a higher height!)
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 4 December 2006 09:09 (eighteen years ago) link
(Now at the other side of A Very Strong Coffee, so have perked up somewhat)
Oooh, FP, how was the photoshoot?
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Monday, 4 December 2006 09:10 (eighteen years ago) link
― C J (C J), Monday, 4 December 2006 09:12 (eighteen years ago) link
(if you think of them as "main subject with fashion accessories", like your usual fashion shoot, then I'm one of the accessories)
The woman who is the main subject has put some of them up elsewhere. I'm not posting links here, but if anyone *really* wants to see I will email a link.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 4 December 2006 09:13 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 4 December 2006 09:18 (eighteen years ago) link
It's interesting for *me* to see the pictures, because, due to the poses, most of the time I couldn't see a thing and had no idea what was going on in the rest of the shot, what pose the subject was doing, what her expression was and so on.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 4 December 2006 09:23 (eighteen years ago) link
― substitute, mitya for him (mitya), Monday, 4 December 2006 10:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 4 December 2006 10:22 (eighteen years ago) link
Three weeks until Christmas! Hurrah! I seem to have spent most of the weekend on a bus, going to and from London on Saturday/Sunday morning to see Johnny Boy at the Stay Beautiful Christmas party. Which was fun, although being by yourself at one of those things is a rather soul-crushing experience.
And now to Monday. Bah. I think I may have got up on the 'can't be bothered side of the bed' today...
― carson dial (carson dial), Monday, 4 December 2006 10:54 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Monday, 4 December 2006 10:55 (eighteen years ago) link
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Monday, 4 December 2006 10:58 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 4 December 2006 10:59 (eighteen years ago) link
I'll close early when the parcels have been collected most likely.
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:00 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:05 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:14 (eighteen years ago) link
Have I mentioned this before? - here that kind of thing gets attributed to cosmic rays. They even mention it in the weather forecast!
― substitute, mitya for him (mitya), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:14 (eighteen years ago) link
Can I add to the chorus of "bah, humbug, morning" around here?
Actually, I'm in a pretty good mood, I'm just tired.
Had a great time last night, mulling and then barn dancing, but even though I left at a decent hour, the OMIGOD I'VE GOT TO HAVE CHIPS IN PITA NOW NOW NOW urge struck me as I was walking down the hill home so I didn't sleep very well.
I'm looking forward to seeing the skullington pictures, CJ! Poor dog. But the last time I found a skull in the woods, it was a deer skull and I had to fight my dog to get it off him!
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:19 (eighteen years ago) link
Something else has just pissed me off today but I can't talk about that. Grrrrrrrr. :-(
But then I got a nice email from PBW, which kinda made up for it. Just when I decide I'm totally not bothered by him, he decides he wants to be friends. OK. Whatevs. ::shrugs::
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:25 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:26 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:28 (eighteen years ago) link
Anyway, as I said last night, I am officially Over Boys. Square Dancing is the new sex. For the first time, ever I stripped the willow* without managing to take out an entire row of dancers.
*this is actually a folk dancing move, not something FP is into.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:29 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:30 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:31 (eighteen years ago) link
Folk dancing is also full of cute girls.
― Ed (dali), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:31 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:32 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:33 (eighteen years ago) link
Which one is Yanqui? I can't tell GSYBE records apart, though I think my favourite is A#F#∞ but that could just be the name. (the one with that gruff voice talking about "the driver is dead at the wheel" or whatever he says. Cannot quite remember, will have to dig it out when I get home.)
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:34 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:36 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:36 (eighteen years ago) link
I haven't been anywhere folky (for want of a better phrase) for a while, but there was no cuteness where I was. It might be different in the Big City, where folk dances are gonna be populated by horsey types (a good thing, btw).
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:37 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:37 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:38 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:39 (eighteen years ago) link
JB, this folk dancing was in Bethnal Green so it was full of cute hipster girls and young nu folk types. I danced with a floppy-haired pointy-nosed friend of Ed's and he didn't even complain when I stepped on his toes!
(I am the world's worst dancer, but my god, I don't let that spoil my enjoyment of it.)
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:39 (eighteen years ago) link
nah, it just reminds me that it's Monday morning ;)
― Ste (fuzzy), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:40 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:40 (eighteen years ago) link
problem w/ilm for me is that I've said it all by now, and anything I post is just re-re-re-re-repeating myself.
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:44 (eighteen years ago) link
My brother just asked me what I want for Xmas. I feel like writing back and saying I don't do Winter Consumerfest. Or asking for something that will really wind him up, since he was so rude about my mum's Xmas present.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:45 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:46 (eighteen years ago) link
You danced with Henry is lovely, if bumbling, and has really hot sisters. I think Canadian lodge is becoming one of my favourite dances a proper mixup dance.
― Ed (dali), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:50 (eighteen years ago) link
Damn my country pumpkin roots! Why can't I got to folk dances with cuteness, instead of folk dances with beardy old men covered in last year's cider and inbred country types that look like extras in an english remake of Oh Brother where art thou?
Xmas presents - Ug! I've never been good at presents. As a child we didn't really DO presents in our house, so I haven't got in ingrained that I have to buy people things (I'm the same at b'days). As such, the whole thing seems like such a chore - I'd rather just go round and see people that I want to see and bake them cakes.
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:53 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:54 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:55 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:56 (eighteen years ago) link
Problem is, I never remember the *names* of the dances I like! That over-and-under one is great! Everyone gets tied in knots.
I think the other one I really like is called Riverside - is that the one where the top two couples run down the room yelling "Charge!" and you have to duck before they take your heads off?
Plus, it's got doe-si-doeing in it.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:56 (eighteen years ago) link
Riverside is the decapitation dance, I've done that one with 120 people in a field
Canadian Lodge is the go fast bum bumping dance
― Ed (dali), Monday, 4 December 2006 11:58 (eighteen years ago) link
There were lots of men last night - just none of them would get on the dancefloor - they hung back behind us, looking at the girls.
x-post - Waves of Tory? Ah, so that's why they were talking about Ireland!
Is Canadian Lodge the one that goes round in a big circle? I've yet to dance that one, I always end up deciding to sit out a round before it comes up.
I can't imagine we'd have the energy to go dancing after a rolling London walk.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 12:00 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Monday, 4 December 2006 12:02 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 12:04 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Monday, 4 December 2006 12:05 (eighteen years ago) link
they had real hay, too, not that rubbish fiberglass stuff.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 12:06 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 12:08 (eighteen years ago) link
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Monday, 4 December 2006 12:08 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Monday, 4 December 2006 12:09 (eighteen years ago) link
Ugh, Gooblar, I think that's the kind of thing that put me off formal dances for ages. That whole "you have to ask a partner" thing which is just rubbish. It's far easier and less pressure to just have everyone turn up, whether they have a date or not, and have fun as they chose. (Which is what they did at my high school - I never had so much as a friend date in all three years there.)
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 12:11 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Monday, 4 December 2006 12:14 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Monday, 4 December 2006 12:53 (eighteen years ago) link
Should I start with a cheap violin while I'm re-learning the instrument, on the offchance that I get bored with it, in which case I've only really wasted £50/£60.
Or should I go for a better quality, prettier (I'm looking at lovely purple electric violins from Hobgoblin) violin which will tempt me to play more, and be more performance-ready when I get up to speed?
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 13:01 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Monday, 4 December 2006 13:05 (eighteen years ago) link
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Monday, 4 December 2006 13:06 (eighteen years ago) link
But there are some mid-range violins at about £250/£300. Electric ones (I'm pretty sure that I'd rather have one with a built-in pickup rather than fiddling (heh) about with installing mine own).
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 13:09 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Monday, 4 December 2006 13:12 (eighteen years ago) link
Was this like a school orchestra thing, or proper playing?
I only ever played violin as part of a school orchestra when I was, like, 10. I liked it, but I kept trying to play my brother's cello instead. (He's tone deaf and couldn't make head nor tail out of it.)
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 13:14 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Monday, 4 December 2006 13:18 (eighteen years ago) link
Hello! Look around you!
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 13:19 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Monday, 4 December 2006 13:20 (eighteen years ago) link
― Louis Jagger (Scourage), Monday, 4 December 2006 13:24 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Monday, 4 December 2006 13:28 (eighteen years ago) link
I don't think so.
Where on earth would I keep it?
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 13:36 (eighteen years ago) link
I was first clarinet in the Grimsby and District Youth Orchestra, back in the day.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 4 December 2006 13:38 (eighteen years ago) link
I got yer email, FP, I will look after hours.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 13:40 (eighteen years ago) link
I went into town to buy my suit for the xmas works party, and I've come out with a beautiful tuxedo for only £130! I now have to learn to tie a bow tie, which I'm sure can't be as hard as I think it is.
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Monday, 4 December 2006 14:10 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Monday, 4 December 2006 14:15 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 4 December 2006 14:16 (eighteen years ago) link
Can we have pictures of you in the Tux, JB? Please?
I dunno, I tend to take the view that if I spend a lot of money on something, I tend to use it more, in an attempt to get my moneys worth out of it.
I just wonder if it's something that would be substantially cheaper in the US with their worthless monopoly money. And since I have relations coming over, soon...
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 14:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Monday, 4 December 2006 14:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 14:19 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Monday, 4 December 2006 14:20 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 14:24 (eighteen years ago) link
I know what you mean about the part FP, but cos it's a big company they DO put on a good spread, AND we get a day off work to go up to Leicester and back again, AND they pay for the hotel. The whole thing may well be a little dull, but a few of us may just eat some happy pills and dance like monkeys, which will be funny enough.
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Monday, 4 December 2006 14:25 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Monday, 4 December 2006 14:25 (eighteen years ago) link
I've refused point blank to go to any more Xmas parties around here.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 14:26 (eighteen years ago) link
(The irony of Br1t1$h G@$ holding a Soviet themed party has not been lost on me)
Being in various states of gonewrongness around work people is great, if only cos it confuses them.
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Monday, 4 December 2006 14:38 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Monday, 4 December 2006 14:41 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 14:48 (eighteen years ago) link
Tissp, was it any good, or were you sorely disappointed?
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Monday, 4 December 2006 14:54 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Monday, 4 December 2006 14:56 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 14:59 (eighteen years ago) link
At least ours don't have speeches, just the enforced fun and the whole: "you're a bloke! You must therefore drink lots of beer, get drunk, and expect to *like* it when we try to drag you in to stupid party games" atmosphere.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 4 December 2006 15:01 (eighteen years ago) link
Hrrmmmm, I wonder if any of the cute hipster boys from Brighton will be coming this year? That's just about the only thing that would make me go.
God, I am *SO* shallow.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 15:06 (eighteen years ago) link
However, it was more that my company nicked the idea and did it themselves, then decked it out with entertainment and free booze and food--the key part was that there was no "enforced" fun, which probably made it much more bearable.
― tissp! (tissp!), Monday, 4 December 2006 15:22 (eighteen years ago) link
People are cunts. That is all.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 15:25 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Monday, 4 December 2006 15:31 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 4 December 2006 15:33 (eighteen years ago) link
She's flying into town tomorrow night. Which means she'll be in town for the gig on Wednesday. I'm going to kidnap her and make her come and sing New Order covers with us.
But now I don't know what I'm doing, because I don't know what they're doing. If they go down to Minehead on Thursday, obviously I can't go cause I have to work. But if they go down on Friday, I can throw a sickie and tag along. Oh dear lord... What Would Jesus Do? No, wait, What Would Iggy Do? :-D
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 15:39 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Monday, 4 December 2006 15:45 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Monday, 4 December 2006 15:50 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Monday, 4 December 2006 15:53 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Monday, 4 December 2006 15:54 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 15:54 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Monday, 4 December 2006 17:00 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 17:02 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 4 December 2006 17:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Monday, 4 December 2006 17:34 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 17:38 (eighteen years ago) link
God, I'm a dummy. :-(
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 17:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Monday, 4 December 2006 17:54 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Monday, 4 December 2006 18:05 (eighteen years ago) link
All my life, I have wanted dancing boys. I think it was something to do with early Madonna videos. And you have made mine dreams come true!
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 18:18 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 18:19 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Monday, 4 December 2006 18:22 (eighteen years ago) link
― ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Monday, 4 December 2006 18:23 (eighteen years ago) link
(Actually, it is not a dress, but a lacy red and black top, over a raspberry coloured Indian skirt.)
I was being all neurotic the other night, thinking that I looked rub, but seeing these photos, I feel good again because the outfit does look lovely!
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 4 December 2006 18:25 (eighteen years ago) link
Why is it that whenever you think everything seems lovely, something happens to kick you down again?
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 08:34 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 08:44 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 08:45 (eighteen years ago) link
And, yes, the cricket too.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 08:48 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 08:57 (eighteen years ago) link
The mopingest moping song is probably "Second Coming" by Sunhouse.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 09:00 (eighteen years ago) link
However, success with the bow-tie! I can now tie a bow-tie, and it only looks a LITTLE bit ragged. I tried to get my housemate to take some photo's of me, but they all came out highlighting my double chin. I do, howvere, look pretty dapper - I'm one of these people that look like they SHOULD be in a suit, all the time.
Moping songs - cue Leonard Cohen.
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 09:06 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 09:09 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 09:10 (eighteen years ago) link
(hah, "my collection", makes me sound like I take it all seriously)
Ed, just the *thought* of that makes my eyes hurt at this time in the morning.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 09:10 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 09:21 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 09:22 (eighteen years ago) link
― C J (C J), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 09:27 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 09:31 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 09:37 (eighteen years ago) link
I am ridiculously happy this morning, despite the miserable weather. I mean, I'm normally pretty cheerful anyway but I just feel ultra-smiley today, for no particular reason.
I had a very successful time last night buying Christmas presents online (including winning some brilliant yet completely silly items from ebay), and now I'm sitting here with a lovely cup of freshly-brewed coffee, munching a slice of buttery wholegrain toast, listening to the radio while the rain lashes down outside; I have just the right amount of work busy-ness, and feel all contented. I wish I could bottle this feeling and give it away to people.
xpost : the b side was The Magic Roundabout sketch! ("I wonder if Florence is a virgin?")
― C J (C J), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 09:37 (eighteen years ago) link
I've currently stuck in an end of month figures nightmare. My queries are taking an age to run, and I KNOW my boss is gonna be mean to me when I tell him that OTHER PEOPLE are being tardy in giving me numbers. Sheesh.
However, just finished some coffee, so should feel better soon.
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 09:54 (eighteen years ago) link
― substitute, mitya for him (mitya), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 09:55 (eighteen years ago) link
― C J (C J), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 10:08 (eighteen years ago) link
― C J (C J), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 10:11 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 10:26 (eighteen years ago) link
― emsk ( emsk ), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 10:29 (eighteen years ago) link
(what have you done?)
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 10:30 (eighteen years ago) link
JB, I feel your pain. I'm still in monthend myself. Though at least I'm not waiting for other people, because I'd have to KILL THEM if I were.
Other than that... well, I feel kinda weird. I'm having huge doubts about going to ATP. I know that I'm probably going to have PMT all weekend long and everything will piss me off. I'm exhausted and want nothing more than a weekend where I get to sleeeeeeep and do nothing. Plus, it's the last free time I have to CLEAN UP my house before my mum arrives, and even though she says "don't worry about cleaning, I just want to see YOU!!!" I still don't want her to see my house in this state. Plus, I can't take any more time off work...
But then I get emails from Dare where she's just all "BLEEEEEEEE!!!" and that makes me feel 17 again and her saying "...and Rock Star X will be there, and maybe Rock Star Y..." which makes me laugh and laugh.
And the 17 year old in my is saying "GO! GO! GO! YOU WILL HAVE THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE!!!" and the grown up in me is saying "You have a mortgage and should be good and stay home."
What do I doooooooo?!?!?
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 10:45 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 10:49 (eighteen years ago) link
― C J (C J), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 10:50 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 10:52 (eighteen years ago) link
(I've heard)
― tissp! (tissp!), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 10:54 (eighteen years ago) link
I feel even worse today than I did yesterday. I'm closing up and going home after dinner, fuck this.
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 10:58 (eighteen years ago) link
I need to decide how I want my hair cut within the next ten minutes.
― tissp! (tissp!), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 10:59 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 11:02 (eighteen years ago) link
TISSP! don't cut your hair. Pavement will laugh at you.
I guess I should ask my boss what's going on with Xmas holidays, because it might be OK if I can take Friday and maybe Monday off. But that depends on how much time we get between Xmas and New Years... argh.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 11:02 (eighteen years ago) link
Hope you feel better soon, Pash. Go home and tuck yourself up in bed.
tissp : shave it all off.
― C J (C J), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 11:03 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 11:03 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 11:10 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 11:13 (eighteen years ago) link
God DAMN it, who keeps going in the MySpace and changing the pictures? We specifically got new photos taken with the new lineup, and someone goes and changes it to one that's not just the old lineup, but also has BUMLOVE all over it. Get that shit off my band.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 11:16 (eighteen years ago) link
(Coffee mugs we end up getting.)
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 11:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 11:44 (eighteen years ago) link
― emsk ( emsk ), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 11:45 (eighteen years ago) link
Meaning: BraveYou like to defendTo support and to saveYou are dauntless and daring -You are truly braveYour name reflects the factThat you have no fearYou protect your posessionsAnd your loved ones so dearWhatever the struggleYou're sure to succeedAgainst any opponentYou shall take the lead
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 11:46 (eighteen years ago) link
Oh emsk, you've done lots of stuff, the majority of it brilliant. You know this as well, so i can't see the problem. Unless you've murdered a kitten or something, in which case, you're a bad bad woman.
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 11:52 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 12:02 (eighteen years ago) link
Nice decoration, though.
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 12:10 (eighteen years ago) link
I can't decide if it's a blessing or a curse that MySpace tells you "so and so is not just ignoring your mail, they just haven't actually read it yet."
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 12:11 (eighteen years ago) link
― C J (C J), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 12:30 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 12:40 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 12:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 12:43 (eighteen years ago) link
I couldn't sleep last night cos of rib pain - I am going for another x-ray tomorrow as I fear there is more damage than I thought.
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 12:55 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 12:56 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 13:02 (eighteen years ago) link
What is done? Your haircut? Oh noes!!!!
Hurrah for puzzles. I don't even know what a kakuro puzzle is. I never got past crosswords.
Right. First we had a fire evacuation because some burgers caught fire in the pub kitchen. Bah. And then I talked to Dare on the phone! She's brought extra skates for me! I can't believe she is going to make me go ice skating!
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 13:14 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 13:16 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 13:39 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 13:41 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 13:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 13:44 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 13:45 (eighteen years ago) link
Dare sounds like she'll be good for you, Kate - I hope you have fun!
― Maaarghk C (Maaarghk C), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 13:49 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 13:53 (eighteen years ago) link
I've bust a rib once before, and it hurts, but this is slightly different in that it as far as I know the rib is OK, but loose at one end. I'm now thinking that I may have cracked another one though - I can feel it thru my skin.
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 13:54 (eighteen years ago) link
Whenever I go ice skating I wobble like bambi and I keep thinking that I'll fall over and someone'll whizz by and slice my fingers off.
I'm sure that won't happen to you, tho.
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 13:54 (eighteen years ago) link
But then she remembered that it took her even longer to drive a car than it took me!
You know, there are some levels on which it really rocks, having a friend who you've known more than half your life. Like, you can talk about stuff that you did in 1986 and it makes sense.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 13:59 (eighteen years ago) link
― ken c (ken c), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 14:03 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 14:23 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 14:38 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 14:39 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 14:49 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 14:50 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 14:52 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 14:55 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 14:56 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 15:00 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 15:01 (eighteen years ago) link
Like, when something is really, really, REALLY winding me up, I could press that button, and the irritant idea would just go away.
I know that now is not the time to be dealing with this, and it's something which needs to be resolved after the next few days are got through. But it's just so hard keeping a lid on that anger.
Some people never quite grasp the idea that their actions have consequences. :-(
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 15:26 (eighteen years ago) link
Blimey indeed.
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 15:39 (eighteen years ago) link
They're not just slightly naked, they're *extremely* naked.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 15:40 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 15:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 15:49 (eighteen years ago) link
I don't just want dancing boys on stage. I want them in every aspect of my life, following me around and dancing and being all hott and stuff. OK, they might get in the way in the office a bit. The rest of the time they could just sit behind me and fan me with palm leaves or feed me dates or something.
Why was I not born a Pharoah? It just isn't fair.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 16:21 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 16:34 (eighteen years ago) link
Or you can be VERY naked where everything is, just like, you know, hanging out there on display.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 16:38 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 16:39 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 16:47 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 16:52 (eighteen years ago) link
Especially if we get dancing boys that hang upside down off each other and slap each others' asses in leather pants. Yeah!
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 16:54 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 16:55 (eighteen years ago) link
And PBW keeps posting pictures of Cthulhus. I'm very tempted to send him a link to Hello Cthulhu but that might be mean. Then again, sometimes a squid is just a squid.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 16:57 (eighteen years ago) link
And the first Rolling London M25 Walk he does is up the River Lee Or Lea!!!!!!!! With Bill Drummond!
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 17:00 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 17:02 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 17:03 (eighteen years ago) link
What is the point of leather trousers if they are not tight? Have them taken in, FP.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 17:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 17:35 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 17:41 (eighteen years ago) link
(OK, this annoys me, as it means that cute boys disappear every 50 posts, but still.)
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 17:46 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 17:58 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 18:10 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 19:45 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 19:45 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 20:34 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 20:38 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 22:33 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 22:39 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 22:39 (eighteen years ago) link
'the variable for electric current. Sometimes both "I" and "i" are used for static and small signal respectively. Therefore the imaginary unit is represented by j instead.
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 5 December 2006 22:45 (eighteen years ago) link
Anyone bought the new Circulus single? Rise Above are expensive and I don't think HMV.co.uk have any left of the colour vinyl.Want to know what the b-side is like and if the a-side is remixed and different to the album version.
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 08:32 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 08:43 (eighteen years ago) link
Has anyone heard the new Ghost album yet? It's great!
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 08:53 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 09:15 (eighteen years ago) link
I have just ordered someone a bouquet for the first time ever! Cunningly timed to appear at her house just as her ex is visiting. She does know about it, though.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 09:20 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 09:52 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 10:08 (eighteen years ago) link
Me: "I'd better not send you flowers if he's visiting you"
Her: "Oh, don't let that stop you, it'll keep him on his toes!"
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 10:10 (eighteen years ago) link
Her: "Wait until the wax cools!"
― Forest_Pines (nu_onimo), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 10:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― nu_onimo (nu_onimo), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 10:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― substitute, mitya for him (mitya), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 10:18 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 10:22 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 10:35 (eighteen years ago) link
― Andrew Farrell (afarrell), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 10:37 (eighteen years ago) link
― substitute, mitya for him (mitya), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 10:45 (eighteen years ago) link
(and good morning!)
― g000blar (g00blar), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 10:48 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 10:54 (eighteen years ago) link
nu X-Ray sez 3 cracked, 1 semi-sprung, but not as bad as first thought.
Quack : you won't be playing for 3-4 monthsMrs. Dr. C : so it's time to finish for good then.
So I've set my comeback for our traditional boxing day game. I've played in it for the last 20+ years and I'm buggered if I'm missing it this year.
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 11:20 (eighteen years ago) link
― Andrew Farrell (afarrell), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 12:52 (eighteen years ago) link
― Andrew Farrell (afarrell), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 13:01 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 13:47 (eighteen years ago) link
I hate my login.
Shimuras waht venue?
I have just finished the copy of Secrets Of The Model Dorm by Phil, which was sent to me,in approximately one hour.
― suzy artskooldisko (suzy artskooldisko), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 15:59 (eighteen years ago) link
thread for hstencil being in london (FAP, King's Arms, Waterloo, Dec 7th), and also for hstencil, aldo, ailsa and many more being at ATP and making PLANS to DRINK BEER (or cider)
― Ed (dali), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 23:48 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Wednesday, 6 December 2006 23:57 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Thursday, 7 December 2006 09:08 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 7 December 2006 09:53 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Thursday, 7 December 2006 09:56 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 7 December 2006 10:15 (eighteen years ago) link
Tissp commented on that list I posted and someone replied no. 24 is a great album. I may have spoken to this person on the Secret Machines forum on Last.fm. She's one of those fangirls.
Who do you think they're talking about? ;)
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 7 December 2006 10:37 (eighteen years ago) link
Is Kate still ill? Or is she "ill"?
(Oh, and how was SC last night? Did she turn up? And did anyone puke?)
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 7 December 2006 10:41 (eighteen years ago) link
I hope Benjamin wasn't there and she didn't puke on him.
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 7 December 2006 10:59 (eighteen years ago) link
Went out for dinner with Dare on Tuesday night to a super duper posh restaurant (when it's on Pop, it's on Pop) and had an amazing slap-up posh meal - roquefort and leek souffle, wild mushroom rissotto... split a bottle of wine between us and home on the tube by 10.30.
At 4am, I'm woken by blinding stomach cramps. Started vomiting at 5am, didn't stop vomiting until about 1pm. Great bowels of fire. It's not a hangover, trust me, I know what a hangover feels like, there's no headache, no fuzziness, just racking pain and vomiting. I thought I was going to die. :-(
Anyway, I'm finally trying solid food this morning, for the first time in about 36 hours. Just hope that I keep it down. Ginger tea is my friend.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 7 December 2006 11:44 (eighteen years ago) link
How does it feel to be a TSM legend btw?
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 7 December 2006 11:58 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Thursday, 7 December 2006 12:00 (eighteen years ago) link
I'm a TSM legend? Ha ha ha! I'm not even the squealiest fangirl on the board! That would be Mel or Lisa! We are legion.
x-post no, it's not a catchy thing at all. Dare didn't even have so much as a hiccough. My stomach feels a bit weird for having solid food in it. But I hope it shall pass.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 7 December 2006 12:02 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 7 December 2006 12:12 (eighteen years ago) link
― substitute, mitya for him (mitya), Thursday, 7 December 2006 12:16 (eighteen years ago) link
I'm feeling quite woozy now. Maybe coming in wasn't such a good idea.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 7 December 2006 12:17 (eighteen years ago) link
That video sure cheered Norman up.
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 7 December 2006 12:18 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 7 December 2006 12:26 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 7 December 2006 12:40 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 7 December 2006 12:49 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 7 December 2006 13:07 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 7 December 2006 13:16 (eighteen years ago) link
DId you London types have a tornado earlier today? I'm sure I heard someone say something about it.
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 7 December 2006 13:31 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Thursday, 7 December 2006 13:33 (eighteen years ago) link
The wind has been terrible lately, though. Haven't been able to sleep nights due to the BANGBANGBANGING of the shutters on the shop next door, slamming about in the wind.
Mine's a Thorntons calendar, but half of it is white chocolate, which is a bit... what is the point?
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 7 December 2006 13:33 (eighteen years ago) link
i had a cheddar and pickle sandwich for lunch today. heavenly!
― substitute, mitya for him (mitya), Thursday, 7 December 2006 13:39 (eighteen years ago) link
Am now on a massive sugar rush from the Mince Pie donut - weeeeeeeeee! Am expecting the come-down any moment now . . .
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 7 December 2006 13:40 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 7 December 2006 13:56 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 7 December 2006 14:07 (eighteen years ago) link
I'm contemplating having coffee. My stomach is still doing flip-flops over breakfast, and I think coffee would kill it, but I'm completely zoning out and losing my ability to concentrate. :-(
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 7 December 2006 14:09 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 7 December 2006 14:10 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Thursday, 7 December 2006 14:43 (eighteen years ago) link
I have just had a fresh baked konditor and cook lebenkuchen, so much better than the ordinary packer one. Squidgy christmas in a cookie.
― Ed (dali), Thursday, 7 December 2006 14:53 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 7 December 2006 14:56 (eighteen years ago) link
― substitute, mitya for him (mitya), Thursday, 7 December 2006 14:58 (eighteen years ago) link
― substitute, mitya for him (mitya), Thursday, 7 December 2006 15:00 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Thursday, 7 December 2006 15:04 (eighteen years ago) link
Still have no appetite, though.
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 7 December 2006 15:12 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Thursday, 7 December 2006 15:14 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Thursday, 7 December 2006 15:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Thursday, 7 December 2006 20:37 (eighteen years ago) link
Still not entirely there today. I probably shouldn't have gone out last night, but oh, it was so much fun. I didn't even drink and I'm ... errr, still in a bit of pain today.
Is anyone around on a Friday, or is everyone away?
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 8 December 2006 10:33 (eighteen years ago) link
I had a bad eye 3 days ago, but couldn't find my glasses in true Velma style. So, I had to wear the contacts anyway, and got to the eye clinic yesterday.
They gave me a prescrip and advice "wear one lens at most".
Fortunately, the gogs are found, so all is a bit better. It's still amazing how disconnected you feel having slighlty impaired vision.
Followup appt Tuesday, where they say "All is well, back to the contacts"..
Or "You need lazer treatment, here it's on the NHS mate"
(Yeah, I know)
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Friday, 8 December 2006 10:40 (eighteen years ago) link
― substitute, mitya for him (mitya), Friday, 8 December 2006 10:44 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 8 December 2006 10:46 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Friday, 8 December 2006 10:50 (eighteen years ago) link
1) Did that lens I thought I'd dropped and never found actually get folded and go round the back?
2) Momus.
I think it's going to be alright now.
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Friday, 8 December 2006 10:55 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Friday, 8 December 2006 10:56 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 8 December 2006 10:59 (eighteen years ago) link
My boss asked me to come in to work today (planned vaca) and instead I am sitting around twiddling my thumbs. Grrr.
― substitute, mitya for him (mitya), Friday, 8 December 2006 11:04 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 8 December 2006 11:09 (eighteen years ago) link
Saw this last night http://film.guardian.co.uk/news/story/0,,1746560,00.html
Some scenes apparently shot in Grimsby - any idea about this Forest Pines.
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Friday, 8 December 2006 11:10 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 8 December 2006 11:19 (eighteen years ago) link
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Friday, 8 December 2006 11:37 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 8 December 2006 11:41 (eighteen years ago) link
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Friday, 8 December 2006 11:44 (eighteen years ago) link
I didn't realize that there was a plagarism outcry.
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Friday, 8 December 2006 11:50 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 8 December 2006 11:50 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Friday, 8 December 2006 13:19 (eighteen years ago) link
I've had yoghurt and noodles for lunch. I tried to bring lunch, but realised that the two things I had in my fridge were... 1) mushroom stroganoff and 2) rissotto - after being laid so low by a mushroom risotto I can face neither.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 8 December 2006 13:24 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Friday, 8 December 2006 13:27 (eighteen years ago) link
I haven't thrown up or even felt vomitty in about 24 hours, but err... not to put too fine a point on it, there are some pretty unacceptable things happening at the other end of my digestive system now. [/TMI]
(n.b. I did not eat the yoghurt and the noodles at the same time.)
One thing I could really do with is a good night's sleep. Which I haven't had in about a week.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 8 December 2006 13:30 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Friday, 8 December 2006 13:32 (eighteen years ago) link
FWIW, I'm kinda glad I didn't go to ATP. It wouldn't be fun in this state.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 8 December 2006 13:33 (eighteen years ago) link
I'm here, but I've been too busy to be on ILX at all this morning. Grrr.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Friday, 8 December 2006 13:36 (eighteen years ago) link
K's birthday was great last night. She loved all my presents, we went out for chinese (mmm, pork belly in the poet's style), and then on to St. Moritz, where we got a table! (I'm now too old to stand around/dance all night.)
― g000blar (g00blar), Friday, 8 December 2006 13:52 (eighteen years ago) link
Sitting down is the new dancing! Being old is the new young! Hurrah!
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 8 December 2006 14:08 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Friday, 8 December 2006 14:12 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Friday, 8 December 2006 14:13 (eighteen years ago) link
I have actually lost about 5lbs in 3 days. I don't think this is a very healthy way to lose weight, though. :-/
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 8 December 2006 14:13 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Friday, 8 December 2006 14:19 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 8 December 2006 14:27 (eighteen years ago) link
I am a firm believer in yoghurt as a magic panacea for all digestive ills.
― Ed (dali), Friday, 8 December 2006 14:33 (eighteen years ago) link
I'm trying to drink hot chocolate to get my caffeine system, but even that is bothering me.
I feel too blechy to even perve over cute boys. This should give you an idea of how ill I am.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 8 December 2006 14:37 (eighteen years ago) link
It was all "Dry Toast, Water and Black Coffee" when I was last poorly like this.
or was it black tea?
(nearly typed black teat there, but hey.)
Then, move onto the Dioralyte, or if you can't stand that (who can?) Lucozade Sport.
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Friday, 8 December 2006 14:39 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 8 December 2006 14:40 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 8 December 2006 14:42 (eighteen years ago) link
Toasted Rice cakes. They're I have no idea.
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Friday, 8 December 2006 14:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Friday, 8 December 2006 14:45 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 8 December 2006 14:45 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Friday, 8 December 2006 14:47 (eighteen years ago) link
― Blaze the Violet Flame (nu_onimo), Friday, 8 December 2006 14:48 (eighteen years ago) link
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Friday, 8 December 2006 15:03 (eighteen years ago) link
Thanks so much for the email - you have no idea how much I needed to get a "I hear ya!" on that front. Hallelujah.
Right, I gotta actually do some reports now.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 8 December 2006 15:07 (eighteen years ago) link
Music > Rugby > Everything Else >>>>>>>>>>Christmas Shopping
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Friday, 8 December 2006 15:13 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 8 December 2006 15:24 (eighteen years ago) link
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Friday, 8 December 2006 15:27 (eighteen years ago) link
― Euai Kapaui (tracerhand), Friday, 8 December 2006 15:29 (eighteen years ago) link
The thing is like the size of a single Mounds/Almond Joy now - hurts only occasionally but really gets in the way. I know it sucks to be immobilised for a week or so, but better than letting it grow indefinitely.
I just wish there were a way they could stop it growing in the first place, but don't know if they can do that without major surgery.
x-post, no, not a lumpenprolendectomy.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 8 December 2006 15:30 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 8 December 2006 16:07 (eighteen years ago) link
― substitute, mitya for him (mitya), Friday, 8 December 2006 16:09 (eighteen years ago) link
Dunno, actually. I've never really shopped for synths much. Guitars and pedals I could tell ya. I'd just go to Denmark St and look around - basically anywhere but Turnkey who are notoriously shite.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 8 December 2006 16:13 (eighteen years ago) link
― substitute, mitya for him (mitya), Friday, 8 December 2006 16:24 (eighteen years ago) link
I made my Radiohead-loving colleague listen to it, too, and he was nearly in tears.
― masonic boom (kate), Friday, 8 December 2006 16:45 (eighteen years ago) link
I did something interesting last night. On a deserted, moonlit beach. Bloody freezing, it was.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Saturday, 9 December 2006 09:16 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Saturday, 9 December 2006 11:12 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Saturday, 9 December 2006 11:16 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Saturday, 9 December 2006 11:49 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Monday, 11 December 2006 08:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― C J (C J), Monday, 11 December 2006 08:36 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Monday, 11 December 2006 09:05 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Monday, 11 December 2006 09:10 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 11 December 2006 09:24 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 11 December 2006 10:00 (eighteen years ago) link
Kerr, did you notice I'd been looking at your last.fm page this week?
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 11 December 2006 10:18 (eighteen years ago) link
― emsk ( emsk ), Monday, 11 December 2006 10:35 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Monday, 11 December 2006 11:14 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 11 December 2006 11:20 (eighteen years ago) link
I had a good weekend. Lots of much-needed and well-deserved REST.
Stayed in on Friday night, ate stir fryed tofu in ginger sauce with boiled rice (I don't know why I've never been to the CHinese restaurant at the top of my street - it's REALLY GOOD) and slept.
Saturday I caught up on loads of stupid shopping I've needed to do for ages. Cleaned the flat, unblocked the plughole in the tub, all that kind of thing. And then went out to see the fabulous Gooblar Band who get better each time I see them. Talked wonderful gobshite with G and PBW all night (managed to get in an argument with PBW about folk music) and in bed by 10.
Sunday I slept. Felt bad about not making Sinker's party, but I just needed to rest. I slept and I read and pottered about and made mine own ginger stirfry (ginger is the magic food that makes my stomach better) and then mucked about on the 'puter and wrote a brand new song! I think this may be the duet I've been threatening. It's called Meet Market
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 11:22 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Monday, 11 December 2006 11:24 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 11:26 (eighteen years ago) link
Ginger stir fry sounds pretty damn fine to me.
Shower stopped working last night, just as I finished washing Adam's hair. I have to phone the manufacturer helpline, suss out what's wrong, and fix it. Tiresome as the water will have to be turned off.
other than that, shit is OK, I suppose.
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Monday, 11 December 2006 11:26 (eighteen years ago) link
Fcking first-years, preferring Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and Joyce to Nathanael West and Carson McCullers.
― g000blar (g00blar), Monday, 11 December 2006 11:31 (eighteen years ago) link
Shower not working = utter rub.
I have discovered the secret to ginger stir-fry, which is shred it up nice and fine and then fry it up with the onions and build your sauce off that - soy sauce, honey, bit of mustard, etc.
Interesting things you can do outdoors... rock collecting?
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 11:31 (eighteen years ago) link
Perhaps I should see if the thai place has ginger fish on today.
― Ed (dali), Monday, 11 December 2006 11:32 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 11 December 2006 11:43 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 11:45 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Monday, 11 December 2006 11:51 (eighteen years ago) link
― emsk ( emsk ), Monday, 11 December 2006 11:51 (eighteen years ago) link
At the Old Queen's Head, which is that lovely place we go to the folk open mic nights at, Ed!
Still waiting to hear from Dare to find out if she is up for hanging out tonight, otherwise I'll be at the folk.
(Just sent a rambling email to PBW trying to explain what I was *trying* to say when I was arguing with him. Well, not really arguing. You know how I get when I'm interested in exploring an idea in conversation. Problem is, I find myself being almost uncontrollably slightly *rude* to him because I'm so attracted to him. This is rub and I need to learn not to do this.)
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 12:00 (eighteen years ago) link
― emsk ( emsk ), Monday, 11 December 2006 12:07 (eighteen years ago) link
ha ha, the Early Years' guitarist also works for wbankers. Mathsrock solidarity, yeah!
Speaking of which, I should get to work.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 12:13 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Monday, 11 December 2006 12:31 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Monday, 11 December 2006 12:37 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 12:38 (eighteen years ago) link
(Isn't BatPowSta next door to Res?)
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Monday, 11 December 2006 12:50 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Monday, 11 December 2006 12:56 (eighteen years ago) link
I have not responded to PBW's impudence yet. Never get into a landwar in Asia and never get into deep discussions of songwriting and "originality" with Kate! (I think this is going to be fun.)
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 13:03 (eighteen years ago) link
Stereolab at #1, B&S at #2.
Never get into a landwar in Asia
I'm tempted to buy my mother the Princess Bride DVD for Christmas, but can't really decide if she'd go for it.
You'll just have to go sit in a cafe. And look sad. And, erm, write a ballad about that.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 11 December 2006 13:07 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Monday, 11 December 2006 13:08 (eighteen years ago) link
(Maybe we can trick you into giving the seminar here for our own literary edification. Don't blame me for knowing nothing about literature! I studied art and work as a mathematician!)
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 13:13 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 13:16 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Monday, 11 December 2006 13:20 (eighteen years ago) link
The folk tradition and originality via Bob Dylan? ha ha ha your mate's gonna be so busted.
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Monday, 11 December 2006 13:22 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Monday, 11 December 2006 13:24 (eighteen years ago) link
I'm not necessarily disagreeing with him, I just love debating this stuff. (You can take the girl out of art school... etc.)
I am having a "cumberland pie" right now and wishing it was roast potatoes. Sigh.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 13:26 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 11 December 2006 13:34 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 11 December 2006 13:36 (eighteen years ago) link
I'm slightly annoyed, because I dropped my spare padlock key on the beach somewhere.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 11 December 2006 13:37 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 13:37 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 11 December 2006 13:39 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 11 December 2006 13:40 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 13:41 (eighteen years ago) link
And it was me being the dominant one, if you must know. And chain rather than rope, because if you're iffy on knots, padlocks are rather easier in the dark.
True, Kate!
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 11 December 2006 13:42 (eighteen years ago) link
Jesus, I give up. I really do.
It's like that episode of the Simpsons where every single character goes through their tagline until it gets to Lisa and she folds her arms and goes "I refuse to be reduced to a simple slogan!" or words to that effect.
I must take my stand here.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 13:45 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 11 December 2006 13:52 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 13:56 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 11 December 2006 13:57 (eighteen years ago) link
I'm just pleased any time they get any kind of exposure, TBH.
Honestly, I'm going to turn off the interweb, put on my headphones and do some work now. No more ILX, no more TSM board, no more teasing FP, no more arguing with PBW about Dylan until this marketing projection is DONE.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 14:00 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 11 December 2006 14:04 (eighteen years ago) link
I put on The Devil's Interval, and we haven't even finished burning catholics and heretics yet!
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 14:26 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Monday, 11 December 2006 14:30 (eighteen years ago) link
Burn, burn, Judas, burn... Judas was a red-headed man... what a cheery song!
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 14:36 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 11 December 2006 14:40 (eighteen years ago) link
You know how *I* feel about gingers.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 14:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Monday, 11 December 2006 14:44 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Monday, 11 December 2006 14:46 (eighteen years ago) link
And *certainly* no burning Benjamin TSM.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 14:51 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 11 December 2006 14:53 (eighteen years ago) link
(We've stopped burning red headed catholics and got onto hanging Long Lankin now.)
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 14:57 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Monday, 11 December 2006 14:58 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 11 December 2006 15:00 (eighteen years ago) link
They are taking photographs in the office across the alley from ours, and the flashes are really distracting me.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 15:02 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Monday, 11 December 2006 15:03 (eighteen years ago) link
But in the UK, pretty much "ginger" and redhead are used synonymously, even though they aren't technically the same colour. (Ginger proper is the colour that Merkins would call Strawberry Blond)
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 15:08 (eighteen years ago) link
I'm guessing since he resembles my brother so much, he probably has similar genetic makeup (this is sick and creepy and incestuous and all that, I know) - my brother totally gets the BEARD OF FLAME. He's never experimented with facial hair for this precise reason. Which is probably a good thing.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 15:14 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Monday, 11 December 2006 15:18 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 15:20 (eighteen years ago) link
Yes, I know I shouldn't piss in my own water supply, but sometimes I have a hard time passing chances up.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 11 December 2006 15:24 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 11 December 2006 15:32 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 11 December 2006 15:42 (eighteen years ago) link
Hurrah! This means I must be well! I'm not off my food any more, and I'm lusting after boys. I am officially no longer ill, in that case!
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 15:45 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 11 December 2006 15:50 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 11 December 2006 15:51 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 11 December 2006 15:54 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 11 December 2006 15:59 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Monday, 11 December 2006 15:59 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:00 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:01 (eighteen years ago) link
Although I was slightly worried that someone would spot what was going on from a distance and call the police, because you wouldn't realise necessarily what exactly was going on.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:02 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:03 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:04 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:06 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:06 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:07 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:07 (eighteen years ago) link
You should have tried "lightning blue eyes" and "daylight":
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:09 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:09 (eighteen years ago) link
Or at least talking about it.
Oh wait, I just remembered. I'm celibate. No sex at all, please!
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:11 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:14 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:16 (eighteen years ago) link
vs South:
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:17 (eighteen years ago) link
http://i.pbase.com/g3/38/639938/2/56139102.IMG_51171.jpg width =
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:18 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:19 (eighteen years ago) link
I have been looking for an excuse to post the manga crabs pic all day.
― Ed (dali), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:22 (eighteen years ago) link
What blue question mark? Eh?
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:22 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:24 (eighteen years ago) link
Here's a cool pic of the space shuttle taking off:http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/164401main_image_feature_715_ys_4.jpg
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:27 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:30 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:32 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:34 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:35 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:36 (eighteen years ago) link
I can simply no longer keep up with FP's conquests and it's making me jealous sick.
If I am not having sex, and cannot even foresee the possibility of sex*, it's quite difficult to listen to people bragging on and on about their various conquests.
*Unless of course, the collective members of the 'Cooler send round a collection plate and approach PBW, asking "PLEASE, for the love of GOD would you sleep with Kate and put us out of her misery. We will pay you. And bribe you with this barrel of ::your favourite tipple:: and the Tom Waits box set.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:39 (eighteen years ago) link
What Strokes member are you?
http://images.quizilla.com/X/xbasketcasex/1083383771_picsjulain.jpgJulian CasablancasTake this quiz!
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:46 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 11 December 2006 16:55 (eighteen years ago) link
Dare is back in town - I asked her if she fancied Magpies Nest, but she's bursting full of gossip, so I suspect that we are going to go somewhere we can sit and chatter and now worry about disturbing other people listening to music. Coz the two of us are pretty much incapable of being quiet when we are together. :-)
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 17:06 (eighteen years ago) link
I can't see myself ever being any sort of sex god, Kerr.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Monday, 11 December 2006 17:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 17:19 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Monday, 11 December 2006 17:21 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Monday, 11 December 2006 17:24 (eighteen years ago) link
She wants to go ice skating.
Oh a completely different note:
Errrr... no comment on what little drummer brother is doing, but wow, blimey, look at that smile. Megamillionwatt smile brighterthanthesun supernovadazzlingdentistry. I wonder what magnitude Henrietta Leavitt would have made of that.
::melts in little pool under desk::
No, go away, I'm not doing any more financial analyses today, I'm being a little gooey girl.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 17:31 (eighteen years ago) link
Would someone mind smallifying that? It wasn't that big on MySpace!
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 17:32 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 11 December 2006 18:13 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 18:15 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Monday, 11 December 2006 18:16 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Monday, 11 December 2006 18:17 (eighteen years ago) link
Like, a proper photo shoot where they're going to be, errr, *styled* and shit. This is why Dare is escaping to go ice skating cause she says if anyone tries to put makeup on the other little drummer brother, he will actually punch them.
Oh, thank the gods of phuck, Pash. He's someone else's problem now. Hopefuly your neighbourhood can sleep a little easier now.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 18:21 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 18:22 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 18:23 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Monday, 11 December 2006 18:25 (eighteen years ago) link
Ha ha, I can call him Fake Britishes now. (Jim, not my cousin.)
Oh, and BTW, I found my green card - it was tucked safely inside my passport so I'm not fake Merkin any more. Well, *legally* fake Merkin.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 18:28 (eighteen years ago) link
That is Canadian dentistry at its finest.
Shit, I gotta get out of here and get to Kensington. Ah well, at least they're not in the Dorchester this time.
― masonic boom (kate), Monday, 11 December 2006 18:31 (eighteen years ago) link
Nah I don't get the impression she said that to him.
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Monday, 11 December 2006 18:50 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Monday, 11 December 2006 20:23 (eighteen years ago) link
Someone tried to kick one of my car windows in last night. The driver's door window. Whilst I was sat in the driving seat. I hate this town sometimes.
No, I mean all the time.
Kate might be interested to know that one of my goth friend's male friends is ginger, freckled, pointy-nosed, and plays guitar.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 08:56 (eighteen years ago) link
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 09:43 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 09:44 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 09:45 (eighteen years ago) link
He ran out of thyme and the bayleafs came round!
(did it work?)
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 09:47 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 10:02 (eighteen years ago) link
Oh no, Ed - gastric flu? You mean maybe it wasn't food poisoning that I had? Rubb.
Bah to car trouble and chav trouble.
This morning I am mainly squabbling with my actual brother about Winter Consumerfest. What funs. He thinks I object to the baby jesus. I'm fine with baby jesus, I just object to the national obsessed with debt and consumerist frenzy. Soon we will be arguing about economics, and I'll call him a Tory and he'll call me the L-word. Hurrah!
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 10:05 (eighteen years ago) link
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 10:18 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 10:19 (eighteen years ago) link
How's your ribs, doing, Dr. C?
Bah, it's like a casualty ward in here with us lot!
here is a smily DDB to cheer me us all up:
Though ha ha, I narrowly avoided being dragged back into the restaurant that started my whole ordeal by St00g3s last night. Ron got me in a TISSP-lock and tried to drag me into the elevator going "come on, Kate! it can't hurt you just to drink up there!" and I was all noooooooooo and ran away down Kensington High Street. :-)
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 10:25 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 10:33 (eighteen years ago) link
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 10:39 (eighteen years ago) link
Sorry to hear about people's bodily and automobile troubles etc, but also always happy to read a good pun of a Tuesday morning :)
I seem to have spent more time at the ante-natal clinic than at my house this last week - was measuring a bit small so many scans followed and I might have to be induced early due to low levels of amniotic fluid :(
Will find out what the consultant wants to do this afternoon - I may be a mum in the next few days!! Arrgh!!!!
― Archel (Archel), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 10:50 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 10:53 (eighteen years ago) link
(ie, me, and Karen the accounts supervisor)
Good luck Archel!
If the sprog *was* born on Christmas Eve, you could traumatise him/her tell him/her that he/she was brought by Father Christmas!
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 10:55 (eighteen years ago) link
I wrote a whole song last night!
― g000blar (g00blar), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 11:41 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 11:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 11:44 (eighteen years ago) link
Yay to power-pop songwriting indeed - I hope it's a keeper, and not one you THINK is great, but you'll look at this evening and go "nah, it's nonsense".
I've been whistling "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" all morning. I realise now that I'm part of the problem rather than the solution.
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 12:04 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 12:06 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 12:12 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 12:13 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 12:20 (eighteen years ago) link
Massive kudos to Ed for being saviour of my wallet this weekend.
― tissp! (tissp!), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 12:21 (eighteen years ago) link
(I still have this remaining problem where I get hungry, so I eat, and then about an hour or two get this awful vomitty feeling.)
x-post hey TISSP!
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 12:22 (eighteen years ago) link
The car is going up on the ramp this afternoon to see what's wrong with it. Best case = the oil feed pipe for the turbocharger has come loose, most likely scenario = an oil seal needs to be replaced (an engine-out job) worst case = engine block has a crack in it (which might = my mother in law threw 10,000 pounds down the drain back in february)
― Norman Phay (Pashmina), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 12:30 (eighteen years ago) link
I never get to talk about songwriting with anyone, and I miss it!
I know a lot of people who talk or write about music quite seriously (obviously) but they tend to be music *critics* not musicians. So they're coming at it from a different descriptive angle.
Too many of the musicians I've known don't *like* to talk about their own creative processes - perhaps for fear that if they understand them too closely, they will lose whatever magic makes it happen.
And this is so backwards to the methods that I absorbed (through osmosis obviously, as I never went to classes) in art school.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 12:33 (eighteen years ago) link
Check your email too, you may have some pressies.
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 12:36 (eighteen years ago) link
― ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 12:38 (eighteen years ago) link
1) I'll be allowed to wear my contact lenses again (off them for another month, stay with serious eyedrops for another week, eyes not weeping now but still don't want to look back into the sunn, now they know that the time has etc)..
2) The return to actually writing and recording songs! my god it's actually going on! I got up the courage to listen to the very WIP version of the first song (blocking guitar, bass, drum track) and it's not as bad as I remembered, the news that the 'producer' has been working on it adding atmos and sdrawcabs drums etc, and I sent back a short list w/ precis of other songs existing only in my febrile.
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 12:44 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 12:50 (eighteen years ago) link
xpost, yes, that's the place! I think they might have opened especially for us as they are supposed to be closed in December.
― ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 12:55 (eighteen years ago) link
― ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 13:00 (eighteen years ago) link
I find nearby Taughton much more hilarious, as a placename.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 13:04 (eighteen years ago) link
I know someone who went to the Spam Museum. Info here : http://www.spam.com/
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 13:07 (eighteen years ago) link
xpost, I too really want an electric fire in the shape of a scotty dog. It was brilliant.
― ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 13:09 (eighteen years ago) link
Sorry, misread you there, Ailsa. Williton? It just sounds like a stutter to me.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 13:14 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 13:23 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 13:24 (eighteen years ago) link
((And I can't even FIND my boss to ask for a half day today, because I wanted to go ice skating with my sisX0r. Bah!))
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 13:26 (eighteen years ago) link
And didn't Bakelite first start out as a type of lacquer or varnish or something? I vaguely remember reading (in The New Science Of Strong Materials, a very entertaining book despite the title) that the first major Bakelite product was the gear stick knobs on Rolls Royce cars.
A torture dungeon with gimp masks for horses (yes, yes, pfunkboy, you may make another "woo, FP to thread!" joke now)!
I am annoyed today because I wanted to buy the mother a Nintendo DS for Christmas but absolutely bloody everywhere has sold out. Serves me right for leaving my Christmas shopping until a fortnight before, I guess.
On the other hand, I have salmon and cream cheese sandwiches for lunch. Hurrah! And I am having fun distracting the goth, too.
xpost: no, I've never been *down there* in my life!
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 13:26 (eighteen years ago) link
This is just too good. Can make FP Knob jokes now too.
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 13:28 (eighteen years ago) link
― tissp! (tissp!), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 13:31 (eighteen years ago) link
Blimey! Really? Bet he's frittered it all away by now though.
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 13:33 (eighteen years ago) link
(I've been going "grrrr" so much in the past hour, it's left me trying to remember which Welsh myth had a character called Gwawl in it. Because that's a good "grrr"-type noise, too.)
xpost: badoom-tish!
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 13:34 (eighteen years ago) link
― ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 13:35 (eighteen years ago) link
Maybe if she's been drinking, she'll be a bit more amenable to my request.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 13:36 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 13:37 (eighteen years ago) link
Like: Ailsa's last post = 1482 on the thread = the Hull telephone dialling code.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 13:39 (eighteen years ago) link
You haven't got her remote controlled up, have you?
My boss is not out all afternoon. I've just eaten a massive sausage sandwich and feel like my tummy is about to explode. I will get NOTHING done this afternoon.
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 13:40 (eighteen years ago) link
Sorry. I'll try and stop now.
Er, no. Although I do want to get one of those at some point. But not for use at work.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 13:41 (eighteen years ago) link
I have the afternoon off now.
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 13:42 (eighteen years ago) link
Boo to indigestion :(
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 13:44 (eighteen years ago) link
ashley cole to thread.
― ken c (ken c), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 13:48 (eighteen years ago) link
However, I'm off to hang out with sisX0r and St00ges, hurrah, ice skating and Brick Lane, here we come!
― masonic boom (kate), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 13:53 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 13:54 (eighteen years ago) link
No offence intended, as always, FP.
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 14:00 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 14:14 (eighteen years ago) link
― emsk ( emsk ), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 14:18 (eighteen years ago) link
FP, you had some Frosties?
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 14:32 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 14:47 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 14:55 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 15:30 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 15:32 (eighteen years ago) link
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 15:36 (eighteen years ago) link
(I hate shopping)
― ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 15:40 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 15:52 (eighteen years ago) link
― MarkH (MarkH), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 15:57 (eighteen years ago) link
I like the charity idea, except I'd want to apply it to everyone i.e don't buy any presents for anyone. Some are bought though - so it would seem odd. Maybe next year. Normally I do a blitz of shopping with the missus but it's not gonna happen this year, she's too busy for even a mini-blitz, so has delegated a load of it to me. I'm going to have to take a day off and just...DO IT.
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 16:05 (eighteen years ago) link
― MarkH (MarkH), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 16:08 (eighteen years ago) link
(However, I did let my husband help with the cost of my ATP ticket this year, but that's only because I couldn't afford it myself due to jacking in of job, and I'm pretty sure he'd have bailed me out anyway and it's just a "do something nice for me that I'll appreciate" rather than buying something just because it's Christmas)
― ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 16:12 (eighteen years ago) link
It probably is - it was just that some animal rights campaign group called Animal Aid had put out a press release saying it isn't. Because, presumably, they think all goats should be free to roam in the wild blue yonder.
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 16:20 (eighteen years ago) link
Incidentally, and in less soul-crushing news, I got a slightly odd offer from a firm the other day. They are a general computer supply company, but in the sales pitch phone call, they said that they had plenty of special offers on Xboxes, PS2s, iPods, and the like, which could be added to an order by the company, but wouldn't show up on the invoice, and could be delivered to a different address. I was quite impressed by the brazenness of the 'buy from us! steal from your employer!' angle...
― carson dial (carson dial), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 16:21 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 16:22 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 16:49 (eighteen years ago) link
― ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 16:56 (eighteen years ago) link
― carson dial (carson dial), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 16:59 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 16:59 (eighteen years ago) link
― ailsa_xx (ailsa_xx), Tuesday, 12 December 2006 17:06 (eighteen years ago) link
― Forest Pines (ForestPines), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 08:57 (eighteen years ago) link
― pfunkboy (Kerr), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 09:12 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 09:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 09:46 (eighteen years ago) link
― carson dial (carson dial), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 09:52 (eighteen years ago) link
― emsk ( emsk ), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 10:06 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 10:08 (eighteen years ago) link
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 10:19 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 10:23 (eighteen years ago) link
I'm quite excited by our xmas party on thursday. Should be mildly amusing. I've been practising doing my bow tie, and I look brilliant. I have to learn the words to the Internationale by tomorrow - eeek!
My goodies arrived from cafepress today - 2 cool t shirts and a mug. You lot will appreciate them: http://www.cafepress.com/barlowshop
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 10:57 (eighteen years ago) link
I don't do that thing Forest, but I had a housemate who did. She was from Austin, TX but was a student of British history who was obsessed with King Charles I. Fascinated by the fact that our landlord's VCR had its clock in 'military time' (ie the 24 hour clock) one day she pointed at it all excited and said "Ooh! Ooh! 1625! The year Charles became King of England and the year he married Henrietta Maria!"
― MarkH (MarkH), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:04 (eighteen years ago) link
― MarkH (MarkH), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:08 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:10 (eighteen years ago) link
Emsk, are you OK? PLEASE be careful out on those crazy London streets. There are a lot of idiots out there, don't get mown down by busses or cyclists. Do you have your bike up and going again? Seems you were safer on it!
yay, Mark H has found an ILX with no work restrictions! Welcome back!
I don't mind shopping, I just can't be bothered buying anything. Had to endure "women be shopping" jibes from Dare's boss all afternoon and so she bought a dress to spite him.
Jim and his missus were supposed to come with us, but cancelled cause he was coming down with the flu. So Dare and I went to the Natural History Museum by ourselves. I was SO SCARED when I got on the ice, because I've not skated in 20 years, and I was all "I can't skate" and terrified. But five minutes on the baby rink and it all came back to me. I had years of lessons when I was a kid - I used to be kind of a mad hockey player when I was about 11.
Apprently the best ice rink in England is five minutes from my house - I've walked by it a million times and never been in it. But Dare gave me her spare pair of skates under the promise that I would go every week.
Poor Ed. Brown rice is actually quite hard on the digestion. You should be eating over boiled white rice.
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:11 (eighteen years ago) link
But I suppose "dig a well for clean drinking water" doesn't look as cute on a christmas card or whatever.
I did tell my brother to make a donation to Oxfam or FotE in my name for Xmas. But only coz he's a Tory.
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:14 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:14 (eighteen years ago) link
Irish cattle thief.
― Ed (dali), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:15 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:17 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:19 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:20 (eighteen years ago) link
I just ordered one of these for Amber and Alice, prob too late for Xmas but hey (ho let's go)!
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:20 (eighteen years ago) link
There is a tiny tiny skating rink in Oxford in the castle complex (actually the prison exercise yard complex but that doesn't have the same marketing potential).
It's possible that the real ILX would now be unblocked by our IT boffins were it operational. Rumour has it that the restrictions at the Oxford office were apparently stricter than the other offices around the globe and so in the interests of fairness they have been relaxed. This sounds like a rare and uncharacteristic act of altruism to me, and other explanations have been ciculating on the office rumour mill, including that we are making use of webthings for commercial reasons that were previously the preserve of 'fun interweb', such as blogs and podcasts. That said the podcast from our new chief CEO (we've just been taken over) was still blocked and an email came round saying "but you can of course watch it on yr computers at home". This was greeted with snorts of derision, speshly as it is apparently two hours long.
― MarkH (MarkH), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:22 (eighteen years ago) link
I'm not sure if that's brilliant... or beary scary.
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:23 (eighteen years ago) link
It's very scary at first. Dare *made* me do it, I really wasn't going to, I was all "no, I can't skate!"
But honestly, it's a bit like riding a bike. It's not difficult, but there's a trick to it. It's all about balance. I was terrified I was just going to fall over, but Dare told me "if you feel like you're going to fall, bend your knees" and I did that every time, and seriously, I didn't fall once.
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:24 (eighteen years ago) link
― MarkH (MarkH), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:26 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:27 (eighteen years ago) link
We did this last year, Dawn and Alice were like giraffes on, well, ice skates. I was OK with Amber, we had a couple tumbles but it was OK.
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:28 (eighteen years ago) link
Ice Capades - Skating In London!
I'm going to copy and paste and answer there.
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:29 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:33 (eighteen years ago) link
Boiled eggs are pretty safe, you need to keep your protein levels up.
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:34 (eighteen years ago) link
― Ed (dali), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:38 (eighteen years ago) link
― Johnney B has zeros off the line (stigoftdumpilx), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:40 (eighteen years ago) link
― MarkH (MarkH), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:42 (eighteen years ago) link
― Almost Done Marking (g00blar), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:49 (eighteen years ago) link
What does that even mean?
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:50 (eighteen years ago) link
― g000blar (g00blar), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:53 (eighteen years ago) link
― MarkH (MarkH), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:55 (eighteen years ago) link
― M Grout (Mark Grout), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:57 (eighteen years ago) link
― Dr.C (Dr.C), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:58 (eighteen years ago) link
Unless of course they were actually trying to say that they beleive women are superior to men. (Only if you're an actuary, actualy.)
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 11:59 (eighteen years ago) link
Also, L@@K:
TSM are vampires!
1) drinking blood2) NO REFLECTION IN MIRROR!!!
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 12:00 (eighteen years ago) link
― Stop Me Before I Post Again (g00blar), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 12:01 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 12:03 (eighteen years ago) link
― Seriously, I Shouldn't Be Doing This (g00blar), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 12:04 (eighteen years ago) link
"Hey there, you don't careBeautiful boy with the long brown hair..."
I should set up some new users or something.
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 12:05 (eighteen years ago) link
xpost awesome.
― g000blar (g00blar), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 12:05 (eighteen years ago) link
You could just rename the skating thread to
Watercooler Sub Zero: Ice Capades
as it's all the same people and this thread is about a million posts too long.
― Blaze the Violet Flame (nu_onimo), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 12:05 (eighteen years ago) link
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 12:07 (eighteen years ago) link
::waves wand::
― masonic boom (kate), Wednesday, 13 December 2006 12:21 (eighteen years ago) link